Giftcard refinements and cross dealership giftcards
This version of c9 does alot of ground work in order to accommodate ability to use giftcards between different instances of c9 for dealers who run multiple copies of c9 and want their different stores to share giftcards. In theory there is enough added into this version of c9 implement this but the feature is likely to be officially made available in mid November as further refinement and testing is likely needed. I need to press this version of c9 as part of progressing that work.
Functionally this version mostly fine tunes concurrent voucher locking & consumption between c9 store and website with more rigorous automated testing to verify all the various edge cases such as using a giftcard online exactly same time a giftcard is cancelled or modified in the shop for example, to make sure all the various timing issues are dealt with. This groundwork is essential for cross shop giftcard usage (for online sales it is less of a concern because actual transaction work happens back in the c9 system in store so remains centralised, but with cross shop giftcards, the txns happen in different shops so authoritative manipulation of giftcard balance is more diffuse and the shops need to coordinate precise status of a giftcard through all the things that can happen, such as cancelling a sale involving a giftcard, then undeleting that sale etc).
Work remaining on cross shop giftcards
- Configure giftcard prefixes to avoid giftcard # collisions
- make it impossible to disable online checks for c9 shops where cross shop giftcard sharing is enabled
- Define new Asset and liability codes for cross shop giftcard settlement, make sure these are baked into balance sheet and reconciliation tests.
- add new bank rec functions to settle cross shop giftcard settlement
- Verify issuer sync polling.
- bake polling into scan giftcard and view giftcard to make it sync more instantaneously
- Add server side sync poll so giftcard sync is faster.
Other tweaks and fixes
- Fiche diagrams. N/C Retail price displayed on this screen can be wrong in some circumstances. now fixed. PRoblem is screen doesn't pull back enough info in some circumstances. Specifics: packqty (likely a problem for BRP franchises because they code the price file to be packqtys), also daily/stock buy, for franchies where the dealer has configured a minimum margin in price breaks (rarely used but will be problematic for dealers who use this)
- add a setup switch in system/database to disable 4 hour auto logout feature recently added
- Add ppsr check button to add purchase unit screen
- Repriced parts : button to bulk reprice everything to older price, only for parts where older price is higher
- Tweaks and fixes with discount vouchers
- Update Balance sheet so voucher liability excludes discount vouchers
- Fix auto reconcile/reconciliation so it does not bark on discount vouchers
- Long standing issue with contra GL code for discounts. Mixed 9-2600 and 5-5800. Rationalised onto 9-2600. Deleted the code 5-5800
- Bulk bill pay / direct debit.
- Customer BSB on screen was incorrect now fixed. (note exported ABA file is fine, just what was on screen was wrong).
- Color code deleted lines so it is obvious when a highlighted line is also deleted (grey background, italic font). Previously couldn't tell if a highlighted line was deleted or not