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Release 4.862 November 16, 2020 barney

Some EPC importer fixups

  • Kawasaki EPC import : working again
  • Triumph EPC import: working again


Release 4.861 November 12, 2020 barney

Tweaks and fixes

  • Tweaks to ruleset stuff added last version : added a thing where it will forcefully recompute price breaks on parts if franchise ruleset changes. Option to run this manually too on edit franchise advanced tab.
  • Harley spare parts order export. Tweaked the exporter so it can export an alternative order format that seems to be the format Harley prefer (pipe delimited). Unable to validate though if it works at time of releasing this version. This new format is disabled by default : c9 defaults to older format.
  • Bugfix : POS margin test would not fire for line discounted items if margin test was configured to apply to discounted lines only. Effectively this setting was only validating globally discounted lines. Modified to more intuitive behaviour of testing both line & global discounts.
  • Point of sale. If margin rule fires, then automatically pop margin breakdown screen on complete.  (This can be turned off in setup)
  • Workshop new job. New setup config option to default print label  to on. Potentially useful for dealers whose service work is mainly not bikes. e.g. P/E and lots of tyre fitting work etc.
  • View Spares invoice. Access add/refund deposit screen from here
  • Consignments sold report added to unit reports
KTM 2020 Christmas 2020 Promo November 11, 2020 barney

The following page describes how to setup your c9 to manage this promo. This will apply for either in-store sales or web sales


Make sure you do following first

  • Update c9 to latest version
  • Update KTM price file from Repo

The KTM price file in repo contains a couple of things  that help feed this.  Specifically promo parts are tagged as being on a promo and what promo discount is for those parts. The next steps explain what you need to do to get c9 to pay attention to these tags.

In your c9 after updating, when you look at a promo part you'll see the following in F2:

There are two tags:

  • promo:ktm-xmas-2020  which tags this part as being in a current promo, called ktm-xmas-2020
  • promo-discount:<xx.yy> which tags the discount that should apply for this item


Release 4.860 November 9, 2020 barney

Includes database changes. You'll need to log all terminals out during upgrade

Fixes and Tweaks

  • Triumph Magician check : working again
  • Kawasaki Magician check : working again
  • F2 select part screen : display part location for stocked items
  • Reworked KTM / Husky EPC downloader so it will re-login every 45 minutes to try and keep download process alive for as long as possible
  • Receive parts printout.  If parts satisfy multiple orders normally c9 will print at top "for orders #A,#B,#C..." etc. But if the list of orders is too long the result will clip and drop off order numbers affected by the receival. For receivals which touch alot of orders, print the order list in a separate section of the report in order to fit everything in.
  • Fixed up contact aged balance reports and screens to remove word 'trial'. 'Aged Trial Balance' is an accounting term of art that is completely different to what is displayed in these screens / reports. Tidied this up to stop confusing accountants.
  • Email deposit receipt. Would hard code 'spares deposit receipt' for unit and workshop deposit adding in email body. Tweaked to reflect actual department.
  • Includes a change to upgrade steps for people upgrading from very old versions. There is a sequence of events where upgrading to ver prior to this from a version before 4.832 , if upgrade failed at a certain point and was retried would not succeed. Now fixed here.
  • Added a new system into c9 to allow expression of 'rules' on franchises. This is motivated by the lazy dogs breakfast KTM are serving up as a "parts promo scheme". More details to follow in a separate post specific to KTM. The rule system will allow future expansion of business rules linked to properties on price file attributes etc. What this ver builds in:
    • Price breaks to apply : this has been in c9 for a while already. But reorganised a bit to allow other things too. Such as:
    • Ability to configure the default supplier to order parts from as opposed to franchise default
    • Ability to configure a default line discount that kicks in when dropping a part onto point of sale
    • For example you can define a rule that says something like if list price is >$100 and category attribute contains 'powerwear' then set Retail to RRP and discount further based on another attribute.
  • Reworked use same supplier logic on point of sale. Say for example you modify a Honda part from Daily to supply from TOPTWO, the next honda part on same point of sale session will now default to TOPTWO as well. The logic has been improved a bit here, where it works explicitly off the last selected order status based on last time you pressed F11 edit order (prior logic was a bit more convoluted and worked off what was on list of parts to order instead. Usually result was the same but not always)
Release 4.859 November 4, 2020 barney

Include database changes you need to log all terminals out

  • Fixes and tweaks
    • Significant bugfix with general ledger balances.  C9 maintains an internal cache of balances pre-computed on month start for efficient GL computation : so instead of adding up every single txn ever done, it can just add up txns from last cache checkpoint until date/time we want to figure out GL balance at that point of time. A number of things, such as deleting txns, moving and backdating txns should partially invalidate the cache to trigger it to be rebuilt.  This version fixes a scenario where this cache invalidation is not happening.  If you move a entry from before a calendar date to after a calendar date then any cached dates between the move will not be invalidated. Moving backwards was fine, but moving forwards was broken. Now fixed. Typically other things will happen to eventually invalidate the cache if txns are being moved around, such as backdating or deleting old txns, but still a significant issue that requires urgent repair.
    • Link Int image importer. Working again (Some changes on link document server side)
    • Print unit deal : option to print 'Tax invoice' on result to try and keep some finance companies a little happier, maybe...
    • Variations screen : was not display webcontent status correctly, updated
    • Fix date display on deals tab. Was showing as a # of days since Jan 2 1801, not a date.
Release 4.858 October 29, 2020 barney

Tweaks and tidies

  • Part image importing
    • Fixed up WPS image importer as it was busted
    • Added A1 Accessories / Motion Pro images
  • Web order processing: when viewing/importing web order pop any notes/alerts against the customer
Release 4.857 October 21, 2020 barney

Includes DB changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

Fixes and tweaks

  • Point of sale Supply parts with an order/reserve where thee is a freight to be invoiced later figure.  If you supply parts over two different invoices, e.g. parts go on backorder c9 will prefill all supply invoices with the freight to be invoiced later.  So if you select invoice $10 later, initial supply and back order supplier will both default to $10 freight charge. This version of c9 changes this behaviour so defaulted freight to charge factors in freight already actually charged.
  • Regression bug fix: Point of Sale F7 Import E-reference was broken by V5 prep changes. Now working again
  • Got Y-Shop Yamaha web scraper working again. Now uses the public website to scrape.
  • Some missing changes needed as part of bigger changes made many versions ago missing, now added
    • Connected with how images and text connect to spare parts for website in the database.    This was restructured in version 4.850
    • Import spare part images did not implement the new structure now fixed
    • Create structure from attributes:  did not understand new structure for creating structure only if content existed. Now fixed
    • This oversight requires this version to be a db schema change version so in order to 're-migrate' old structure to new since possibly some data was created incorrectly using older structures
  • Bank rec tweaks
    • Bank rec was not showing lines with a prior rec that is now broken, or 'X' status on bank rec screen.  Fixed up.  So consider back dating a txn into day X where X was previously reconciled. If you go and eyeball bank rec for period X it won't be obvious anything is wrong with it.  Now it will show up with 'X' rec status and in cash till affected instruments will have their detail buttons color coded red.
    • Cash till : color code buttons red or orange : orange if float was manipulated, red if there is some sort of rec error, such as backdate.
Release 4.856 October 14, 2020 barney

Includes Database changes. You need to log terminals out during upgrade

Visual design tweak to Select part.

New F2 pick parts will show the superceded part number and the final price /qty as a result of picking that part. Now this can create some visual confusion when the target part and supercession(s) that feed to that part are both visible at the same time.  You'll eyeball a heap of parts with qty, creating a misleading sense of lots of inventory when all records are pointing to same thing. To help minimise this SuperS parts show QoH in green. Like so:


Other tweaks and fixes

  • Accounting Profit / Loss report . Was not correctly filtering out Balance sheet records such as plant / capex stuff. Now fixed.
  • Uninvoiced Spare parts on deals involving multiple units being sold. If unit you where messing with was not the last one on the list and you tried to edit parts to invoice / order the system would lose all uninvoiced parts. Now fixed.
  • Regression bugfix : spares order merge onto existing invoice would fail with a journal entry error when there was additional deposit to collect. Now fixed. Caused by recent code restructure changes in preparation of v5.
  • Unit deals: show # of deals as well as deposit total.
  • Account balance calculation : some DB optimisation. In a couple of spots the query was slow.
  • C9 invoicing :  some internal tweaks with how we issue invoices to our clients. Wording on invoicing is tweaked to more clearly indicate period the invoice covers (we bill in arrears). Also some tweaks to itemize invoices, separating out web hosting fees for a start.


Release 4.855 October 9, 2020 barney

Includes DB changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

Important Change #1 : Payroll Tax Rates

This new version includes new Payroll rate tables.  Any 2020-2021 payrun created/modified will compute a different (lower) tax withholding for most employees

Important Change #2 : Honda Price files in c9 repo

For Honda dealers that carry multiple segments, e.g. Motorcycle + Power Equipment there is a complex subtle issue with smashing these price files together into a single franchise. The issue is that a given part was historically been in price files for 2 or more segments, but modern pricefiles the part only exists in one segment. For example the part 15410MFJD01 historically years ago Honda gave me price files where this part occurs in all 3 segments, but this part is only a Motorcycle part so modern pricefiles it is, correctly, only in the MC price file.  Now the issue is c9 repo has all parts, old and new.  So when smashing P/E and MC together, the old 'NLA' part in P/E is years old and doesn't capture supercession added to this part in M/C, but in the MC pricefile, as active it does in fact supercede.  Previously c9 would just smash these together and last over the line is the winner and lands in your master file, which in this example was always P/E when doing repo multi franchise import. So some dealers this part might be correct as a super, but others not so. It all depends on the order you do imports, delays between importing price files etc. Which record which wins and lands in your pricefile is indeterminate and these is a decent chance wrong one is installed.  This problem flows both ways too, there are parts in P/E that are active but are NLA in MC. So simply importing MC after P/E is not sufficient to fix this issue.

This version of c9 fixes this. The Repo now encodes information so that c9 can figure out whether or not a part should be brought in or ignored when dealing with multiple segments in franchises like Honda.

The version 'fences' c9 repo. In order to see future changes in repo you must update c9 first, as repo changes encodes new information that only this version of c9 knows how to correctly interprete. You will not see any new 'new pricefile' alerts in c9 until you apply this update.

Tweaks and fixes

  • Workshop subcontract. Modifying open sub contract price would reset price to $0 making it impossible to modify sale price on open items. Now fixed
  • Incorporated 2020-2021 tax bracket changes.
  • Payslips : print biz name instead of trading name if set
  • Suppress particular of discount scheme printed for ordered / reserved parts if that scheme matches current customers configured discount scheme.
  • Bugfix with print contract. if you select modify custom T/C and do not pick a valid file next time you open paperwork it will fail with an error. Now fixed
  • Polaris EPC import. Tweaked to cope with website changes and  hopefully working again
  • Very tiny V5 prelude tweak : forgot to de-globalise deposit processing.
Release 4.854 October 6, 2020 barney

Tweaks and fixes

  • Unit purchase
    • Fixed bug with setting payout figure when unit is encumbered. Goal seeking would consistently blow up and not get the right figure. Now fixed
    • Highlight the current pricing field that is fixed : goal : same as what unit sale screen has had for some time now.
  • Bug fix
    • Under some exotic circumstances looking at a printed out bank rec on one terminal would stop all other terminals from recording new sales / transactions etc until the rec was dropped off the screen. Now fixed (root cause, bank rec pulls a general ledger balance, which may require a GL cache rebuild. The cache rebuild could set on DB uncommitted, blocking other GL posting txns from completing. One way to trigger this would be to backdate a txn into a date before current calendar month, eyeball a bank rec that was created during current calendar month, c9 would then enter a lock state until bankrec screen was closed).
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