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Release 5.2.66 May 15, 2023 barney

Includes database changes, you'll need to log all terminals out during upgrade

Note that this version fixes a serious defect with the version of c9 just released this morning (v5.2.65).

Deposit balances on unit deals, workshop jobs and spare parts would not refresh when you add or use deposit. The adding or using of deposits would record correctly and normal limits that apply would be correctly enforced but value you see on screen would not update.

This version fixes this issue. Specifically it fixes:

  • Any transactions added with buggy version of c9 (v5.2.65) will be adjusted so the balance now accurately reflects these txns
  • New txns added from v5.2.66 onwards will move the balance on these deposits figures as expected

Apologies for inconvenience caused by this bug this morning. C9 software dev applies quite robust QA checks and processes such as automated unit & regression testing; which dramatically reduce number of defects in our released product, but every now and then things still manage to get sideways. Whenever this happens we work to fix things ASAP.