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Release 4.617 March 17, 2016 barney

Includes database changes you need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Spares
    • Modify franchise : new option to indicate whether backorders are okay or not from this franchise. When ordering parts from a franchise in point of sale, backorder flag is defaulted based on this new setting (potentially overriding existing global backorder settings)
    • F12 magician query. Could play up when returns no result for certain suppliers, e.g. Honda, and ask you to relogin even though login details are valid.  Improved so it is a bit more intuitive, less naggy
    • Orders : printed orders now contain an e-reference number. Other users can now key in to rapidly import your order and you can keyin e-refs from orders from other c9 dealers to quickly convert their order into a point of sale ready to process
  • Units
    • Deals. When you modify a unit on a deal system now memorises if you fixed the sale price or not, so when you goto modify the unit at a later date and add more items on it for example, it will adjust pricing based on memorized price. i.e. handy for managing fixed price sales.
Online lookup of TAS plates March 17, 2016 barney

C9 can now fetch rego details for tas plates when adding/purchasing a unit.

Key in rego number, press F11 = online lookup, select TAS.  (Also works for VIC/QLD/NSW)


Release 4.616 March 16, 2016 barney
  • Spares
    • Sell to existing order, do not allow user to change customer order is for.  Some users are expecting this to create a new customer order. Best to remove it altogether.
    • Receive order
      • Popup a nag box when deleting a part, prevent accidental deleting of parts off a receive
      • Electronic Import, provide a visual clue that import is working
    • Old school select order : memorize whether user prefers to default to top or bottom of the list.  Memorization depends on reason why old school select order was selected, i.e. for printing or receiving.
    • Improved fiche merge logic for use with KTM/Husky : runs faster and generates a better result
    • Tweaks to magician login to better improve integration of website supplier availability check. Only impacts a couple of suppliers: namely KTM.
  • Units/Workshop
    • Allowing fetching of vehicle details for Tasmanian plated bikes via F11 online import
    • Tradein : Disallow flagging of tradein units as being under consignment
    • Fixed logic bug with consignment testing on tradein to test for mix of consigned/unconsigned units
Importing Husky Price files March 11, 2016 barney

Butmac have given C9 permission to distribute price files.

A couple of fine points on the price file that is available:

  • The part numbers do not have spaces in them. Once Butmac have a new file with spaces back in them we will get it on the go
  • A very small number of parts (<40) may not supercede correctly. Again will patch as soon as a fix is available to us

To setup.

  • Goto spares -> utilities -> import price file.
  • Select your Husqvarna Franchise in c9
  • Select import option 'C9 Central Repository Price Files'
  • Select Husqvarna from the list
  • Click OK and let it run through, no need to key in discount codes, map columns etc.



Release 4.615 March 11, 2016 barney

This version fixes a very serious bug.  The bug can result in all transactions done within a session of c9 to be lost.

Cause:  system errors in c9, such as insufficient memory error while doing massive workloads like importing parts/fiche images, can put c9 in such a state that all operations done afterwards are not correctly saved. Normally, when confronted with such errors, users will shutdown the system and retry. But if you continue to try and use c9 after such an error, there is a chance, based on the type of system error and when it occurred, that none of the work done from that point onwards will be saved.

Further, c9 has some tests for this situation to check and warn user that this has happened.  But they are only implemented in point of sale screen. So if you have system crash, never use point of sale on that c9 session, and do other things, like sell units, you will never notice.

The conditions required to make this bug occur are exceedingly rare, but the severity of the issue deserves it's own version of c9 to deal with it.

Fix introduced:

  • Check integrity of c9 database everytime a new operation is started. (Only works in new UI mode, old school user interface does not have this check. We will be removing old school soon)
  • Also check integrity at a couple of key points. Start unit sale, select job, perform some sort of modification on a job.
  • In event of integrity check failure
    • Tweak recovery option to work a little more smoothly.
    • Force c9/Java to shutdown
Setting up PC-EFTPOS March 9, 2016 barney

Following describes how to get PC-EFTPOS integrated into c9.

Assumes you have had people setup PC-EFTPOS and verified it is working via PC-EFTPOS client control panel thingo and that you have docket printers working on c9.

Setting up on same computer where PC-EFTPOS gear is plugged in.

Setup -> Main Setup Screen -> EFTPOS / Paypal


  • Click Enabled PCEFTPOS
  • Leave Client Host/PORT exactly as it is. Do not change these
  • Click on button : Configure PC-EFTPOS client that is installed on this PC.
    • This is only done on the computer where the equipment is physically installed
    • Computer needs to be rebooted after this change for it to have any effect
    • Sometimes this step does not work.  It is trying to insert registry keys to change behaviour of PC-EFTPOS and often c9 will be running with a permission level that disallows it from making such changes. PC-EFTPOS should make these configuration/dialog options, but for some unexplained reason they do not, it is them that make this process unnecessarily hard, not c9 🙁 . The registry keys your local IT support people might need to add are:

32bit Windows
Value: 8900 decimal (22c4 Hex) DWORD

64bit Windows
Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\CullenSoftwareDesign\EFTCLIENT\CLIENT
Value: 8900 decimal (22c4 Hex) DWORD

  • Configure receipt printing way you want.
  • If you want to enable MOTO : click on Allow MOTO option. Especially useful if you are processing web orders.

Next, you need to tell c9 which payment instrument triggers PC-EFTPOS.  In Payments section, tick 'E' for EFTPOS integration for the correct option


Thats it. Now when you do a sale with eftpos you will see eftpos sync screen, like this in c9:



Setting up on different computer to where PC-EFTPOS gear is plugged in.

This step needs local IT hardware/network support.

  • On computer with PC-EFTPOS Gear:
    • Make sure it has a static IP address
    • Configure firewall to allow traffic in on port 8900
  • On remote computer. in c9
    • Setup -> Main Setup Screen -> EFTPOS / Paypal
      • Click Enabled PCEFTPOS
      • Change IP address to IP address/hostname of computer with the equipment installed
      • Configure receipt print settings as desired


Release 4.614 March 8, 2016 barney

More issues with systems integration into KTM/Husky. 🙁

Public KTM/Husky sites now broken. You will notice if you click back button on browser and click on a different diagram, it loads the diagram you where previously looking at; making it an even more painful and useless website to use.  Spent ages trying to workaround/ understand this brain damage but unable to and cannot figure out why, so I am disabling it as too unreliable to be used as a data source for fetching fiche diagrams.

For the login based dealernet websites: I've modified code slightly to try and decode bike names a little better. It is difficult, because names are written differently, sometimes for example you'll have year and country code in <>, but other times it is embedded in the model name itself. It looks like it was hand typed (by a trained monkey?), instead of computer generated from discrete database fields, so parsing/decoding important information such as year and country is now alot harder and reliable results cannot be as readily guaranteed. Using this data is far from ideal, but it is all that there is now. Consider this one: is it 2012 or 2013?

125 DUKE COLOR 1 ABS 2012 <2013> <8003M4>


Cross fingers and hope that brain damage on public parts sites doesn't spread to the login only sites.


Release 4.613 March 4, 2016 barney

Includes database changes, you'll need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Bugfixes
    • Spares - Move parts intelligently. Broken with recent changes to suppliers. Now working again
    • Receive spares - new feature to quickly tag a part on backorder did not refresh invoice total figures. Now fixed
    • Vouchers - notes on voucher would only save a very tiny amount of the notes, clipping rest of the text. Now fixed
    • Import fiche - sometimes would crash, especially if you select Abort.  Should now be more robust
    • Unit deal.  System could not handle selling same part to different units on a deal. Now fixed.
  • Workshop
    • Warn user if they are re-printing job card. Track # of job cards printed. Print a huge letter on the job card based on print number. i.e. [A], [B], [C] .... etc
Release 4.612 March 2, 2016 barney

Recent removal of partsmagician removed ability to do a F12 query on KTM.

KTM query was actually implemented in Parts magician : so disabling parts magician disabled KTM query.

KTM query now moved into c9. Does not impact Husqvarana as Husky use new Husky website to check availability.

pmmedParts magician, which has been running since June 2003 will be shutdown this week.  Over past 13 years it has processed close to 2 million requests and replies.

Moving forward, there will be now a c9 only implementation of parts magician. The new systems look exactly the same from a c9 operations perspective: but uses different technology.


  • Faster. Results are now instantaneous.
  • Guaranteed results: no longer dependent on whether or not c9 messenger is working in the target dealership, that the database is online etc.
  • More accurate dealership information.
  • Conceptually simpler technology, easier for us at c9 to grow and maintain


  • Is a c9 only solution. Old parts magician clients will no longer work
  • Any c9 dealer ( from version 4.611 onwards) can make queries, but only dealers that have online backup will reply to queries. If you don't have online backup, there are many reasons why you should have it. This is one more.



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