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Release 5.2.121 March 13, 2025 barney

This version fixes a number of regression bugs introduced in last version of c9 earlier in week

  • Weekly planner. Ability to drag and drop lost. Loss is caused by some rough edges in our tooling where loss of drag/drop functionality can happen and we don't notice the change in our change management processes. Readded in a way that is less likely for same thing to happen again.
  • Edit Contact txn: if you edit any contact txn involving a tax code, like EXPENSE on a bill, but only make a trivial change like change reference only the change will fail to saveĀ with a journal error. Now fixed.
  • Add Txn: under some narrow circumstances the visual final balance & aged balances shown on screen will be incorrect, but txn will save correctly anyway with actual correct/expected figures all round. Include fix to visually show correct value. This bug is a bit older than Tuesday's update for 5.2.120