Includes Database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Tweaks and fixes
- Honda magician
- Reworked magician code, something NQR about old code. (Rewrote to use std java http apis instead of apache httpclient)
- Integration with Honda public deadstock website working again (with their new site addr)
- Modify job : include button 'view unit', similar to UX design for view customer button
- Previously reported bug with nullpointerexception on workshop parts positively identified and fixed (bind error view in selCustDailyOrder)
- Paperwork for dealers in SA, default to SA (previously was defaulting to Vic paperwork)
- View spares invoice : for spares invoices which are part of a complex graph of multiple invoices because of repeated use of 'merge invoice' function, some invoices would not be accessible / viewable because they did not land in the graph of invoices as expected. Problem only occurs in some very narrow circumstances and structuring of invoices. Fixed in this version so should work for all possible ways invoices could organise.
- Honda magician