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Release 5.2.4 March 20, 2022 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during update. Note that data database changes in this update may take longer than usual to apply.

v5.2 database Performance improvements.  The pilot has uncovered some performance issues with 5.2 , especially with systems with 10 to 20+ years of history in them. Performance issues present in screens where balance, txn lists and especially historical point in time balance is required (such as historical statements). Updates now will generally outperform original v4 code in equivalent areas.

Specific changes

  • transalloc : which tracks payments to invoices, was not indexed at all. Now fixed
  • improve performance of view transactions screen (via use of a newly added materialized view. Also realise pg doesn't transmit not null via views, so force c9 to think underlying view has a non null date, so it index scroll efficiently)
  • reworked balance views to be more efficient, in place using newly created materialized views
  • materialize track last date when a payment is consumed (mv_last_supply), which has its existing analogue in tracking when an invoice is paid (mv_last_alloc). Use this, in combination with date range based GIST indexes to create a very efficient historical point in time open balance query. This will eventually also form basis of point in time/historical stock holding reports for spares once 5.3 is done.

Other changes:

  • Bugfix with using vouchers on point of sale spares. Would throw a journal error. Now fixed.
  • Relaxed STP error alerts to only consider last stp submission made, not last per payrun submission for last 2 weeks. So less naggy about historical/ignored issues
  • Account aging bug fix. A txn on 1st of current month would incorrectly appear in 30 days, not current. Now fixed
  • uom related qty display bug in point of sale in some circumstances.
  • cash till : show a padlock button next to other held over field on cash till so it is more obvious that non cash assets are tallying here
  • view customers. Add a new find by amount button



Release 5.1.74 March 17, 2022 barney

This version is likely the last version of 5.1.  5.2 migration tested against 20+ different backup systems and working well.

More work on migration to 5.2

  • handle deposits incorrectly logged on spares invoices moving parts onto workshop/units/deals
  • handle historically mismatched AP/AR txns where posted journal's status is mismatched.
  • cope with historically invalid deposits, such as deal deposits incorrectly parked on an invoice
  • assume reclaim_total for spares deposits is authoritative, not merely materialized tally of deposit_reclaims and bend general ledger around this.
Release 5.1.73 March 16, 2022 barney

This version includes a fix that only applies for dealers who are running a version of c9 older then 5.1.66. It retroactively makes fixes to update database to cope with errors with price file changes made to try and cope with ongoing issues with KTM group related price files. (specifically, handling of supplier provided formatted parts vs easier to read part number formats).

Prior versions, the upgrade could be unacceptably slow in some circumstances. In some other circumstances the upgrade could damage price file attributes, (things like supplier/colour etc), this version makes needed changes overcoming both these issues.


Release 5.1.72 March 15, 2022 barney

Tweaks to migration tools to v5.2 : cope with migrating data from very old versions of c8, before approx 2005 : with how used spares deposits are tracked on invoices before this date.

Release 5.2.1 + (pilot) March 9, 2022 barney

Fixes and tweaks


  • Select transactions to pay for creditors (and deposits) got direction back to front. Now fixed
  • Added new field on select transactions / view transaction screen. ext reference. Shows unit vin for some key txn types


  • Add transaction : email receipt would throw a NPE error. Now fixed


  • Fixed long standing bug with rebates screen : rebate tally would incorrectly also tally provisional rebates logged onto deals in progress.
  • KTM shop / magician check : now working again.
  • Trial balance screen : tweak for some performance gains (some more work to do here to improve further)
  • View account : view parts on order. Show creation date
  • Units reports : add filter for units on/not on deal for key reports Being:
    • stock list
    • open floorplans
    • stock take


Release 5.1.71 and 5.2.0 March 8, 2022 barney

This version is the pilot release for c9 version 5.2 . It is being made available to a small # of dealers only.

v5.2 reworks money balance tracking systems in c9. Specifically:

  • AR & AP balances
  • Deposits : customer, spares, workshop and unit deal deposit tracking

Reworking improves a number of things and capabilities moving forward for c9. Such as improved pos experience and improved historical deposit reporting capabilities.


Release 5.1.70 March 1, 2022 barney

Tweak : unit sales / profit report. Under some fairly exotic circumstances report could incorrectly calculate a line margin for on road cost lines. ORCs never have a line margin. Now fixed.


Release 5.1.68 March 1, 2022 barney

Includes DB changes, you need to log all c9s out during upgrade

Tweaks and fixes

  • Added SA sale forms (contract of sale, form 2 + form 4)
  • Performance bugfix with customer filter. Some filters can cause c9 to grind to a halt. Some tweaks here which hopefully fix up some pathological cases in database query performance (search for something like kvak0 breaks into two full texts, 'kvak:*' and '0'. '0' will often seqscan because of its huge hitrate which of itself isn't terrible, but in context of original query with tsquery aggregates etc would generate lousey performance, reworked design of query so now alot faster)
  • Profit summary bugfix. Spares profit reporting was quite borked and has been for some time probably and would not return much data for spares. Now fixed (query issue with null columns and dealing with invoice sales where invoice lines have not been merged onto another invoice )
Release 5.1.67 February 27, 2022 barney

Tweaks and fixes

  • Print order receive report. Would incorrectly print notify disabled for invoices where notify status is not set now fixed
  • Bug in c9 means we cannot invoice out February rego lookup invoices because we didn't log which dealers did the actual queries.  So rego lookups in Feb will be free and c9 will eat this cost. Now fixed in this ver. Prev versions of c9, rego check will no longer work. You need to update to this version of c9 to regain this functionality


Release 5.1.66 February 23, 2022 barney

Includes DB changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

This version refines a step in 5.1.65 about hosing out useless supp.format metadata out of pricefiles.

For dealers who are installed 5.1.65 already, this update will be non functional. But for dealers not yet updated, this version applies this fix in a more thorough/efficient way. Also if forces DB upgrade lock to make sure the job is done.

Backstory: c9 now includes the ability to magically reformat part numbers from suppliers who don't bother to format them nicely for our eyeballs but retain the suppliers formatting where needed because some suppliers not only kill off spaces and dashes, but they leave them in some parts and representing them this way is essential for processes such as electronic ordering 🙃. The solution is a bit of a quick and dirty cludge in that it parks the supplier formatted number as a price file attribute and uses that at key points (order export & magician query), and the underlying problem is a complex one. But hopefully now it is sorted / robust.

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