- Bugfix with bad version number hygiene. If you upgraded to 5.1.24 from 5.1.23 then payroll would break with an error. If you skipped 5.1.23 (e.g. upgraded from 5.1.22) then would work fine. Fixed here for dealers who are having this issue
- New job : nag user on close window without saving new job incase they clicked on cancel button accidently
- Bugfix with received orders report. Under some circumstances if you rerun the report the new report would mash data from prior run into new report, effectively causing the report to double up its results. Now fixed.
Includes DB changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Payroll / STP Phase 2 tweaks
- Added facility to access advanced STP update via paycycle. Includes option to zero out all data to STP
- Added medicare levy reduction calculation into PAYG withholding
- Bugfix with migrated unit sales involving deals with deposits. If you try to rollback a sale where sale happened before migration, the rollback would not work 100% correctly and would leave the deal finished and the invoice invoiced. On general ledger everything was fine and units are good too, but invoice, would still think it was invoiced and deal would still think it was finished. Now sorted.
- Workshop invoices on account with a deposit/excess. Reorganise how deposit prints so it is more obvious the account payment is a gross figure
- Allow delete spares receival (v4 used to permit this, v5 doesn't until now).
Includes DB changes you need to log terminals out during upgrade
- Fix a loophole in spares point of sale where you can force sale to a supplier. (Select customer, add customer, enter in supplier phone number to trigger existing contact check, select supplier ,this pathway skips supplier check).
- Unit Sales / Deals : not tallying paid by dealership costs correctly on invoice.
- Unit Sales / Deals : move deposit paid into payment line, to make invoice format consistent with workshop jobs
- Delete BAS form not working, did not delete GL posting. Now fixed.
- Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 work
- initial work to add in new fields on staff such as cessation reason, country code etc
- Leave recording changes for salaried and (Wages+Treat Leave Days as normal work days) setting. Previously $ figures would not be reported separately and would just roll into normal salary/wages lines. But STP Phase 2 requires this information to be separated out
- Bugfix with backdated leave on wages for partial day leave, variations on backdated overtime could be incorrect. Now fixed.
- Bugfix with termination pay on salaried employees using a employment type that defines overtime hours. Termination pay would factor in overtime hours when amortizing unused leave is not a relevance for salaried payrolls. Generally payrolls shouldn't be configured this way but never-the-less is a bug.
- General Ledger rename GST asset/liability codes from "... Clearing" to "... Collected". Clearing implies funds cleared for settlement on lodged bas where these codes actually just track collected GST generated at point of sale.
- Bugfix with using 'Bank' as payment method. If system doesn't have any banks configured, generic 'bank' payment will trigger a GL journal balance error. Now fixed.
- Pro forma print for workshop and unit sales (deal pro forma). Print balance outstanding at bottom of invoice.
- Bug fix : if you canceled a workshop pickup and then generated pro forma, the pro forma would show payment methods previously selected. Now fixed
More migrate to v5 tweaks. Key issue is a dealer who had a couple of unit sales with several hundred units on a single sale triggered a couple of issues.
Cancel workshop job / warranty and then redo but with a different customer / supplier would fail with a 'jobheader constraint'. Now working.
Previous changes to permit rollback of units with deal deposit involvement made things a bit too loose, you could manipulate unit deposit txns via Business -> activity in ways which are not yet supported in v5. Tightened things up again.
Bugfix : rollback a unit sale which uses deposit captured on deal would fail to rollback. Now fixed.
More tweaks to v5 migration.
Tweaks and fixes
- Delete a job that was previously invoiced would fail with a 'save mode not defined' error. Now fixed
- Subtle rounding issues in some circumstances involving certain spares discounts & c9 setup where spares rounding is set to 0.00. Would trigger journal balance errors. Now fixed. Non update workaround involves reconfiguring c9 so it rounds to 0.01 (which is what 0.00 is functionally supposed to be equivalent to).