Includes DB changes you need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- PC-EFTPOS/Tyro/Paypal integration. Was only sending base amount, not including rounding or surcharging. Now fixed
- Accounting period report tweaks
- Added a v4 compatibility mode to accounting reports to yield same output as old v4 vs strict GL based generation. Key differences
- Any supplier bills that post to Asset or Liability code assume it is a capex txn. (Strict mode txns must be tax coded as capex)
- Ignore GL postings for payroll expenses, instead consult payrun data instead. This is important where payroll is misconfigured to not post expense to liability codes on payruns.
- Include 2-9030 on trading statement (Goods Yet to be Received)
- Added a v4 compatibility mode to accounting reports to yield same output as old v4 vs strict GL based generation. Key differences
- Bugfix with returning parts to supplier using option invoice later in point of sale where qty returned is >1
- Save BAS : tax code not being set for withholding expense (this is only relevent for mis-configured payroll systems, all payroll should be configured to track laibibilities. More information coming on this)