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Release 4.691 & 4.692 October 3, 2017 barney
  • Unit rego expiry highlighting. Do not highlight for floor stock
  • Spares invoice.
    • Make E-Reference a barcode so it can be easily scanned
    • C9 export as PDF.  Allow barcode fonts to be encoded correctly in PDF files
  • Parts availability check
    • Honda / HOOS working again after their recent server changes.
  • Merge customer - C9 previously would not replace following customer links.  Now sorted:
    • Franchise supplier to credit
    • on road cost / rebate suppliers on sale/deal/quote items & for default unit cost groups
    • workshop subcontracting suppliers
    • SMS/Email messages & SMS Replies
  • International web orders
    • Default point of sale to GST exempt when importing a web order set outside of Australia
    • Default point of sale to GST exempt when importing a web order involving a customer who is flagged as GST exempt
  • Tweaks and fixes
    • Removed rebate to tax invoice. Redundant functionality now you can assign a supplier to rebates
    • View transactions. Last version of c9 made the delete button inaccessible. Now fixed.
    • Tweak system provisioning to make things easier for Ben to setup a new system
  • Low level system changes
    • new system file : java.opts.  In here drop in any java system settings. i.e. -X and -D java flags etc.
    • new startup exe no longer pops a console.
    • Provide a mechanism to boost memory used by java via setup screen. Main need for this is fiche image processing for certain suppliers
    • Fixed bug with system monitor displaying memory stats for Java VMs which have have memory heaps into the GB range. Number displayed previously was wrong
    • Graphics acceleration tweaks in setup overhauled. Previously didn't do anything useful fiddling with these.
    • Added opengl acceleration option. Hopefully this may permanently fix Java Video RAM corruption issues that occur with possibly shonky videocards/drivers


  • Messenger settings.  Allow configuration of c9 so messenger will only start on certain designated terminals instead of any terminals.  This may be a better setting for many shops to constrain messenger to one or two commonly used computers to help with sorting out networking issues within the shop
Release 4.690 September 28, 2017 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Contacts
    • Select transactions to pay. Order transactions on screen in allocation order. Which is due date (bills only), creation date + audit reference. So this way for multi txns it is visually obvious which txn will be partially allocated (the one on the bottom of the list)
    • Select transactions : show due date (for bills)
  • Tweaks and bugfixes
    • Low level system bug would cause miner results screen to crash sometimes (thread safety issues with strings on screens)
    • Optimised C9 startup time slightly (reduced # of hits on database required to check DB tables are there)
  • Workshop
    • Make rego expiry and expired rego obvious in view/modify screen and on job card. Useful for workshop test riding bikes
  • PC-EFTPOS integration
    • Added some basic concurrent access protection for shared EFTPOS terminals.  Uses C9's own DB to provide concurrency control to the terminal since PC-EFTPOS doesn't provide any meaningful mechanism here.
    • Tweaked existing txn window button text so options are a bit more intuitive.
    • Auto highlight first selectable button on EFTPOS input. ( OK, Accept, Decline, Auth, Cancel )
  • Contacts
    • Added a slot in database for Bank BSB and account no.  Work in progress. So far:
      • BSB validation
      • Security mechanism to restrict access to view/modify bank details & Encrypted on disk
  • Fiche importers
    • Tweaks to mojo importer to battle through activity throttling logic implemented server side
Release 4.689 September 12, 2017 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade.

This version of c9 ships with an initial fitment mechanism.  Allows linking of hard parts , after market items back to specific models.  At the moment the fitment stuff only feeds c9 powered websites and is only really useful for KTM/Husky brand at this stage. Though it might also work for Yamaha + Y-SHOP mix.  Plan is to extend further for aftermarket mapping down the track.

KTM / Husky stuff:

  • Import KTM parts images. Pull down and map fitment data during image download
  • Added new fiche importer. KTM -> Husky interchange. Allows a KTM dealer with a website to pull down husky diagrams off another dealers website. And vice versa. Strictly only works for KTM/Husky dealers and only if they are running a website. Everyone else can continue to use remote diagrams
  • allow a franchise to be configured with a preferred OEM. So if you are a Husky dealer, you can add KTM pricefile, but configure KTM pricefile to redirect to Husky pricefile where there is overlap. e.g. select a KTM part c9 will automatically flip to Husky part if there is such a thing in point of sale

Other changes:

  • Import parts images. Default part description to import as detail only scope
  • Modify web images. Default main text to be detail only scope
  • Import fiche : added better error trapping and handling. Previously could do odd things like leave database in uncommited state
  • Workshop unit selection. Disallow transfer of a unit from/to the dealership if c9 units module is enabled.
  • Support tools
    • Include a big link under Main menu 'Remote Support' to open up remote support tool
    • Included another link to open up our remote support webpage
  • receive spares.
    • Screen redesign : Make it obvious at top of the screen what is going on.  What OEM franchise is being received, who creditor supplier is, and whether or not a bill is being created against that supplier
    • Select alternative supplier : jumps straight to creditors.  No longer able to select other franchises : functionally didn't make sense to do this so removed and simplified. Also make it clear that supplier is an alternative/overriding supplier.
  • Customer alerts
    • Bugfix : bugs in open reminders list could make it display extraneous results. Now fixed
    • customer notes and customer comments can be flagged to popup a prominent alert message whenever the customer is selected in screens like point of sale etc. e.g:

Tip: Husky / KTM Interchange setup:

  • Under spares -> Utilities -> Add / Edit Franchise. Pick the secondary franchise. i.e. if you are a KTM dealer your secondary franchise is then Husky. You want to modify Husky
  • Click on advanced tab.
  • Click on change button under 'Use the following franchise instead for matching part numbers and select KTM franchise. System will now flip from Husky to KTM for common parts


Release 4.688 September 6, 2017 barney

Includes database changes you need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Unit spares tweaks
    • Under some rare circumstances it is possible for parts to remain on order for a unit on a deal that has since been deleted off the deal. Rare in that normally when you delete a unit on a deal, all orders connected to that unit are automatically cancelled. Resulting receive invoices will list deal ID as 0 and parts will go nowhere.  Fixes:
      • Do not auto invoice parts for a deal if underlying unit disappears
      • Instead keep parts on order in receive status. Accessible via F12 pickup ready for manual intervention
      • On printed receive sheet highlight such deals
  • Paperwork changes
    • Added QLD TMR forms for Transfer & Registration of Marine/PWC
    • Paperwork changes. Under some difficult to replicate circumstances some forms would print blank.  Bug tracked to graphics library c9 uses to generated filled out results ontop of forms (clipping filter heuristic with SVG renderer broken when matched with PDF overlay drawing.)
  • Deposits on unit deals
    • certain order of operations on adding a new deal + a power outage can result in a deal on the system with a deposit record, but no actual record of deposit taken in business activity. Now fixed to prevent this.
    • Biz activity would allow you to delete deposits and withdrawals on deals. Modified to prevent this from happening
  • Units under consignment bugfixes
    • consignment with a consignment reference would incorrectly post floorplan related journal entries
    • rolling back a sale involving a consigned unit would also rollback the original consignment. Now fixed
    • sale of consigned unit would not post a non abn subsequent sale input credit claim. Now fixed
  • Bank Reconciliation
    • Include unreconciled altered journal records in list of disordered txns.  Specifically journals originally posted before reconcile period which were subsequently deleted/undeleted after the beginning of the reconciliation period
    • Disordered txns. Show reason for disorder on screen. Current list:
      • Delete/Active status doesn't match status when txn was last reconciled
      • Txn was flagged is ignored on prior reconciliation
      • Delete/Active status altered during/after reconciliation period
      • Back dated & unreconciled txn
  • Simple workshop job
    • Allow selection of rates + fixed labour
    • Bugfix :was saving clerk as the tech, not the selected tech
  •  Payroll
    • Modify adjustment. Show unit next to amount, $ or hours depending on adjustment type
    • Added support for compulsory super threshold.  For existing entitlements it defaults to zero. For newly created entitlements defaults to $450
    • Disable payroll business option if login is not enabled for payroll (previously would hide the option)
  • Mojo MC fiche import
    • Tweaked importer to deal with Mojo API traffic throttle. Not thoroughly tested yet so not entirely confident it will work
    • Added mapping for CF-Moto & Kymco
  • Workshop Warranty management
    • Default new warranty jobs as tax inc : making them supplier warranty jobs by default
    • On pickup screen make it obvious whether it is a dealer or supplier warranty in the top status bar



Release 4.687 September 1, 2017 barney
  • Kawasaki fiche import. Previously would ignore non hotspotted parts. Now fixed to import all listed parts
  • Added fiche import for Mojo Brands : TGB, Sherco & Daelim
  • Receive parts import from PDF : added notion of purchase order importing which flips receive screen to 'goods only' mode. Currently works for importing of Yamaha/Ficeda purchase orders
  • Email reserve/pickup later. Default description of the spares list in email body as "Parts Reservation". Previously was using default of Spare Parts Invoice"
  • Job card :print key location if set
  • Typo fix for Timesheet report
  • Under some situations doing things that trigger some sort of database error, (e.g. moving a stock part to another franchise that already has that part) could put c9 into a state where it permanently shows a 'Database Error' nag. Now fixed.
  • Aged trial balance : new default filter option filters out records where total balance is zero, even if aged periods are non zero : if they tally to zero then filter. Old filter can still be pulled up if required
  • P/L tab on view job and modify job : was incorrectly showing discount as inc GST.  Now shows ex gst line discount
  • Miner : tweaked jobs elements to allow values you see on P / L tab to be extracted/queried upon
  • Purging old stock file items. New setup settings that allow you to control purging of items which have retail or description modifications. Old behaviour remains configured default : keep old items with with price or description modifications.
  • Estimates with references
    • Copy workshop estimate.
    • Copying an estimate with a reference was not possible. Would trigger a duplicate estimate error. Now fixed : generates a new unique reference
  • Search: recent changes broke partial search. i.e. searching for 'Ric' in contacts would only match 'ric' excactly not anything beginning with ric.  Now fixed. examples
    • ric   : matches anything that starts with ric
    • (ric) : must match ric exactly
    • (ben) ric  : must match ben exactly, any contain something that starts with ric
    • (ben) ric* :  a synonym for (ben) ric  , the wildcard is not necessary
Release 4.686 August 23, 2017 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

This version includes bank & cash reconciliation facilities. Detailed documentation on these functionalities to be provided separately

Other changes. Misc fixes/bugs etc

  • Cash till report.  Tweaks to non cash banked figures would flip out cash till tally, which would fix by making another change somewhere, such as toggling count mode. Now fixed.
  • Add transaction, select transaction changes
    • if user closes screen after making selection  changes, pop up a nag asking them if they want to apply their selection changes anyway
    • Make select/deselect toggle trigger off enter key
    • After successful selection changes : nag user if they want to retain previously entered amount or switch to new tally based on newly selected txns
    • New transaction type : Bill + Pay.  Records a bill & a payment in a single operation
  • Workshop job delete/undelete fixes
    • If job was invoiced using deposit amount on customer record (instead of job itself), and then that invoice is rolled back, the deposit on customer is returned to customer, but the recorded deposit on the job was not altered, resulting in inconsistent valuation of deposits.  Now fixed.
  • Monza Magician query : was returning incorrect available qtys for some parts, related to where parts are warehoused. Now fixed.
  • Fixed a couple of menu typos
  • System reports. Include filter option: makes it easier to figure out when last price file import for a given franchise happened
  • Added new trial balance report for creditors : works off due date on bills.
  • Filter search logic in contacts, parts etc.  Previously a search for RM450 in contacts would match things like RM 450, RMZ 450 etc. You can now force the "RM" part of the query to match "RM" only like this:  (RM) 450
Release 4.685 August 10, 2017 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Supplier warranties
    • Allow recording of creditor contact on finalisation. Adds a supplier credit onto creditor record
    • New option in setup  : force selection of creditor contact
    • Biz Activity : recorded contact is supplier, not the customer of original job
    • Biz Activity : deleting warranty record would flip job back into progress state. Modified to not do this
  • Creditor / Debitor linked txns
    • Bugfix: If select 3 or more txns to pay at once. If you go back into the screen to select the txns it would forget most of the selected list. Now fixed. (Previously If you completed, add txn operation system would correctly link to the 3 or more txns you selected okay. The bug itself is linked to when you goto review/modify the list of txns).
    • For bill payment,  preferentially link to transactions in due date order. Recording oldest to newest as paid
    • Select transactions to pay : show a running tally of unallocated value of selected txns
    • Provide ability for user to alter list of linked txns after the fact.
  • Other changes
    • Customer code auto generator. Now includes a blacklist of swear/offensive terms to avoid. When it runs into them, will revert to first 4 letters of their last name only.  i.e. "TED CUNNINGHAM" generates a custcode of "CUNN" instead of the more colourful default
    • Kwak import. Looks like some models on dealer site do no work and contain no diagrams. C9 was failing on importing these. Now skips over them
    •  BRP import. Failing with 2018 side by side model due to how they've setup the images for these on the BRP site. Now fixed to import these.
    • Fiche data cleanup : optimise cleanup of extraneous images
    • Spares profit report. Date selector : use same selector widget that appears on reports like workshop profit report etc.
    • Standard date selector widget: preset step period (day/week/month/quarter) based on initial date values. Previously always started on 'day'
    • Spare part returns : allow deletion of credit note on supplier.
    • Website, text + image widget. Tweak to not force image to be 160x120 : to allow James do some interesting web design things with this widget
    • Add labour. Make relationship between tweaking time and tweaking price more explicit and visually obvious with a lock/link control.
    • Unit QBE tweakage
      • Revert default ownership filter back to any : when accessing Query via Units -> Browser.  Miner will still default to newer not sold default
      • Provide obvious visual clues on query screen broadly what units are being selected. e.g.:

Tweaks to select part description filtering:

Find part screen in c9 allows you to search parts based on description. The searching is combined english text search and search for letter + number combos. e.g. search for 'force' will match 'forcing', 'forces' etc and various english variants. While a search for "190 50" will return things like "190/50-17 pilot road 2", "190/50ZR17 BT020" etc.

Some tweaks to this. Some augmentation of letter + number combos. You can put wildcard '*' in to match letter or number combos that start with it.  The wild card applies to the letter/number combo before it.  e.g.

  • GTR 14*  will match things like "BAGS INTERIOR PAN 1400GTR" or "GTR14 07"
  • GT* 14 will match "WEB GTX BOOT 14 41".  "GTZ14 -S powervolt MF"
  • GT* 14* will match all of above and more

There is now a setting in Setup under spares to make wildcard '*'  implicit on all description searches. So it will apply for everything without the need to key in the '*' character.

With great power comes a need for a great database server. Most queries should be fine on typical servers we setup, but searching for "1*" on all franchises for non stocked parts is going take a solid 15 seconds + some so on an old crappy database server. If this is the sort of thing you want to regularly do your database server needs alot of RAM (8gb/16g minimum) and/or fast harddisks (i.e. SSD's or really good SATA drives).



Release 4.684 August 7, 2017 barney

Redesigned key screens that input and display marked up text.

  • Compose email/print for bulk miner mailer.   & View Sent SMS/Email
  • Would occasionally crash. Generally would crash on fast computers due to threading issues, should now be fixed
  • Should now work via remote access.  (Requires rebuild of remote client)
  • Embedded Spell checker. Fixed spell checker to not kill selected highlight when spell check runs
  • minor visual and usability improvements. e.g. keep displaying highlighted text after losing focus.

Other changes

  • PC EFTPOS : prepopulate MOTO with on account card details if any
  • Payroll : allow creation of recurring payroll items. Automatically added to every pay slip. Recurring items are pro-rataed
  • Added diagnostic logging for nags and alerts, such as "Are you sure you want to continue?" type nags.  Previously from diagnostics we could only inferr what users were selecting for such screens when providing tech support. This version explicitly records nags that appear and what buttons users select in those nags to help us with future diagnostic / tech support work as it comes up.
  • Spares on order report. Organise by franchise name + partnum. Break report into sections based on supplier when 'everything' print is selected



Release 4.683 August 1, 2017 barney

Minor bugfix with 4.682.  View SMS/email and bulk miner SMS/email screens broken.  Now working again.

Includes an untested tweak for Kwak Fiche importer. Importer currently broken. hopefully changes here fix it, but not thoroughly tested so may remain broken still.

Release 4.682 August 1, 2017 barney

Paypal integration bug.  A days worth of weborder paypal txns have come through which c9 is not able to process correctly resulting in c9 showing a garbled list of paypal ops completed so far and c9 not able to allow the affected sales to complete. Tweaked c9 to cope with these ones, show correct data and allow completion.  C9 was misidentifying list of 'child' txns that were connected to the original order.  Mostly impacts dealers that perform high volume sales on web with multiple open paypal orders running simultaneously. Only affects paypal orders submitted on over last 2 days.

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