Includes database changes. You need to log terminals out during upgrade
Payment invoice selection / allocation
fix a subtle bug with simultaneous adding txns and payments across multiple terminals. A terminal processing a payment would see a simultaneously added txn in select invoice to pay screen and let the operator select it but at time of saving the txn this newly added txn would be ignored for purposes of allocation of payment. This is potentially problematic for dealers who rely on payment allocation to reconcile especially large and complex AR clients where repair to reconcile is made in-situ during reconciliation effort. This version includes a bunch of changes and guards to protect against this . One key change is a guard to double check on construction of the txn to save to database that allocations created match exactly what the user selected and to fail the txn and reload any cached changes from database to retry : picking up any simultaneous work done on other terminals.
Other Tweaks and fixes
- EPC Changes
- Polaris EPC : was crashing on importing a dodgy epc record. Now fixed
- Triumph EPC : triumph model names would resolve in an ambiguous way mashing two different bikes together. This version changes how model names are rationalised.
- Beta EPC : now working again
- EPC model names : allow model names to be modified and for the modifications to be preserved on future import
- Other Misc
- Supplier statement conditions : allow easy inputting of same day invoicing. "same" or "+0 day" now work as valid inputs
- Estimates - Fix superceded parts broken with UOM part pricing. Completely reworked this code fixing the UOM issue and now runs alot faster too.
- Deals - include pickup time. Add an option to show deals to pickup sorted by pickup date/time