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Website Email changes July 30, 2024 barney

C9 hosted website email notifications are changing so that the email address configured for the dealership now uses the email address you have in c9 itself.

To check what email address you have setup goto setup -> other settings -> dealership details.

This will trigger some subtle changes about where email alerts are sent for web sites.

  • queries on units will be sent to your preferred 'sales' email address, not email currently configured in the website. (making it consistent with aussie bike finder enquiries)
  • all other alerts will goto spares email address

For newly added payment links feature integrated into workshop, payment links payments notifications will send two emails to you. One to default checkout email and a duplicate will also be sent to your workshop email address.



Suzuki / C9 Bulletin July 26, 2024 barney

F12 magician check : is now working again. Key in a suzuki part into c9 and press F12 magician. click "dealer login" button if it doesn't work right away and it should then return an instant result.

Suzuki Website EPC : For c9 dealers who run a website: contact Suzuki to request an API key. They will request two things before providing a key.

Those two things:

  • IP Address :
  • Website domain  : the address of your website e.g

Once you have provided above and have an API key feed it into c9 here:

  • Spares -> utilities -> import fiche
  • Select suzuki franchise
  • Select 'Suzuki API as import method'
  • Press on from there to finalise import



Release 5.2.107 July 24, 2024 barney

Bugfixes relating to web orders, tillpay and paypal

  • Refund logic : c9 is only supposed to recommend a refund on tillpay/paypal when we are at the final txn in a web order cycle. A bug meant it would recommend refund early could inappropriately trigger an unwanted refund for insufficient funding to cover parts still on order  , freight not yet invoiced.
  • Web order finalise logic : c9 would regard a reserve /pickup as finalised for signalling tillpay/paypal when to trigger a refund of over captured funds. It isn't.
Release 5.2.106 July 18, 2024 barney

Includes db changes you need to log all terminals out during upgrade

Pay online for workshop jobs

This version of c9 includes a very cool new feature where as part of outbound email /sms alert for workshop completion you can include a link for customers to prepay work.  Customers can prepay jobs and prepayment lands as a deposit on the job in c9 automatically.  The solution requires you run a c9 website and you have either paypal and/or tillpay integrated into the website.

On job checkout is a new option : send pay link.

On selection and press on email and SMS sent to customer will contain a link back to your c9 website where they can pay for the job (and possibly buy other stuff at same time)

Operator clicks on link and sees below:

Once paid , a deposit automatically syncs into your c9 for the payment on the workshop job.

In time the feature will be expanded to also cover accounts receivable payments and unit sales but for time being, will implement on workshop only.

Configuring this

For this to work you must have a c9 website and either paypal or tillpay card processing integrated. It only works with these two payment methods.

There is some configuration in c9 need to bring it together. You need to tell c9 where your c9 website is, and you need to configure SMS and email templates to include payment link.

C9 website : setup -> other settings -> dealership details. Website and email. There is a configuration slot for exact c9 website (as this may be different to website address you print on invoice)

SMS / Email templates.

Setup -> main setup screen -> notifications. You need to include {paysms} in sms template for include cost. Hit reset button to add it automatically.

Similar for email : notifications 2 if you've used custom url here. Modify email body and then click on reset.

Reconciliation Analysis

A new screen / report has been added to view journals / view details : it shows for a given posting what reconciliations that posting affects.  Can be useful for tracing / inferring impacts of changes made to payment methods etc. Accessed via reconciliation on txn details, or in browse journal. Example output:

Other changes

  • Tillpay terminal surcharging : you can now configure tillpay terminals to compute surcharge for you instead of c9 doing the calculation and this will be sync backed and included in c9 tax invocie.  The advantage of terminal surcharging is that the terminal can be configured to surcharged based on type of card swiped : e.g. EFTPOS free by credit cards 1%. This is not possible in c9 because c9 doesn't know what sort of card has been swiped.
  • Deposit refund on modify job : changes made recently to make sure customer deposit was available when adding deposit wasn't implemented fully; the case of refunding deposit back to customer wasn't done. Now fixed.
  • View contacts : highlight if contacts has sms reply / comment or attachment.  Colour code buttons to show if there is anything there
  • Delete job bugfix : if job has deposits delete triggers a deposit refund, but if refund fails for any reason such as backdating refund before a gl lock, the job will be deleted even though it still has deposit. Fixed so that the delete operation is aborted if the deposit refund fails
  • Sell Unit : profit breakdown in sell screen did not show unit other costs as a separate entry. Now displayed
  • New GL Expense Code : IT / Cloud / Hosting fees
Release 5.2.105 July 9, 2024 barney

Tillpayments terminal audit and error handling

This version includes a fix with tillpayments terminal integration.  c9 is supposed to permanently log a record of eft interactions for future reference but certain operations cause this log to be destroyed. Common one is a failed /declined txn and operator then picks manual txn. Now fixed.

further the manual option is pretty brutal in its behaviour and often the incorrect option to pick : so pop an alert to confirm this is what operator really wants to do.

Finally when a txn is declined failed etc, log it as failed not OK. Otherwise output in eft journal screen is confusing.

Other Tweaks and fixes

  • Magician checks
    • Kawasaki  : make sure results displayed are for AU warehouse only : not combined AU+NZ warehouse
    • Link  : working again
    • Triumph  : working again
  • Workshop deposits : modify job and deposit tweak was not providing option to use customer deposits. Now fixed