Tweaks and fixes
- Pickup order / reserve where original order was flagged as tax exempt. C9 was not presetting pickup as tax exempt. This was also impacting auto invoice for overseas web orders.
- Honda warranty export : add an option to export a default email if customer email is unknown, same as Stihl and Husky
- Suzuki EPC API import : was broken with recent changes to try and improve reliability of importing where Suzuki server throttles back traffic. Would fail to import new units. Now fixed
- New GL expense code : Rental Outgoings.
- bank rec : Generic Txn , do not include archived banks.
- Balance sheet: make liability line for Tax Withhold Owing same as what is on GL (previously would show Income tax, which may be confused as other company related taxes)
- View job: show exact warranty status. e.g. lodged / settled / dealer etc
- Generic unit cost GL posting: if set with a supplier and supplier has a default GL code, use that code instead of default generic unit expense code
- Magician
- New API based check for Ficeda
- Payroll payment summary report : clearly show reporting period dates vs first pay / last pay dates as separate report entries.
- New unit first service reminder : allow decimal points to allow partial month reminder . e.g. 1.5 will be 1 month + 50% into the next month
- VicRoads marine/trailer registration. Use registered owner details , not customer if different.