Includes database changes , you need to close all terminals during update. Note this update can take a few minutes to apply.
Tweaks and fixes
- Select job type : disallow deletions to job type from this screen. Delete can only be access via utilities -> job types.
- F2 lookup part : now includes a slot to search for partial part number. e.g. find all part numbers with '629' somewhere in the part #.
- Browse customer / select customer : display email addr.
- Tillpay token /recurring txn : show 3DS result and disallow confirmation if 3DS result isn't successful. This in theory should never happen since tokens force 3DS to mandatory but added as an additional guard
- Tillpay terminal : manual txn processing. Provide a slot for operator to input surcharge as advised by the terminal
- Trading statement : disambiguate goods in transit / goods to invoice. Previously c9 assumed these are always spares and aggregated as such but not necessarily the case.
- Setup : get rid of 'Not paid' setting on ":payments" tab. The setting is non functional, is is easily confused with similar setting (print Paid/on account) on the 'Spares' tab
- Uncollected Rebate report : show invoice date
- Units Miner query : allow querying of part number. Useful for dealing with P/E equipment , Stihl, Husky , Honda etc
- Spares Credit note : if no parts to refund ask operator if they want to create refund anyway. Previously would not let you proceed. Flex here is useful to tidyup up some web orders
- SMS Sender ID : if you opt to use your own mobile # for SMS sent by c9 there is a new requirement to reverify number every 12 months. Includes some changes to accommodate that (we will advise via email when it is due, you need to redo registration twice. Once to trigger c9 to remove old registration and once more to restart registration from scratch)
- Browse Weborder screen : change naming of 'manual' button to make it more generic.
- Stihl Magician : now working with their new B2B Portal
Privacy Statement
C9 invoices can now print with a privacy statement which is displayed more prominently on tax invoices compared to page footer fine print. The text can be purposed for anything, not just privacy statements. Example output:

To configure goto setup -> other settings -> dealership details. New tab : privacy. Note this prints on all invoices : workshop , spares & unit sales.
Paypal / Tillpay processing
include a button to browse all txns that currently compose 'Total applied so far' tally for payment clearing. From same screen you can forcefully add or remove apply amount, sinking it into either AR or Customer Deposit balance to create new ways to tidy up fiddly edge cases around web order handling.
Consider this completed txn, the amount we captured from till is 240.15, but we only invoiced 150.27

The browse button gives us access to what makes up that apply figure:

Normal solution would be to refund unused amount, but now we can apply additional funds from manually move aplied elsewhere button. Like so:

This drops the balance onto contact code as a deposit to be used later.