Part number formatting
10+ years ago most OEM suppliers provided quality price files where part numbers are formatted to be easy to read and conveyed additional information about type and era of bikes the parts fit based on grouping of spaces and dashes. More and more suppliers are forgetting how to do this (and forgetting how to do IT well in general) and instead price files land as big clumps of difficult to read numbers. Several major OEMs now do this.
As an example.
Old pricefile: 901 03 940 044 01S Current Pricefile: 9010394004401S
Solving this problem in a proper and safe way is fiddly because of concerns about what happens when you present a part number back to a supplier which has been reformatted? Will they accept it or not? To work around this, c9 tracks the 'format' the supplier provide and your 'reformat' . Supplier 'format' is presented on things like order export. This may have some implications. See below for details on KTM order export.
To enable the feature, in edit franchise , advanced (2) tab you'll see this:
The rule is a complex bit of code that tells c9 how to format the part. Use radio buttons at bottom to pick a recipe. KTM rule is complex. Others are alot simpler. e.g.
After making the change. You need to reimport price file. For repo price files, reimport the price file and pick the option 'Reimport full pricefile' e.g.:
Other tweaks and fixes
- VicRoads Rego grab disabled. Working on replacement options... will be a few weeks away
- Bugfix with rolling back factory units. Rollback unit would hose out general ledger stuff but would leave unit in stock. Second rollback would fix it. Bug is related to more recent changes. PReviously factory rollback would throw up a weird looking alert screen but would work. The fix for that suppressed the alert screen ,but injectation new & functionally incorrect behaviour. Now fixed.
- KTM Order export : tweaked to send 'formatted' part number. This reworked KTM order export requires you have latest repo pricefile installed to grab correct 'formatted' part. This is needed to contend with parts with a space in the KTM supplied part nos. Like Piston Kits. The previous dodgy piston kit detect hack to deal with piston kit parts has been removed in favour of using supplier provided formatted part numbers.
KTM Order Export Advice
If you are using Generic export, It is recommended you change export pattern from PQR to FQR to include formatted part as formatted by KTM. Necessary to make sure parts with spaces in them from KTM, like Piston Kits have correct formatting.
e.g. in advanced tab: