C9 Price File Repo: This version of c9 'fences' the price file. If you are running older versions of c9 you will not see any price file updates until you install this version of c9.
Tweaks and fixes
- C9 repo price files. There might be a possible bug with c9 repo where a network glitch can stop price file download halfway but c9 thinks it grabbed all the price file changes. Result can be a pricefile only partially updated but c9 things is fully up-to-date. Fix is to force a c9 repo download using download all option. This version of c9 includes a change where c9 checks that all changes were successfully downloaded first, if not the price file update will not go ahead and will need to be retried.
- Setup - allow individual beneficiaries to be setup under distribution to beneficiaries GL code
- View web order
- A slot to display geoip info so you can cross check the geoip match location against the supplied address.
- A slot to display weborder security alerts. Currently alerts if the operator who submitted the order might possibly be behind an anonymizing traffic relay like TOR.