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Release 5.2.93 February 4, 2024 barney
  • Surcharge configuration : allow tillpay and paypal gateways to have their own surcharge settings
  • General Ledger : add a maximize button on window
  • Unit recall : previously new unit would always apply unit service reminder recall on sale no matter what unit type was set to. Now you can set service type reminder to -1 and it will also apply for new unit sales allowing you to completely disable reminders on certain types of units
  • bugfix with workshop job label : when accessed from modify job screen not all unit details might print (e.g. unit plate). Now fixed
  • Couple of bug fixes with recent invoice to / reg owner changes to unit invoices. Reg owner would not properly regenerate some details, address line and phone contact details and could instead reprint details of invoice to contact. Now tidied.
  • bank remit details option for account name. To access goto setup -> other settings -> dealership details

Note: because of a versioning / release error no public v5.2.92 was created