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Release 4.710 January 23, 2018 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Suzuki Fiche Import
    • Bugfix with import, would fail with network error under some circumstances. i.e. if app settings were set for graphical instead of list. (Root cause: improper AMF U29 decoding for 4 byte form of a U29 element).
  • Tweaks and fixes
    • Franchises now track a supplier type : either OEM or aftermarket supplier. To be used by website parts fitting data to provide fine tuning over what constitutes OEM or Aftermarket fitment
    • Unit Deals : include option to filter results. Filters customer code+name and/or deal description
    • Modify customer : include button to access customer comments
    • Order book settings tabs.  New Tab option resets settings back to defaults.
    • Receive spares  : option to toggle unit/line costings displayed on screen as inc or ex GST
    • Purchase unit on consignment. Force operator to select a consignee
    • Unit paperwork. A deal with more tradein units than sale units would result in system error on printing new contract of sale. Now fixed
    • Spares stock take. Allow stocktaking of dead items only.  Mostly useful for quickly reviewing/adjusting dead stock items with a maxqty set
Release 4.709 January 16, 2018 barney
  • Magician lookup for Mojo Motorcycles  : now working with their newly redesigned website
  • Print part labels : take into account UOM settings.
    • Show unit price and print unit qty # of labels.
    • Only process ordinal UOM types.
  • System changes needed to work with upcoming java 9
  • Small Tweaks + fixes
    • Workshop : add parts. Option to print A4 or doc as a picking slip
    • Weekly planner : nag first time a job is moved via drag+drop to protect against accidental moves. Will renag again after 30 seconds of inactivity.
    • Parts Fitment : provide filter options
    • Cash Till : redesign report, visually display same info as is on screen (report was not updated after recent cash till modifications)
    • Spare parts invoices
      • Quotes : include anticipated freight as part quote total
      • Reserve : print as a 'proforma invoice'  for reserves where there is no upfront payment/deposit. Disabled via spares -> setup 2 tab
Release 4.708 January 8, 2018 barney

Requires database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Bank reconciliation changes
    • Allow modification of dates+times to line txns up exactly as seen on statement : makes for much simpler reconciliation runs when numbers don't add up. Provide move up/down and set date schemantics
    • Visual / Color code tweaks
      • Colour code self canceling journal postings. i.e. when a bank is linked to an instrument to itemize, colour code show cash till settlement postings so it is obvious they are self consistent and can be ignored
      • Colour code different days so it is visually obvious in list when stepping from one day to the next
  • Spare parts tweaks for duplicate part numbers.
    • On select part show retail price of each item
    • Bugfix : if last item on list superceeded the screen should show original part and the supercession would not follow until after selection
    • Tweaks to deal with ongoing KTM / Husqvarna part fungability. New config options in edit franchise to further fine tune behaviour
      • Do not Defer to alt franchise if the part in question is in stock. (on by default. Can turn off)
      • Do not defer to alt franchise if daily buy price varies. (Allow dealers with both KTM + Husky go for the cheapest option)
      • Option to receive into stock under the alt franchise if item exists on alt franchise (off by default)
    • Tweaked logic WRT supcession management. Code should be a bit faster. (supercession resolution done entirely in database now)
  • Stihl Warranty Export : switched to new file format. Tweaked warranty questions slightly to reflect this change
  • Added ability to Import bikes & bits images and fitment data from B&BI website. (Requires B&BI to enable bulk transfer permission on B&BI dealer login)
  • Tweaks & Bug Fixes
    • Workshop tax invoices. Print wording 'Tax invoice No' instead of job no, under Tax Invoice declaration (not required existing invoices are perfectly fine, but change will make one State level dept more happy)
    • Unit contract particulars. Would reprint/compute effect of deposit value on every sold unit. Fixed to apply deposit on first unit only
    • Receive parts on a deal. Print customer details under deal if known
    • Order book : allow adding a part onto partially received order.
    • Delete workshop job.
      • Would not allow you to delete a job where any deposit had been withheld.  Now fixed
      • Under some circumstances would pop up a" do you want to save changes button" after delete had already been committed.
Release 4.707 January 4, 2018 barney

Regression bug fix.  Receive spares order with no parts (i.e. freight only) would fail with system errors etc on screen.  Caused by recent introduction of receiving P/E goods via spares. Now working again.


Release 4.706 December 19, 2017 barney

Bug fixes with selling units under consignment

  • If sale price differed from price back to customer c9 would fail with a journal error. Now can cope with some sort of margin between buy and sell price
  • Units under consignment purchased for under <$300.  would not track input credit for the recipient invoice. Was assuming input credit was claimed as a <300 on purchase, which isn't case with consigned units


Release 4.705 December 18, 2017 barney

Bugfix with last version 4.704.  Receive spares order would fail with a journal error for invoice receive and if receive had freight component.  Now fixed.


Release 4.704 December 12, 2017 barney

This version includes changes to receive spares to make process of receiving units for power equipment suppliers alot easier.  The receive process can now be used to receive spares and units.  Especially useful for P/E suppliers who will put things like trimmers etc on an invoice with parts.

How it works is that parts in c9 can be associated with basic unit particulars. For example in F6 view/change part:

Then in receive spares section parts and units are denoted with an icon on receive screen.

On modifying unit items, you can specify specific per unit particulars. Such as vin/serial numbers.

When using c9's Electronic import option, c9 will guide operator through process of filling in missing data as needed during receive. So receive process should be fairly intuitive.


Other changes:

  • Yamaha magician.  Was not failing gracefully if username/password was incorrect. Now fixed
  • Units tweaks
    • Modify unit with goods only : Remove extraneous 'owner' field. only applies for units under consignment
    • Business -> Activity. Allow deletion of goods only units from this screen.
  • Workshop checklist tweaks and bug fixes
    • Added a 'force refresh' button to refresh checklists based on template checklists from jobs and estimates. On key screens (modify + complete )
    • Under some circumstances a checklist would not refresh correctly. For example, a job with a single estimate, if you removed the estimate checklists associated with  that checklist would not automatically clear.
    • Under some circumstances additions to a template checklist linked to a job type or estimate would not replicate perfectly onto the job checklist. Now fixed. (would only replicate if a base checklist item had been added. Would not replicate items deeper into the checklist tree)
    • Check all options would not show deeply nested items as checked when printed out. Would only show immediate items below the checked item as checked. Now fixed
    • Checklist printout : would not print complete group name under some circumstances with deeply nested checklists. Now fixed
  • AusPOST integration changes
    • Bugfix with modifying page types in setup. Was not returning custom option. Now fixed, now possible to set for example, EP paper as a4-3pp
    • Capture delivery instructions
    • Allow configuration of delivery freight to 2 decimal places
    • Allow label(s) to be forcefully recreated if needed. Saves having to delete a shipment and start over
  • Other tweaks
    • Website structure. Do not show orphaned menu items
    • Point of sale, web orders  + reserve / pickup combo : default deposit to value of goods instead of $0
    • Disambiguate Husky p/e and husky bike order export methods : tweak names in list

Generic Export has been modified to allow for more flexibility and sophistication to allow exporting of orders to suppliers. The interface for accessing this is low level. This post explains how to manage the various options.  The screen, at a glance:


Options in summary:

  • Mask : Control fields that appear in export file and order they appear
  • Header : Define a header in export file
  • Separator : define character that separates fields in the file.  Typically it is either comma (,) or semi-colon (;)
  • Escape : control escape behaviour. Escape can wrap data in quotes (") if needed.


Release 4.703 December 6, 2017 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • New feature Sales leads. Quickly record and manage interest. Capture minimal customer details and manage lead with followups etc
  • Generic Order Export changes
    • Redesigned so it is more flexible. Advanced tab can be used to describe pretty much generic CSV file format
    • Allow configuration of separator. So can be used to emit ';' as separate instead of ','
    • Escape control. Only escape if necessary (new default), always escape (old behaviour), never escape
    • A separate post will be provided that explains the advanced options in more detail
    • Generic Order Export is now able to replicate behaviours of following export methods with correct advanced settings making them mostly redundant
      • Softway
      • Husqvarna P/E
      • Butmac (alot of brain damage the butmac specific export handles, so best to continue to use butmac specific one. i.e. coping with spaces in piston kit part numbers)
      • Mojo (Sortof : mojo expects xlsx, not csv tho)
  • Tweaks
    • F12 pickup reserve / layby.  Default to cash sale for account customers who have prefer cash set.
    • Unit sale invoice : print unit colour if set.  Requested by some finance companies
    • Fixed Minor screen layout issues on modify deal and update contact
    • Setup : generate chart of account descriptions to pickup changes in names of payment instruments and reflect them into GL Chart
    • Restrict usage of bank and voucher in modify activity. Disallow modifying a record which was voucher or bank based. Provide some obvious warnings about risks of modifying activity records
    • View transactions: display amount in two columns : a DR and a CR column to visually separate inputs/outputs
    • Payrun finalize tweaks
      • Setup option to configure what money is recorded as removed from bank on payrun. Defaults to NET pay. Setup options to allow for NET+Withholding or net+withholding+super (default prior to this version)
      • On payrun finalize ask operator if they want to print/email all slips
  • Low level tweak to prepare for further changes to add support for Java 9.  Java 9 not yet supported. This change is to try and minimize crappy anti-virus products (mainly Avast) from killing c9 installs when actual java 9 changes come in the next version or 2. Details : on upgrading only rewrite files if they have actually physically changed. Plan for java9 upgrade is to push a new startup.jar, but we don't want c9 to rewrite startup.exe with a duplicate because Avast will probably crack it again.
Release 4.702 December 1, 2017 barney

Requires database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Bugfixes
    • Contract particulars.
      • Compliance plate would print a completely  incorrect 1800s date under some circumstances now fixed.
      • Sale with tradein. Printing particulars could lockup c9 under some circumstances.  Now fixed
      • Sale with tradein. liabilities/encumbrances may not list under some circumstances. Now fixed
    • Vicroads Authority to register paperwork was not being filled in. Now fixed
    • View transaction : unlink.  Certain usage patterns of this function would put c9 into an invalid txn state. Now fixed
  • Units + Deals and spares discount reworked
    • On deals can now manage discount to apply to parts before invoicing them
    • fixed a few obscure bugs and edge cases dealing with line discounts on uninvoiced items on a deal


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