This version will be the first release candidate for Version 5.1 c9. 5.1 will be the first of approx 4 or 5 major upgrades as part of v5 rollout.
v5.1 delivers the following:
- Reworked general ledger where GL line items encode significantly more information, including tax coding. All depend systems, such as compliance reporting updated to use the new GL
- More flexibility in modifying postings, such as ability to change tax coding and GL codings after initial posting
- Centralized consistency in following concerns:
- Payments : tendering, rounding, surcharging and change now works consistently across all txns.
- Missing /removed functionality
- Cash basis BAS reporting currently not present. Will be added shortly
- Sync with MYOB/Xero/QB permanently removed. (These were largely no longer working anyway for various reasons connected to individual vendors)
- Unit split/merge permanently removed. (There are an alternative methodology that can be applied)
Future planned major upgrades will progressively move v4 style data-structures to v5 . Specifically
- v5.2 : AR/AP/Deposit handling: minimal functional gains
- v5.3 : spare parts. FIFO inventory pricing, ability to easily edit orders/invoices. Better/more intuitive order handling. Better discount handling.
- v5.4 : workshop. Better discount handling.
- v5.5 : units. Better discount handling / price handling, unit asset management etc
Upgrade to V5.1 is by invitation only at this time with a couple of dealers only on the list. General access to v5.1 is likely to be opened up in August.
- Single Touch Payroll. Sanitize other allowance description removing disallowed characters.
- Warranty : minor typo fix.
- Email integration, updated dependency on javax.mail to latest version. Looks like later version of java (v8 292) + older java.mail libraries are problematic with some mail relay points and will not connect.