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C9 V5 now available August 11, 2021 barney

The first installment of C9 v5 is now finally here.

To upgrade from v4 to v5. Do the following:

  1. Make sure running latest v4. Main -> check for updates
  2. After latest update is in then click on Main -> install v5.  It is best to do this on server computer as doing upgrade there will run faster.
  3. Click through the screens until it completes. C9 will stop and start a couple of times during this
  4. All done

A couple of notes.

Time to upgrade upgrading to v5 can take a long time especially if you have been using c9 for a while. If your c9 has a couple of decades worth of data in it and your server computer is a bit on the old side, low RAM and doesn't have SSD drives in it, upgrade will take about 30 minutes. So best left for end of the day. Newer systems with only 1 or 2 years worth of data, upgrade will take about 2 minutes.

In case of error The upgrade process is complex and there is a risk it might not work. If your upgrade doesn't work c9 will automatically revert back to v4.If this happens to you, let us know and we will investigate further and tweak the upgrader to work for you.

Release 5.1.14 August 10, 2021 barney
  • Fixes and tweaks
    • Balance Sheet : previous changes to include pending GST input credits didn't work correctly. Now fixed
    • Balance sheet, show balance posted directly to bank code, even if there are individual banks to display.
    • P&L : v4 style reporting excluded non income/cost codes. No longer appropriate to do this. Now fixed
    • Activity locking : for GL locks do not lock entire GL, only lock codes that influence balance sheet. (Previously could not collect rebates initialized in a locked period).
    • Modify floor stock, make sure v4 repaired lines are cleaned out on GL update
    • Business -> Activity, new export option to distinguish between exporting all tax coded lines vs exporting absolutely everything, incl. lines without any coding at all
Release 4.893 August 9, 2021 barney

Migrate to v5 tweaks

  • On install v5 failure, make sure DB is reset back to a state where messenger doesn't think an upgrade is happening. Previously a failure would break messenger
  • Migrator changes : see migrator changelog for details.
Release 5.1.13 August 5, 2021 barney

Includes DB changes, you need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Fixed up a couple of database tables in schema, didn't have a primary key. Would cause potential performance issues especially with online backup. One table in particular can be quite big.  Now sorted. (affected tables: authaudit and taxform)
  • Under some exotic, forced circumstances it is possible to have deposits with -ve deposits. (when you force reclaim to be > then original deposit on F12 cust pickup). But in view invoice/deposit screen the -ve wouldn't show. Now fixed)
  • Updated QLD vehicle inspection sheet form to latest
Release 4.892 August 4, 2021 barney

No functional changes, just tweaks to v5 migration stuff. This version is first post pilot upgrade candidate and could in theory be the last ever version of v4 c9 (likely there will be a couple more updates to cope with oddball data in some v4 systems as they are encountered).

Release 5.1.12 August 3, 2021 barney

Includes DB changes, you need to log all terminals out during upgrade

This version fine tunes fixes payroll liability changes outlined in v5.1.10.  The liability fix was incorrectly tagging liability codes as input taxed. This ver removes this tagging as it is incorrect.

Release 5.1.11 August 3, 2021 barney

Tweaks and fixes

  • Balance Sheet report, would incorrectly show banks in liabilities section under some circumstances. Now fixed
  • UX ease of use improvement for post manual journal : open up GL select window instead of having GLs in a drop down list. GL Select window has some improvements too : is hot key searchable also shows todays balance on each gl code.
Release 5.1.10 August 1, 2021 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Spares Credit to cash deposit would fail with a journal error. Now fixed.
  • Unit sales : would post extraneous $0 GL lines for spare parts movement even when there are no spares. Tidied up.
  • Included new powerful report under accounting reports.  "Reconciliation". It reconciles P&L against balance sheet and reports on transactions which fail to reconcile.
  • Payroll general ledger changes. Previous versions of c9 were not very opinionated about how payroll events should be journalled and there were a number of settings in setup screen that modified c9s behaviour here. This is no longer the case. Payroll now journals in very specific way and this version backdated modifications to existing payrun journals to conform to this new strict model in order to properly support strict GL based compliance reporting. Specifically:
    • On finishing a payrun a journal will compose of following
      • NET pays are journaled as an expense, and CR'd against default bank
      • Tax withholding, super & and garnished salaries are journaled as expenses and CR'd against relevant liability codes.
    • Withholding/salary payout in bank rec (and BAS submit), DR liability code against whatever bank is being reconciled.
Release 5.1.9 July 29, 2021 barney
  • Two small bugs that combine into a nasty bug.  You push through on a sale to print screen using cash, then back out and change to invoice payment. It will fail with a journal error because it tries to journal both invoice payment and the cash sale. You try again and this time it succeeds, but the txn that is posted doubles everything up. It balances but has 1x cash + 1x accounts receivable and 2x sale to balance it out.  Two fixes
    • clear payment function wasn't actually clearing payment. Now working
    • On error at txn save, completely throw away any new txns and force them to be rebuilt from scratch. This version of v5 is sort of blended v4/v5 tech where v5 still shadows alot of v4 structures. If v4->v5 construction fails we need to restart the process of constructing a txn. Longer term, pure v5 design won't work this way but this is necessary for time being.
  • A number of bug fixes and connected to discoveries from ongoing reconciliation report work (report not yet in this version). Specifically:
    • Balance sheet changes
      • Include Pending input credits for both notional GST purchases and floorplan purchases. Split GST into input credits vs owing (previously these were aggregated into a single figure)
    • P&L / Trading statement Changes
      • Was not correctly reporting costs of consigned units.  Now fixed. Fix is retroactive for data migrated from v4. A number of refinements here to make P&L etc work better
        • New tax code : notional GST under consignment
        • New GL code : Cost of Consigned Goods Sold. Rolls into trading statement computation.
    • General Changes
      • On Road Costs, paid by dealer not being tax coded correctly. Now fixed
Release 5.1.8 July 29, 2021 barney

Includes DB changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade


  • Refund spares to account. Would generate journal error. Now fixed.
  • Bankrec delete : not working now fixed
  • Bankrec tally, tally the adjusted close tally figure near top left of screen would change in weird ways when you toggle lines. Now working again
  • Floor units, data migration issue. Floor stock concerns such as posted on stock floor valuation wasn't migrated quite correctly so when modifying floorstock c9 would think there were no existing records and it would recreate them, effectively doubling things up on the general ledger. This version fixes up these records and where double up has occurred, delete the older, incorrectly migrated record. (Root cause, migrator did not set loc_type correctly)

This version reworks how debtor/creditor/custdeposit txn records are managed. Migrator is working correctly, but newly created txns in c9 after migration were not presetting item/loc/origin style tracking. Generally not a functional issue, but will cause some grief down the road when we go for v5.2 changes. Some minor functional issues. e.g. on workshop payment to invoice, it would say 'payment' at bottom of invoice, not the correct 'On Account Owing'.

Another issue to fix is that v5 online backups downloaded are not restoreable. Data is fine, but generated schema is busted and needs to be manually tweaked before installing. (Incorrect priming/inferencing of primary key sequences on v4 txn tables).


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