Includes DB changes, you need to log all terminals out during upgrade
Tweaks and fixes
- Notional GST rules on unit purchases. There was a slight variation between two different systems in c9 on how this is computed. Actual unit sale applies notional gst when purchase unit is either equal to or greater than $300. But auto adjust code which is mainly concerned with aligning GL with inventory changes; is also responsible for validating pending notional GST is correct; was coded that notional gst didn't apply for purchases of exactly $300. Result was a purchase of exactly $300 auto adjust would try to rewrite GL causing reconciliation warnings if during course of the day a $300 purchase was made. Fix is align on consistent behaviour, notional GST is strictly equal to or greater than $300.
- Workshop Scheduler Behaviour bugfix. A subtle bug in scheduler. If you have a locked event timed to occur before a delayed/movable event and leading into that locked event is an availability gap the scheduler would go haywire and incorrectly schedule the locked event to happen when the delayed event is to occur instead of at its correctly designated time. Captured scenario in automated testing and repairs made.
- Finance Settlement. The finance settlement button was not intended to be pressed more than once but seems to occasionally happen for a small number of dealers; often causing issues that require support intervention. Tweaks here:
- Only accessible where there is outstanding floorplan owing; previously would permissively allow you to enter it if floorplan was settled
- Only accessible if any existing DOF rebate is not already invoiced; if so assume finance has already been settled
- To cope with historical issues with duplicated txns on finance provider, allow these txns to be flagged as deleted if underlying rebate/curtailment lines were deleted
- Intuitively kind of makes sense to press settlement twice if you need to refine a prior settlement; but isn't how screen actually works. Can look at revising this behaviour; but such work is best left until after v5.5
Self Service Sender ID registration
As previously alerted new telco industry practices have been rapidly rolling in to combat large uptick of SMS fraud in 2023. Our SMS provider have implemented further industry standards and provided us with some mechanisms to help automate some of this. Now in c9 you can self service changing sender ID for c9 sent SMS messages. The Magician / SMS screen has changed. Changes themselves should be self explanatory. Screen grab below: