Includes DB changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
Open style statement changes and fixes
- This version of c9 includes a fix for open style statements where under some exotic conditions the running tally will be wrong but final figure at bottom of statement is fine. Under some circumstances system would inappropriately filter counting of some lines if linking of payments to invoices was sufficiently spaghetti-fied. Specifics:
- Payment outside of statement period but services an invoice in period. (so accounts that go into credit at start of statement period)
- That same payment also services an invoice which is also outside of the statement period
- That additional invoice will not list correctly, damaging running tally. It should be included in tally but it is not
This version also makes some visual changes to how open style prints to help minimise confusion of information on open statement. Consider following statement and highlighted bits.

The payment in reference 126171 is used to pay two different invoices. On statement is shown on statement 3 times.
- First time it is shown in part paying off WS job #143353
- Second time it is shown in part paying off WS job #126171
- Finally it is shown by itself itemizing the invoices it is feeding
If a payment only pays off one invoice it will only show once. But open statement design wants to also display where it is utilised if more than one invoice is serviced by the payment.
The result, previously was quite confusing. The new one, possibly still confusing but hopefully less confusing. Because when displayed in payment context, it shows tally of debits in light gray : the light gray indicates that these lines are represented elsewhere in the statement too. Light gray numbers represents duplicated entries which are not rolled into the running balance. So hopefully you can run your eye down the statement looking at black items only, but at same time if you want to know at a glance what invoices a given payment is servicing, this information is visible too.
Other changes
- Reconciliation edit screen : add a print button to print / export what you see on screen