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Release 4.658 January 19, 2017 barney
  • Spares
    • Import Polaris EPC. Drop requirement to provide login credentials
    • Import Spide Parts images.  (Pending changes from spidi website owners)
    • Bug: Retain Supercession data feature added in last version worked on global level even though setting appears in edit franchise it actually incorrectly applies to all franchises in prior version. Fixed so it is franchise level setting. After updating you'll need to reapply setting to appropriate franchises.
    • NLA supercession filtering, increase field size to accomodate Yamaha's version of NLA (9999999999).
    • Cash refund : provide option to refund to customer as a deposit (i.e. store credit), saves time having to wrangle separate operations for this fairly common usage pattern
  • Workshop
    • Clocking : allow operator to modify labour line item description while clocking off existing job
    • New report: show jobs on hand and parts bolted to job as at a specific date (defaults to July 1 prior to date report is run). Something some accountants want if one considers parts bolted to a workshop job in progress as part of shop inventory
  •  Units
    • Show profit margin on following screens: View Unit, Modify unit and add sell unit
  • Other / Misc
    • Simple add image + description for website parts. Filter out non ascii characters to improve JSON API access and webpage rendering
    • Sync website orders.  Cope with non latin character set characters such as "Gjøvik".  Encoding of c9 database at this time cannot cope with extended character sets under all circumstasnces so such things can mess with c9's online backup processes.
    • Manage webcontent : implement more rigourous transliteration instead of just diacritic trimming, so either Gjøvik or Köln will asciify fine.
    • Manual backup: ignore temporary tables tmp_accntfilter and tmp_partsearch (temporary tables used to optimise filtered search results)
NLA parts and Yamaha Price files January 18, 2017 barney

Yamaha price files put a special supercession value of '9999999999' to mean the item is no longer available.

Problem is that this is treated as a supercession resulting in all NLA parts redirecting to this ficticious part number.  Supercession and NLA are completely different things.

C9 lets you work around this. You need to tell C9 that 99999-99999 is actually a NLA marker, not a supercession.

Setup -> Utilities -> Main Setup Screne. Goto spares 2 and key in following into NLA field.



Reimport price file and it should come good. (Requires update to c9 to accept this value)

Will update central repo file for Yamaha at c9 shortly to do this as well.




Release 4.657 January 11, 2017 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log out of all terminals as part of upgrade.

KTM Dealers : KTM pricefile can now be found in c9's central price file repository.  Other important changes for managing KTM price files documented here below.

  • Spares
    • Added new switch to add/edit franchise for handling supercessions.  When set, if there is a supercession in c9 but it isn't on a price file being imported, then the supercession in c9 is preserved. This is especially important for KTM and Husky since the new computer system generate price files with supercession data missing.  KTM/Husky dealers. You want to set this option. See screenshot below.
  • Giftcards
    • Track new field - expiry date
    • In giftcard show/filter based on expiry status
    • Print expiry on giftcard if set
    • On enter in giftcard alert if giftcard is overdue (but still allow sale through. Expired giftcards need to be processed manually as there is potentially a GST implication on them).
  • Workshop scheduling
    • Modiify job: allow selection of a new scheduled mechanic
    • Job wrangling on scheduler : automatically create a task when a scheduled mechanic is selected if no task is already in play. Also allow auto switching of mechanic this way.
  • Bugs/tweaks and little fiddles
    • Weborder processing. Tweak contact merge screen so it is more visually obvious what differences are between details entered on order vs details on file.  Also throw up a nag if there are differences.
    • Added some non functional database changes in preparation for some near future tweaks to how paypal integration works.  Will open up some new possibilities with paypal such as raising new paypal invoices to add/cover off excess freight charges all within c9.
    • Bugfix : under some circumstances a page on a printed/emailed report can appear on the next completely random report you generate. Should now be completely fixed
    • Bugfix: import GST exempt spares quote would not flip point of sale into tax exempt mode. Now fixed
    • Spares receive SMS notification window. Do not show parts ordered for workshop or deals since these never send out notifications anyway.
    • Modify contact.  3 letter country code is now displayed next to country name.  C9 accepts either full name or country code. (C9 tracks country as code)




Release 4.656 January 5, 2017 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Multiple Workshop bugfixes with fixed/capped pricing listed below. Now fixed.
    • Price setting broken when invoice contains other items with line discounts on them.
    • Also broken for GST exempt sales
    • Also broken when trying to set a price that doesn't round to default rounding boundary.  Ignore invoice rounding for fixed/capped jobs
  • Spare parts description search
    • Generally should run alot faster. Especially for big searches across all price files. i.e. searching for 'kit' or 'screw' across a million or so parts.
    • Allow description to do partial wildcard matches.  i.e. 'sunglass'  will match 'sunglasses' but 'sun*' will match anything that starts with 'sun', including 'sunset',  'sun' and 'sunglass'.
  • Contacts search
    • Also optimised to run faster. Especially when there are multiple search terms.
  • System level changes
    • Added new switch to disable monitors such as sms reply checking. (For software dev only).
Release 4.655 January 1, 2017 barney
  • Spares
    • Import KTM EPC.  Tweaked to cope with changes to factory website
    • Tweak EPC import so can easily switch from remotely linked diagrams to locally installed.
  • Workshop
    • Workshop global and jobtype based checklists. Only allow admin users to modify.
  •  Units
    • Allow selection of a supplier on rebate. On collection, records as a supplier credit against the supplier.
    • Print unit labels.  On purchase unit and view unit.  Especially useful for P/E bits.
  • Miner
    • Customer query. Type filter 'Any' redefined to be cash+account customers only.   Added new filter All, which includes archived contacts.
  • Other
    • Tweaks to c9 lease/account reporting.

Additional:  New version of remote client installer is now up.  A few minor tweaks and issues, e.g. company logo not printing on reports when running via remote.

Honda service reporting requirements cover a number of concerns which require running jobs through c9 in a way so that report outputs are accurate and meaningful. Key areas of importance

  • Honda vs non honda jobs
  • job types.
  • Genuine parts and oils (hardest bit to get right)

Honda vs non Honda Jobs

For a job to picked up as a honda job, it needs to have a unit assigned to it and the make associated with the unit is "Honda".  Fairly straightforward.  If job doesn't have a unit, it won't be reported. Further, Honda prefer complete VINS on unit so make sure the full VIN number is in the framenumber field on  the unit


Job types

Honda report requires classification into one of 3 types. Internal, Warranty and Customer. Tagging in c9 is straightforward but be mindful of these requirements.

  • A warranty job is any job where 'Warranty Repair' flag is set.
  • Otherwise if job has a customer it is a customer.
  • Otherwise it is internal (irrespective of pre-delivery status of the job)


Genuine Parts and Oils

Parts on a workshop job need to be spare parts, not workshop parts, and need to be flagged against a franchise with the name 'Honda'. Otherwise they will be ignored for Honda Service reporting purposes.

Oils are any honda part that starts with the following part code:

  • L1002-HP4
  • L1002-GN4
  • L1002-GN4
  • L1002-FCW
  • L1002-CHB


Normally many of these codes represents drum products and you pretty much never sell a drum to a single job,  so many operators of c9 prefer to use workshop parts for oils.  Such approaches will not work for honda service reporting.

C9 allows you to configure parts like a drum of oil to have a unit of measure which allows you to sell the oil to the job on a per litre basis. Details on setting up unit of measure here.

For example a 205 litre drum of 10w30 GN4 is setup in c9 like this:


Then it can be sold onto workshop job on a per litre basis and honda service reports will pick it up.







Release 4.654 December 20, 2016 barney

Just a few minor fixes and tidies

  • Boss Web Magician query. Should be working now.
  • View fiche via remote client.  Previously would warp and stretch the image. Now fixed
  • Unit sale with workshop pre-delivery.  Spares items were not billing for spares currently on order. Now fixed.
  • Paypal payment processing.  Make errors more obvious on screen and display actual error message paypal returned
Release 4.653 December 9, 2016 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out of c9 during upgrade.

  • Spares
    • Tweak database to forcefully disallow franchise names with same name. i.e. disallow two Honda's , and/or disallow 'HONDA' and 'Honda' as it messes up things in c9 having this.
    • Point of sale bugfix:  did not allow line discount $ of 1000 or higher. Now fixed.
    • BRP parts availability query.  Didn't work, never worked.  Now works.  You need to provide dealer ID + user + pass on F12 Magician.
    • Export Order: added support for Harley PAM export format
    • Receive Spares
      • Import KTM/Husky Spares invoices.  The trainwreck rumbles on.  Modified c9 to allow importing any Butmac invoice irrespective of whether or not the invoice balances. If invoice doesn't balance c9 will assume balance is an unstated discount but warns user to accept import results at their own additional risk.  Old versions of c9 will treat the warning as an error and will fail fast so you have to upgrade c9 in order to keep importing KTM/Husky spares invoices.
      • Remove global discount $/% options
      • Allow user to change parts value. On receive c9 offers option to reprice items to match the rekeyed parts value if they do not match. This replaces global discount $/% methodology with something which is hopefully more intuitive.
      • Manually change parts value. Previously GST would not recalculate for imported receivables, was fiddly to get it to do this. Now happens right away
      • Provide visual clues to what fields are 'locked' and what fields are calculated. Should make it easier to get invoice figures in.
  •  Workshop
    • Modify job.  Include unit and customer name in window title description.
    • Profit reporting inconsistencies between profit summary and workshop profit. All bugs in workshop profit report. Summary report is fine. Specifically
      • Discount component was incorrectly handling GST component
      • COGS component under some rare circumstances would overstate  COGS (too hard to explain exact behaviour, report logic was just plain wrong)
      • COGS component did not include ordered parts still not yet supplied for workshop jobs already invoiced out
    • Bugfix: Pickup all by customer. Would flipout with a GL journal error if any jobs in the list (except last job) had a deposit recorded against it, forcing you to have to pickup the jobs manually, one at a time.  Now working.
  • Units
    • Overhauled rebate management.  Provide a easy view all rebates screen from which rebates can be managed.
    • Allow uncollected rebates to converted into invoices in new rebate management screen. Invoices are tracked against a nominated account contact.
    • Provide ability to select a supplier for unit line costs and expenses. So underlying creditors can be tracked.
    • Spares sold on unit deal : link customer name to spares for easier searching in contact section
    • Purchase unit on account. If contact is a supplier as a bill to be paid instead of as a deposit.
    • Various bugs with rolling back a sale and recompleting it in terms of re-recording rebates etc. Now working alot better
      • Was deleting on road cost lines instead of retaining them for reuse
      • Delete unit sale via business activity sometimes would not delete all connected records. Had to delete them manually. Now sorted
      • Linked to sale delete handling like rebate broken. Now fixed. Was supposed to commit journal correction and new journal in separate GL postings but wasn't. Now working
      • Link to sale detection broken. fixed. Was treating deleted sales as a valid linking sale.
      • Reorganise code so writing sale line items is more efficient. Needed to retain invoiced rebate status if rebate line item doesn't change on rollback/resell
  • Other
    • Miner report.  Rerunning miner report with different settings created a mangled report of old and new settings printed over each other. Now fixed.
    • Web content.  Tweaked webcontent editor to convert chars to simplified latin.  i.e. convert Öhlins to Ohlins.  New webserver we are moving to soon can handle extended chars better so we might open this back up in the near future.
    • General Ledger.  Inventory updating could flip out constantly flipping back and forth with a +0.01/-0.01 tweak due to rounding errors. Typically caused by things like UOM items on workshop jobs in progress.  Not a functional issue, but could cause database to fill up with pointless journal postings.

The following shows how you can setup c9 to price Y-SHOP so it is priced at RRP instead of applying your normal markups.

C9 allows you to implement complex rules that influence pricing of items.  The Yamaha file in the c9 central repository now encodes the part 'divison'.  This field can be tested to figure out what items are Y-SHOP items.

How to setup

Step 1 Add a RRP price break system.

Firstly we need to setup a pricing system that is strictly RRP.  The recommended way to do this is to modify the special 'accessories' franchise and make sure it's price breaks are zero.

  • Spares -> Utilities -> add edit franchise
  • Select accessories franchise and click modify.
  • Goto markups table and make sure everything is zero here.  (Accessories items are not backed by a price file so these figures never have an effect on accessory items).


Step 2 Add a rule against Yamaha Franchise

  • Spares -> Utilities -> add edit franchise
  • Select yamaha franchise and click modify.
  • Goto advanced.
  • Clik Add to add a rule
  • On select franchise window, select 'Accessories'. The rule we are adding is a rule that applies accessories price breaks to parts that satisfy the rule.
  • The rule you need to key in for Y-SHOP is following.
  • Click OK + OK to apply the change


Step 3 make the rule happen

Rules added do not apply right away. They only apply on price file import. So from here import price file from C9 central repo (will only work here, the price files Yamaha otherwise distribute do not ccontain information needed to figure out if it is Y-SHOP or not).

If you have already imported price file you'll need to force reimport the entire price file again. In import price file,  select option' Reimport full price file' to force recomputation of rules.

If you now look at a Y-SHOP item in edit price file, you can see this as proof that it is working:




Release 4.652 November 30, 2016 barney

Includes database changes. Need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Spares
    • Stocktake adjust screen. Show variance, old and new QoH to help facilitate variance based stocktaking/verification.
    • Receive stock, new option to distinguish between receiving goods with and without a tax invoice. See screenshot below.
      • Subsequent invoice can be added against the supplier at a later date (via add payment)
      • Received goods in general ledger are balanced against new liability code : "Goods yet to be invoiced" (2-6200)
      • New option in add/edit franchise allows you to default a franchise to receive only
    • Receive stock bugfix. Import previous incomplete receive was not refreshing total pricing. Now fixed
    • View Invoice/Quote : provide a convenience button to access new point of sale session based on selected quote/invoice.
  • Workshop
    • Record sublet as invoiced from within edit sublet item : allow recording of invoice ref #.
    • Browse purchase orders : show ref #
    • Browse purchase orders : include filter option that filters on job card no, ref, description etc.
  • Units
    • Print paperwork.  Dodgy data such as things copy pasted into c9 can cause print paperwork to fail with an error. Now fixed.
  •  Business
    • Remittance details. Ability to print different remittance details on different invoice types. e.g. different bank details for bike sales compared to spares/workshop invoices.
    • Data Miner
      • Allow link invoiced and ordered items to stock items
      • Allow link invoiced items to invoice
      • Allow query invoiced items as primary query item
      • Bugfix, many part number based joins in miner broken. Now fixed
      • invocice item query : allow filter based on date


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