A brave new world of retailing is upon us and things have moved very quickly in Motorcycle retail in the past year. Many dealers are now aggressively pursuing online shopping solutions. Some suppliers are mandating utilising of their own web solutions. Seems like everyone is getting on the band wagon.
C9 has been working away on aligning our technology to help fulfil this need for over 12 months now. We are positioning with a comprehensive approach that will give you peace of mind that your strategy for embracing Internet retailing will not be hindered by technology limitations stemming from your dealer system. C9 has expanded to embrace 'Cloud' capability, and done so in such a way that we can offer simple to understand solutions that have sensible pricing. Yet we have not compromised flexibility or capability in doing so. Nor are we compromising our core business focus; building and expanding Australia's best Motorcycle DMS.
The broad goals and outcomes of our strategy is that we can offer: