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Part Alternatives on c9 websites September 10, 2024 barney

C9 websites can now display information on part alternatives.

When you view a part part will show you list of alternative part numbers. Useful for finding stocked aftermarket alternatives etc

This new feature is disabled by default as some dealers alternatives database is either inaccurate or confidential and shouldn't be effectively published on dealer websites.

If you are interested in this feature, contact us to enable.

Release 5.2.112 September 3, 2024 barney

Includes DB changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

Tweaks and fixes

  • Statements print zero balance statements if there are txns in the reporting period.
  • clocking bug fix when clocked onto a wait type overnight the wait type is no longer selectable on the next day until you clockoff / clock onto something else. Now fixed
  • Payment gateway reconcile  : grant access to other generic txn types like merchant fees while reconciling tillpay/paypal txns
  • Warranty export : ignore case when grouping makes. e.g. Stihl and STIHL are same.
  • Unit sale invoice : print customer email addr
  • Aged payables : provide a second tally line that tallies older aging. e.g. for DUE shows the tally of due and older overdue figures
  • Import price file : a while ago a supplier reformat option was added to reformat part numbers the way they should be, with spaces and dashes to make them more readable to people: something that OEM's one by one have forgotten how to do. The facility in c9 would cause huge performance penalties on price file import if most/all of the part numbers were fine as is to the point for some database setups the import would freeze entirely. This version optimises the affected code and import is now same speed irrespective of whether or not part number re-format is in play.
  • List unit on website : web order option now allows -ve values so you can make sure a given unit appears early in the page. previously could only input +ve values which push unit towards end of the web page.
  • Unit stock take report :  show count # of units in each category
  • Triumph EPC: working again : more changes on triumph website
  • Emails : new option to send a copy of emails to originator; adding the From: email addr to email CC recipient list.
  • Miner: query stock attributes
  • Suzuki EPC import : improvements to cope with rate limit logic in Suzuki API