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Release 4.681 July 27, 2017 barney
  • Tweaks and fixes
    • Bugfix: Debtor/Creditor balance figures in c9 would max out at 99,999.  Purely screen/report print error. Data was fine and internally larger figures were being maintained and tracked correctly. Obvious with large creditors.  Happens in a couple of places in c9. e.g. aged trial balance report
    • Rebates on unit deals
      • C9 maintains complex logic with rebates between units and deals. Idea is a deal contains rebate that may eventually apply on the underlying unit but only if the deal goes through. So rebate modifications on a deal do not automatically apply until deal is finalised and modifications merge in with existing deals on the underlying unit.  Some tweaks to this logic because it is non obvious and generates unexpected results at times
      • Never overwrite or allow operator to modify a rebate on unit/deal in progress which has been flagged as collected
      • Visually indicate if rebate on screen in deal is inherited from underlying unit. (with a + before description)
      • Visually indicate if rebate on screen in deal overrides/modifies a rebate on unit (with a [*] before description)
      • On adding a unit initially to a deal, show rebates. Previously would filter rebates which would then reappear upon saving and then modifying the unit on the deal. Behaviour is now fixed and more consistent
      • Bugfix with modifying an inherited rebate on deal. Screen would hide options such as after invoice cost etc. Now fixed.
    • Allow reprint/reexport of partially received orders from orderbook.
    • Stocked spares : allow larger notes to be stored. Currently limited to 300 chars.
    • Print barcode, move delete all to a different position on screen to make it less likely to be fat fingered
    • Refund/exchange. Allow refund/exchange onto a workshop job and/or department
    • bugfix. Recent workshop quote feature add damaged ability to put -ve parts on workshop jobs. Now working again
    • Due date computation on on unit line items from deal -> invoice.
    • Suzuki price file import. Tweak to cope with changes to their latest file : manually priced items track RRP in latest file, previously was List price
    • Modify website structure:  previously system would remove all orphaned records if a node is deleted. Normally this would be okay, but it can result in some brutally difficult accidental deletes to recover from, so removed this behaviour
    • Cash Till changes to make things smoother/simpler
      • Allow saving of cash till if c9 thinks there is a gap in the count, i.e. a day that has been skipped. Just nag the user about it
      • Add new counting mode : takings only.
      • Memorise last counting mode used on the terminal and default to that for a new count
      • Default Other HELD Over to balance of non cash instruments. Provide an obvious color-visual indicator that this is happening
      • Bugfix : auto settle option not settling any held over float

Following describes a trick you can use to further separate orders on the go into any arbitrary # of orders.  Using KTM as an example we want to track 4 different lines of orders. Those being

  • Daily
  • Stock
  • Warranty
  • VOR

To make Warranty and VOR work we create two new suppliers in c9 :  KTMWAR and KTMVOR. i.e.:


Now in point of sale when you order a part, you can highlight it, press F11 edit order and change supplier from default KTM To KTMVOR or KTMWAR.  The parts on order will now go onto their own order separate from standard daily order



You can make the order specifics screen pop on every part in point of sale if you like.  Setup -> Main Setup Screen -> Spares 2 ->  "[x] Open order option details whenever adding a part to order onto Point of Sale"

Now in the order book the part will appear under its own order. You can always move parts around after the fact on the order book. In order book Modify -> Move Part.



New Cash Till Screen July 13, 2017 barney


A key difference is that instead of there being a single float and banked figure, new cash till tracks float/banked for all instruments. This allows you to settle different instruments or hold them over into the next day. Example:

  • If you leave cheques in the till for banking tomorrow, they will come up as a float for the next day automatically. In above screen shot this is done with paypal component.
  • If you run EFTPOS at 5:25 and a customer walks in at 5:30 and buys somethin on EFTPOS that EFTPOS operation would normally end up on tomorrows settlement. In this case you can key in settlement amount into banked settlled and the remaining balance is held over for the next morning to be included in tomorrows EFTPOS settlement

Other elements on the screen

  1. Floats here. Normally focus is only on cash float. C9 now carries over prior value from yesterdays cash count.
  2. The amount of cash you carry to the bank for the day
  3. Remaining balance in till. Which will be tomorrows float
  4. amout that is settled from EFTPOS (or other instruments). For things like EFTPOS you normally key in EFTPOS takings for day here. IT should normally equal in less out for EFTPOS but it can vary if you settle prematurely.
  5. example of a payment instrument that was not settled to back today, so it’s balance will be held over until tomorrow and will appear as tomorrows float
  6. notes and coins count. Settles with the first instrument
  7. Toggle option which allows you to count either before you pull funds out to bank or after. Whichever suits.
  8. Other held over. Here you need to key in value of whatever it is you are holding over for tomorrow. In screen shot example paypal is being held over so to make till balance need to key that value into here
  9. Balance status
  10. c9 now saves status of till count. This shows status of save. Existing till count means we are looking at a previously counted till.
  11. options to save/delete till count record being looked at
  12. paid out option still in play for backward compatibility. Records in general ledger as an expense without claimable GST input credits.




Release 4.680 July 13, 2017 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Cash Till Overhaul
    • Overhaul motivated by inclusion of complete bank reconciliation process in near future version of c9.
    • Screen details here:
    • Key features include
      • Saves till count and variation which can be later looked at historically
      • Posts variations to activity and general ledger
      • Better handling of situations such as running off EFTPOS settlement but then doing another sale on same day
      • Discrepency alerts quickly highlight historical variations to txns, factoring in multiple tills
      • New config switch with multiple tills.  Only cash (instrument #1) records multiple tills by default. Other instruments will aggregate on till #1
      • Formalise GL chart codes including a bank code for future bank reconciliation reports/tooling
  • Tweaks and fixes
    • Contract of sale printing.  System was incorrectly resizing the particulars page. Scaling slightly differently depending on what terminal contract is printed on. Turns out generation of PDF file is sensitive to screen pixel density of the computer PDF is generated on. Problem is very obvious on modern laptops with high pixel density displays. Now fixed so result is consistent and optimal
    • AusPOST integration. Incorrectly treating AUS country code as an international shipment. Merge weborder into customer details. Do not pull in 'AUS' as a country code if web has set it. Reset all AUS records on database back to blank
    • Receive spares with supplier bill.  Supplier bill record was not correctly linked to activity/general ledger, so deleting activity record did not automatically delete the bill, or vice versa.
    • Database error during c9 lease check. Could potentially report a lease error instead of a system database error.
    • Workshop scheduler. Completely broken by recent workshop quote changes. Now working again.
    • Payroll bug fix. Unable to finalise new payrun if there were past payruns with certain ad-hoc items on those runs.  Now works


How to finalise a stocktake July 10, 2017 barney

After completing a stock take, we need to look at items that failed to be picked up in the stock take and take action. Either:

  1. identify items likely to be still in the shop that were not picked up by stock take and redo their stock take
  2. identify items no longer in the shop and remove them from stock

Getting a list of things that escaped stock take

  • Miner
  • Load standard query
  • select "Excess parts after stock take" under spares section. And press 'Select'
  • Press F4 process query
  • change date to a date on or before date stock taking began. Err on side of going further into past if unsure. Defaults to 2 months ago.
  • press on and get the result and eyeball it and make sure it is sensible. Redo stock take if needed
  • Use F5 export data to export data to a CSV file. This file then needs to be reimported into c9 to set stock levels to zero


Setting stock to zero

  • Spares -> utilities -> bulk stock take
  • Feed in file from above process. Do NOT click on 'full stock take' option. Otherwise you'll remove all your stock :).  You only want to remove excess items which is all that is in the generated CSV file


Release 4.679 July 3, 2017 barney
  • Bug fixes & Tweaks
    • Modify labour item where using tech rate based pricing + discount. Would miscompute final price on accept adding an additional 10%. Now fixed.
    • Delete website menu option would delete unreleated 'sidebar menu' items as well. Now fixed
    • Unit deals. A very complex and specific sequence of steps could result in deposit figure being written to wrong deal. Involves units on deals been added and invoiced, with spare parts, then rolled back and subsequently sold on a completely different deal.   New version fixes this specific scenario
    • Some tweaks to try and diagnose a problem with generating contract of sale on a couple of laptops. For some weird reason the contract particulars page is being rescaled to fit A4 portrait oriented into A4 landscape making the particulars page print small wasting available paper size. Weird because PDF libraries c9 use shouldn't be sensitive to environmental considerations and should behave consistently without regard for printer setup etc. Included a change that I hope fixes it, and at least will log some diagnostics to better help understand underlying cause.
    • Business activity report : include an option to filter based on txn types.  e.g. only print 'ABN Body only' activity records.
    • Floorplan payout : flip to add floorcost screen preset with curtailment to payout. Allows operator chance to set supplier if intent is to defer floorplan tracking as a creditor item

A couple of exotic scenarios with floorplan and finance exist if floorplan + finance provider are one and the same they may wish to bundle their transaction so only the difference is paid to the dealership.

Shared Finance + Floorplan

Consider sample unit. cost is 12500 + GST to dealership. Total floorplan is 13750.


We sell the unit where changeover including onroads is 15999.  The Finance company is same and $1000 deposit is left.


So finance company will provide dealer is 14999, but finance company have floorplan for 13750.  They may only provide the difference, e.g. $1249 in above example. Or in case where floorplan owing exceeds amount financed, take the amount financed off floorplan, leaving some smaller balance still owing on floorplan.

At this time c9 does not recognise the link between the floorplan provider and finance company. So you still need to treat txn as being handled separately.

Two steps In case where finance exceeds floorplan.

  • Pay out floorplan of 13750.  (Units -> Units -> Payout)
  • Record 13750 : value of floorplan as an invoice payment from customer. Record payment instrument using an instrument that represents the bank. (Setup -> instruments)
  • Record 1249 as payment on account. Record payment instrument as direct deposit.

Txn list for finance company will resemble this.


For scenarios where finance amount is less than floorplan owing.  Scenario is tweaked slightly.  Example below. (Same invoice above but deposit taken from customer is $3000)


Floorplan differences vs finance is now 12999 to 13750. So dealer owing outstanding floorplan balance of 751. To record this one.

  • Record txn similar to above. Example 12999 is recorded as floorplan offset in full against the account. e.g.:



Now on the units we record two floorplan payments. A curtailment equal to value financed, then we do the final payout after this.

  • Units -> Add Floorplan : Add floorplan costs for $12999.


Then select payout to see balance which you still owe finance company.











Release 4.678 June 29, 2017 barney


  • Complete screen nagging about unbilled unquoted labor even though there is no quoted labour on the job. Now fixed.
  • Graphical Charts : most charts that use biz activity data did not filter out deleted records so were all generally overstating sales figures etc by including deleted records.

Units Query tweakage

  • Default QBE screen for units is set to current dealer floor stock (previously was current+historical floor stock)
  • Bugfix with browser : would only show a screens worth of units. Now preloads whole list
  • Bulk Unit Label: print labels for units in bulk. Accessible via Units -> browser
Release 4.677 June 28, 2017 barney
  • Bug fixes & tweaks
    • Behaviour of complete job screen changed in 4.675, on cancel complete the question do you want to save changes would actually change job to completed. Also would always think there was changes to save since it thought going to completion was a change made by the user. Reverted back to older, and better, behaviour.
    • Workshop report : other column for warranty work not flushing back to zero so incorrectly displayed a running tally
    • Country key inputting: tweaked user experience so it is easier and more intuitive. Specifically Key in a country code that duplicates into country names. i.e AUS as a code can make Austria as a name: do not auto fill, but auto fill on tab out. Previously would force 'AUS' to australia as soon as the 'S' was typed. So only way to key in Austria previously was to copy/paste or keyin code (AUT)
  • AusPOST integration
    • Got international shipping working.
    • Default 'authority to leave' to no.
    • Allow configuration of preferred label sizes. Label size selection a bit smarter
Release 4.676 June 26, 2017 barney
  • Bugfix with version 4.675.   Workshop timesheeting auto log billable labour merge all option broken : was behaving same as 'never merge'. Now fixed.

Unit purchase : provide a much simpler framework to manage encumbrances inherited from customer. You can now add liabilities as cost to be paid by customer as opposed to prior fixed default as being a cost absorbed by the dealership.  Example screen shot.

purchase_custlia_1 purchase_custlia_2

The amount paid by customer is allowed to exceed the 'value' of the unit, permitting situation where customer pays dealership a net figure to take the unit off their hands.

Resulting recipient tax invoice:


And general Ledger Posting:

  code  |             name              |   DR    |   CR    
 1-1001 | Instrument #1                 |  600.00 |        
 2-6300 | Unit Encumbrance              |         | 5000.00
 1-5100 | Units in stock                | 4000.00 |        
 1-3105 | Input credits on ABN purchase |  400.00 |


Resulting ledger posting is fairly straight forward. Encumbered liability is treated similarly to on road costs. There are no GST input credits to be claimed on the liability since assumption is that customer really paid off the encumbrance 'below the line'.  GST input credits are being claimed on the valuation of the purchased unit. (In above example customer provided ABN so input credits are claimable immediately).

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