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Husky (Butmac) Parts Ordering December 14, 2015 barney

As we understand it, new systems are being rolled out today for Husky dealers.

C9 includes some changes to help streamline ordering of spares. Instead of manually having to key parts into AMCAP you can now press a button in c9 and the order (hopefully) will be delivered directly to Butmac. The following post explains this.

 Caution.  I am of the view that what is described below has not been tested nearly enough in the past couple of weeks by all people involved (including us) to have complete confidence in the new ordering solution.  I urge all users of this new feature to followup with Butmac directly to confirm your orders have actually being received in full. Give it a few minutes at least before following up. As I understand it, it might take a few minutes for orders uploaded via c9 to clear/process. This precaution should only be necessary for the next couple of weeks while new system is settled in.

In c9, instead of selecting print order. Select export order.

  • Orderbook
  • Highlight active order you want to send.
  • Select Send
  • Select Export Order


Now select export method of Butmac AX. You might need to select button 'Change Export method'.



Then configure export (initially).


  • Select Husky
  • Key in your account code. (Contact Butmac if unsure what this is)
  • Select option 'direct to butmac'
  • Click OK.

Order will be sent, no further action required. (But followup to confirm order was indeed received until you have confidence that the technology is reliable)

Release 4.598 December 9, 2015 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Spares
    • Added ability to define rules on a price file so that different part types have different pricing modes. i.e. keep accessory items at RRP.  Pretty complex to make it work (it is a complex requirement), will add a separate post on how to make it work later
  • Units
    • Tweak contract of sale. Was incorrectly adding encumbrance to tradein purchase value
    • Unit deals, was not calculating profit margin in deal modify screen correctly for items like assembly work. Now fixed
    • Unit deals, would not pickup changes to unit details (such as change cost/reference number). Now fixed
    • Unit sale, was not picking up discounting on passed on pre delivery costs. Now fixed.
Release 4.597 December 4, 2015 barney

Tweaks to how importing parts into point of sale behaves to make it more robust. Covers all importing, including expanding part kits, processing web orders, converting quotes/estimates etc etc. Key changes:

  1. Only interpret an explicit escape on a order/sell request as meaning that user is not interested in ordering the part. Previously clicking elsewhere such as highlighting one of the existing parts on order would be misinterpreted as user not wanting to order the part currently being imported.
  2. At end of import, provide user a list of parts that were not processed.
  3. A few other tweaks and fiddles to make process overall alot smoother

Other changes:

  • Unit sale : permit utilization of deposit for sales on account. Prints deposit + owing on tax invoice
  • Unit sale : does not require ABN for factory purchases
  • Workshop  report  : show total inc as well
  • New Magician integrations.  Boss Web (BRP/Canam/Seadoo etc), Mojo & Mcleods
Release 4.596 December 4, 2015 barney
  • Bugfix : reprint spares invoice. Filter by customer broken (probably broken for some time). Now fixed
  • Receive spares. Can now integrate with new Butmac AX platform to electronically receive invoices  for KTM / Husky. (no need to key in part numbers etc). More info once AX platform goes live.
Release 4.595 December 3, 2015 barney
  • Misc
    • Two more forms for Queensland
    • Profit summary : not clearing grand total tally on subsequent runs
    • Modify contact, could not convert company to individual, button greyed out. Now fixed
    • Print order.  QoH print was not printing correctly, was trimming last character in output (bug introduced with UOM)
    • Quick email, from address was not working.
    • Print unit invoice. Do not print 'GST exempt' for items valued at zero
  • Low level systems
    • Recent changes to backup verification could cause c9 to lockup in environments where network is dodgy and drops terminals occasionally. Tweaked verification to remove this risk.
Release 4.594 December 2, 2015 barney

Includes DB  changes. You'll need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Spares
    • Buy Sell Part : show supercession parts in a tree type structure
    • Fitment, show related supercession parts and allow query on fitment based on any of these parts
    • Optimised database for performing reverse supercession lookups for above two functional needs.
    • New option to default deposits to zero for web orders (as opposed to all other types or orders).
    • Bugfix with fitment : would not detect that a given franchise has diagrams under some circumstances. Now fixed
  • Low level systems
    • When c9 fails due to something like insufficient memory, would display completely useless message 'Trappable Exception'. Now set things up to report more useful diagnostics
Release 4.593 December 1, 2015 barney
  • Spares
    • View invoice. Under some rare circumstances system could lock up due to self referring quotes. Now fixed. Also fixed root cause of self referring quotes (a torturous sequence of events unlikely to be ever repeated).
  • Business
    • Profit summary report filterable by parts franchise. Will only show results relevant for parts franchise
  • Units
    • Request to de-restrict form (all states)
  •  Other
    • Label printing. Tweaks to hopefully help with printing on Brother. Allow fixed label sizes to include additional margin
  • Website
    • Added some infrastructure to messenger to support ability for c9 powered websites to display supplier QoH in lieu of a N/C result. Website changes will be coming shortly to leverage this.  Web server will route queries for N/C to messenger which will use F12 magician to resolve and send reply back.  So supplier N/C substitution requires messenger to be running at all times (if not running QoH rendered will be N/C)
Release 4.592 November 26, 2015 barney
  • Spare Parts
    • View what units a part can fit.  Works for stocked or unstocked items. Is able to query either local fiche diagram database or remote database if you are using the 'get diagrams from other c9 dealers' feature
    • Customer merge orders on pickup. Option under setup to merge all parts on identified orders, not just parts that have been received
  •  Workshop
    • Do not send booking reminders for jobs where job is in received state
    • Re-invoice a cancelled pickup job : allow user to backdate the date that the job was previously invoiced to, or to todays date. Defaults to last date that was picked up. Useful for recovering from cancelling the wrong job.
  • Contacts
    • Add new contact, system was not clearing contact type (Insurer/finance company?) flag. So on adding new contact it would pickup contact type from last record system was looking at, flipping customer as an account customer. Now fixed
  • Business
    • Backdated transactions involving debtor accounts, under some circumstances General Ledger would post on todays date, not backdated date. Now fixed
  • Low level Systems
    • Recent inclusion of ability to track which terminals are locking resources has broken ability for c9 to perform online backup verification.  Now fixed

A verification is a process where c9 verifies copy of data in online backup is same as local copy.  Verifications almost never fail because anomalies are rare to non-existent, so backup accuracy is not at any real risk but verification does provide assurance that backups are indeed correct, so is a high priority issue to fix to continue to provide this assurance.  One challenge with verification is that verification data takes a few minutes to prepare, if while verification is running a change to the database occurs, such as raising a new invoice, the verification statistics currently being created may be inaccurate so the verification must be abandoned and rescheduled. Recent changes to track terminals caused verification to fail all the time. The reason why is that verification monitors for any change on the database, not just changes relevant to backup. So changes to recording terminals caused verification to fail, unnecessarily because terminal tracking is not something that needs to be backed up.  Terminal tracking data is updated every few seconds.  Modified backup verification process so it only monitors and fails on changes to things that backup system actually backs up, not any change to the database.

Release 4.591 November 26, 2015 barney

Estimates. On some systems opening estimates screen can take a long time ,5 -> 15 seconds due to poor database query performance. Now dramatically improved ( from 5 seconds to 1.4 milliseconds in one instance)

Release 4.590 November 24, 2015 barney

Requires database changes. You'll need to log c9 out during upgrade.

Tracking terminals by name : tag remote sessions with a '(R)' at the end of the name.

Automatic updating of inventory assets in general ledger. Was posting blank journals with 0.00 adjustment caused when units of measure are in play, due to rounding/precision errors. Not a functional defect, but an annoyance worth fixing to stop the GL for filling up with useless 0.00 postings.

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