Small bug fixes caused by changes in recent versions
- View spares invoice from view transactions broken. Now working again
- Units QBE : Enter key shortcut would not apply input. Removed the shortcut.
Small bug fixes caused by changes in recent versions
Ordering tweaks
Some subtle issues with order audit of what c9 reports as been sent / exported. Say you have this:
Now stock order arrives in, c9 will fulfill the customer order first since it is higher priority. The result is it swaps parts around between stock order and customer order, all good. The stock order is now tracked on daily order.
The problem though is part is flipped onto daily, but the part carries information that it was previously exported so when you goto export the order c9 whinges it might of been sent already. Two fixes here:
Old Javas - you need to upgrade now
This version is where I made good on a warning from over a year ago that java 6 is no longer supported. Many features in this version of c9 will no longer work on old java6. e.g. importing PDF invoices, magician check, remote EPC diagrams etc.
User Interface Changes
This version includes a significant UI change and redefines how enter key works, realigning it closer with how most GUIs work. The original was design inherited from c8 days and was defined by tech c8 was based on back then. C9, in trying to keep things as unchanged as possible replicated original c8 behaviour. This version now does the following.
Security Changes
This version of c9 modifies how the c9 product communicates with c9s servers to deliver key services to use encrypted channels. Previously only some network traffic was encrypted. The decision whether or not to encrypt was balanced between sensitivity of data transmitted vs accepting increased failure modes with encrypted traffic. The primary crypto required does not work in java 6. The biggest issue with non encrypted data that now forces c9 to switch to all encrypted traffic is not the broader internet, but things that exist in dealer networks. Two issues:
The changes affect many different areas of c9. Broadly:
Other changes
Requires Database changes, you'll need to log all terminals out during upgrade. Make sure you also update computer running messenger to keep backup/SMS working.
Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
Requires database upgrade. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
When Honda switched their IT systems last year they implemented some business rule changes that are impactful on how dealers need to manage ordering particularly around managing back orders and making sure back ordered items are freighted appropriately, sea vs air freight.
C9 now contains changes that potentially streamline some pain points around this. It has taken a few iterations but following process might be useful.
Breaking down the process:
Step 1 - putting everything on stock order by default
Step 2 - Identify items likely to go onto backorder
This step is where most of work in c9 recently has gone to streamline things. Latest version of c9 contains a streamlined magician check with ability to move bits around before sending. To do this:
In order book, highlight the order. Press Send action and pick magician check
Now this pops up a screen where c9 will check each part against SAP. Generally should only take a few second to scan all items. Normally c9s magician check for Honda SAP is slow taking 10+ seconds per part, but managed to make it quicker by only grabbing availability figures on this screen. So it returns as '?' for price data.
In the above example, the piston kit cannot be fully supplied. You need 7, Honda have 5. So highlight the item, click on 'Move Part' button and then move it onto a daily order instead.
What you can also do is click option 'Check other c9 dealers' and the screen will tell you other dealers that have it as an alternative to backordering from Honda.
Step 3 / 4 - Send orders.
As per normal.
Caveats / warnings
Magician checking in c9 is not something that is formally supported by the distributor, it isn't part of their published API, so the data c9 grabs here is not assured by the distributor (unlike the ordering API).
There is possibility that you might be trying to order parts other Honda dealers might be simultaneously considering getting, so what magician says is available may not actually be there when you hit the submit button and you might miss out.
End result is it is possible for stuff to still go on backorder for stock orders. It should be rare but it may still in theory happen. Longer term, the distributor needs to provide a robust process to provide assurances backorders end up on planes, not boats for stuff you need in a hurry. New features in c9 so mostly provide this but possible gaps still exist.
Includes Database changes you need to log all terminals out during upgrade
This release includes a potentially valuable change with how txns between debtors and creditors interlink that should dramatically simplify individual txn reconciliation for complex suppliers.
Firstly, describing the problem we are trying to solve: c9 provides a mechanism which allows payments to track against invoices they are paying and the process is largely automatic with controls for users to override and manipulate, via selecting invoices to pay and being able to unlink/modify txns after the fact. Things get complex although when things like supplier credits get thrown into the mix. Issues being:
Illustrating the issue. Consider two statement periods with following txns.
Now a statement from supplier will come and it may show that for period #1,$250 is owing, but in c9, the first txn is considered partially paid, so adding $250 will partially spill into allocating transactions for period #2. The payment of $250 will be composed of transactions across multiple periods
Now the above problem can be mitigated in c9 already via an option to not automatically assign txns. But when we get to period #2 a new problem surfaces. Period two owing is $65, but when you goto select txns there is no way in c9 select txns screen to select both the invoice and the credit note. You can only select the invoice ,for $100. In payment screen the credit note remains unallocated. This version of c9 provides tools to deal with specific case.
The above describes a very simple scenario, as simple as it gets before you run into trouble. Reality is that you have payments and credits and invoices flowing through a supplier statement in complex ways, sometimes with incorrect dates etc, and the result is a complex ball of mud. New changes in c9 allow you to more effectively untangle this.
Specific details:
How to disable automatic allocation on a supplier
In modify contact, at bottom of 'discounting sand billing' tab is the following option. Select second option to disable automatic allocation of txns.
With above option enabled, txns remain unallocated if you don't select txns to pay
New options for selecting transactions for reconcile/payment/settlement.
Now when you pay a txn, it now gives you the option to select the unallocated supplier credit by default if we want to flag the credit as dealt with and flag corresponding txns too
If you ran the supplier with automatic assignment and the supplier credit is already assigned, the select transactions screen allows you to override this. You goto the tab 'All transactions- force reassignment if necessary' and it will allow you to select the allocated supplier credit. On completion, the credit is deallocated and forcefully relinked to the payment you are now adding.
This change also applies to modify connected txns in view transactions screen. As such it makes the unlink option largely redundant.
A new option is added too : reconcile txns which allows you to reconcile a bunch of txns together without modifying a specific txn or adding a txn. Mostly useful if you are clearing a statement period with bills + credits cancel out to $0 exactly or at a net credit for the period. A rare occurance, but still possible.
Finally this version provides visual indication whether or not txns where involved in a explicit selection of txns to settle/reconcile with a leading + sign infront of the txn type.