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Release 5.2.76 August 14, 2023 barney

Trying to track down a misbehaving Adjust ORC screen. Some tweaks:

  • On Adjust ORC Show unit and invoice particulars being adjusted
  • Low level database refetch on select record. Suspect issue is concerned with this.
Release 5.2.75 August 7, 2023 barney

Will include DB changes, you'll need to log all terminals out during update

Tweaks and Fixes

  • Miner, some miner field queries broken, like curtailed $ on units. Now working (internal field length limit increased)
  • Deposits held report. Said it reported on giftcards but was not working. Now fixed
  • Bugfix : under some circumstances a counter spares order would misreport the customer in orderbook (root cause, order would be incorrectly associated with a job or deal bc the operator started associating the order with that job/deal but then changed their mind, and the job/deals current customer would be displayed in the orderbook from there onwards)
  • Sync web orders from Neto (like Shopify)
    • configured in biz -> website -> settings -> integration tab.
    • Similar behaviour to shopify. Auto syncs orders down.
  • Spares Invoice : recent change to cope with long part nos exposed an unwanted issue with color 'bleed' from previous line (e.g. red discount figures) into part description. Now fixed
  • Part input into point of sale. If part is not found but ends with *[1-3 numbers], try it without this and see if it finds anything. CF-Moto barcodes printed on boxes have an extraneous asterisk and digits at the end.
  • Miner : add query / export for sales leads
  • Include invoice to/delivery to on unit invoices to try and make some finance companies happy.
  • Debtors : statement conditions can be configured to trigger threshold tests. In time this will be extended to provide explicit due dates for invoices. More detail below
  • Statements: option to make aging groups reflect above newly added statement condition threshold. So instead of hard printing overdue / overdue / 30 days, it can dynamically show 60 days / 90 days for accounts which permit extended terms. To be used by c9's own billing for dealers who have direct deposit arrangement with c9
  • Refund deal deposit : ability to refund as deposit on contact was accidentally lost in migration to v5.2 : now restored here
  • Next day settlement tweaks for cash till, allow configuration of settled funds to land on following day.

Next Day Settlement on cash count

A new option can be configured in payments. This option allows you to flag a payment instrument as settling indirectly so funds will not clear immediately. For example Tyro eftpos you settle funds at end of day but funds do not appear on your bank until the next workday.

In payment setup is new options:

When set, on cash till the txn will post to a new code (1-1300 : Banked Funds Clearing) then the next day a new journal is added which moves from 1-1300 to your bank.

Internally, c9 mashes it all into a single journal posting. The entire journal is considered to be posted on day it settles to bank, but two of the lines are fixed to day of cash till count.  You can move the txn around in bank rec, but the posting lines to your payment method will be hardwired to date the cash till screen was actioned and cannot be modified.

Note how some lines are dated 10th and some on 11th. ( c9 permits this in v5, as long as tallies for a any /all days in a post tally to zero).

Newly added GL code (1-1300 : Banked Funds Clearing) is included on balance sheet and is integrated into reconciliation report / realtime reconciliation checks.

Statement conditions for threshold Limits for debtors

Suppliers in c9 have a rich system for expressing default due dates. you can write "1st of next month" or "14th + 2 months" for example. This system can now be employed for debtor thresholds.  When enabled and set on a debtor it overrides the default behaviour of simple day limits.

Setup -> Main setup screen -> Cust 1  tab. enabled so:

On discounting/billing tab:


Release 5.2.74 July 20, 2023 barney

Includes DB Changes, you need to log terminals out during upgrade

Tweaks and fixes

  • view invoiced units : very slow screen especially with systems with alot of data. Added some database magic to improve performance (materialize units into a flatter data structure for consignments and invoices using DB triggers )
  • refund deposit invoice. Allow payment method do deposit on account
  • supplier part reformat is broken in some very exotic/specific instances, causes ongoing issues which c9 servers and backups getting hammered. Now fixed
  • Memory error with enormous quote imports in point of sale. Now fixed. (unecessary recursion generating a stack overflow)
  • Spares A4 invoice : allow really long part nos to overwrite description if necessary, e.g. for cf-moto part nos.
  • Add a slot on workshop invoices to print an arbitrary image. For HD QR code stuff.  Configured in setup Workshop 2 Tab. Ideal image size is 1600 x 900
  • Check following repo curated suppliers for onwebsite qty check: BCE, Cassons, Ficeda, Motonational, ORI
  • Spares POS : provide part count #
  • Make sure clerk keys do not work for deleted staff records
  • Weborder : format credit cards for readibility
  • Email invoice / report input screen. Add vertical scroll bars only to body text
  • Planner add a clock button

Includes non functional changes related to v5.3 (Txnengine 5.0 : redefine tracked to help with v5.3 orderbook)

Release 5.2.73 July 7, 2023 barney

Tweaks and fixes

  • Add/Edit rebate. Recent changes to allow fine tuning GST on rebate had some very rough edges in UX which causes problems with inputting numbers. Dramatically improved. These improvements will also affect a number of other screens (job item sublets, finance settlement, unit on road cost screens)
  • Sel Transaction screen tweaks
    • Change duedate sort to also sort by txn date
    • Rename 'create date' to 'txn date'. Create date implies when txn was inputted into c9 when we explicitly mean the txn date
  • Cassons Magician check : use c9 repo cache for this info from now on
  • Dealership units : make the deal / quote buttons down buttom work as filters
Release 5.2.72 June 27, 2023 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

Tweaks and fixes

  • EPC fiche importer
    • bug in recent changes to make epc more memory efficient could result in c9 locking up. Now fixed (Root cause, image name collision code broken and would fail to increment and generate a new file name correctly)
    • KTM fiche importer broken because of duplicated fiche models on KTM site. Fix by indexing units by model + year and the year code.
  • Add Refund Transaction. allow operator to select their own GL code
  • Add rebate: allow $0 tax input. Rebates should probably never be inputted without tax, so don't do it; at least not without talking to your accountant first, but adding anyway for completeness.
  • Biz Deposit report tweaks
    • Allow operator to filter results to specific area (spares, workshop, deals or customer deposits)
    • Allow operator to generate a historical deposit report for start of a specific day.
  • Profit summary : remove rebate pending. Doesn't belong here
  • Other - v4.1 txnengine : relevant for v5.3,
    • tweaks how lnk allocations for orders materialize. Non functional for v5.2
    • a tweak to improve txnengine performace with transmonitor_verify constraint checker : check if query planner thinks there are lots (>20) txns that require checking. if so force a planner analyze first in order to confirm planner isn't working off stale data and runs a slow plan for constraint checking.
Release 5.2.71 June 16, 2023 barney

Fixes and tweaks

  • Bugfix with converting estimate to job where estimate contains other job items without suppliers (so genuine other lines, not sublets). Would result in an error.Now fixed
  • workshop view screens with timesheet tab : show tally of hours and costs timesheeted
  • Notes on workshop planner : allow selection of colors/icons to highlight note with
  • Freeform parts on workshop deal, save and reopen and freeform numbers restart back at #1. Now fixed.
  • Memory efficiency issues with fiche import. Especially web based crawlers. System was supposed to be memory efficient but a number of things were not working as expected. Now generally epc import should work alot smoother / more reliably even without having to forcefully allocate additional memory to c9.
    • Main fix 1 : once image is stored in DB, reclaim memory for image itslef. Generate and manage image checks using CRC hashes for reused images
    • Main fix 2 : unit list was iterated over instead of polled meaning unit would never be memory reclaimed. Catalogs  + their images would be linked to unit; so basically c9 needed enough memory to store every single crawled image instead of just the ones it was currently crawling but not yet written to database.
Release 5.2.70 June 12, 2023 barney

Tweaks and fixes

  • Last version of c9 broke ability to view units + add new PDS from within the modify deal screen. Now fixed
  • New option in add/edit franchise to tell c9 to forget magician login settings. To help with magician integration where login still 'works' but doesn't return results. For example KTM Group logins when the employee the login belongs to is deactivated
Release 5.2.69 June 8, 2023 barney

Includes DB changes. You need to close all terminals to install this update

Pricefiles : barcodes & NLA & C9 Pricefile Repo

Import price file : the combo of barcoded parts and NLA status did not play nice together : the barcodes would always import with active status even though the underlying part might be a NLA. Which can cause all sorts of issues with dead supers when NLAs are filtered, especially if data comes from c9 repo and is especially obvious if you grab say Whites Power Sports price file from repo for first time and leave repo import on its defaults. Now fixed: this change is mainly concerned with internal stuff within c9 that feeds c9s repo.  Essentially the effect of this fix is already in play for all dealers, doesn't have to wait for 5.2.69 to be released. But fixed code itself physically lives in this version of c9. Repo fixes will slowly filter through for relevant brands (most will be updated on June 1)

Tweaks and fixes

  • Profit summary report : not working when run on individual contacts. Now fixed
  • WS Estimate move, move to level deeper button doesn't work under some circumstances. When prior sibling has children move would not work. Root cause was changes made back in Sept last year to deal with ambigous ordering; the fix back then created an invalid tree (each depth step was +2 instead of +1)
  • Ron Angel Magician check : working again
  • Spares -> Ad hoc adjustments report.
    • Repeated running of report would not reset global tally, so tally would just keep increasing on each run of the report. Now fixed
    • Filter out RRP price file update changes from this.
  • Remittance advise on bottom of invoices. Do not show "Or Fax:" if no fax number is set
  • Deals screen with a rolled back purchase unit, make it obvious the underlying unit no longer exists to highlight reason why you cannot press on with a sale in these circumstances
  • Dealership units sold tab, include an option to allow operator to preset how far back c9 goes which is memorized on the terminal. (Default is 90 days)
  • Payroll
    • STSL Rates for 23/24 added.
    • Warning about tax codes for 2023-24 not being in place removed
Release 5.2.68 May 26, 2023 barney

Includes DB changes, you need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Tweaks and fixes
    • Improve display on txn reference
      • both business -> activity would only show first 10 chars of txn reference, now display whole thing
      • view journals : show txn reference as well as line reference if present. Often head reference is set and it is more useful information
    • Upgrade terminal screen and "what is servers IP address?" now display database servers start and uptime; diagnostically useful for dealing with stale database connections / locks for c9 tech support.
    •  Profit summary changes, cogs on workshop from payroll was a bit broken
      • labour cogs was supposed to deduct from payroll tally but wasn't, now fixed
      • Separate out timesheeted cogs labour not invoiced in period from payroll figure, so payroll figure is better represents non billable payroll costs
      • show above separated out not billed here figure as being profit neutral in context of reporting period, will account for its cost in period it closes in
    • Chat client : transiterate input to latin. C9 central servers currently can only handle latin charsets (will switch to UTF eventually, but that's a mission)
    • Unit Sales where deposit > changeover on a tradein. c9 is supposed to block such a sale from pressing on but under some circumstances you can press on (where deposit amt is less than gross sales before subtracting trade). Now fixed
    • Add alternative from non stocked screen, is not preloading the actual unstocked part. Now fixed
    • Introduce new unit type category : e-bikes. Functionally not in use at this time (originally was for a couple of dealer reporting programmes), but add for now for sake of completeness
    • Bugfix for recently added cash basic txn lock , would fail for certain types of rare delete oriented txns. Now fixed.
    • New GL Expense code for sponsorships
    • WPS Magician test: return dealer specific pricing (newly added element in WPS api). If not present return wholesale_price
    • Payroll 23-24 tax tables added
      • 2023 Super Guarantee increase to 11%
      • 2023 NAT 3539 (HELP/STSL tables)
      • 2023 Medicare reduction threshold
      • 2023 MLS Surcharge thresholds
      • Note: 2023 STSL indexed tables are not on ato website yet. So not yet included in c9
      • This version of c9 will nag that that 2023 period is not configured. Once STSL indexed tables are on ATO website (eta mid june) will press into a new ver of c9
Release 5.2.67 May 15, 2023 barney

Tweaks and fixes

  • Another regression fix : f2 find part description filter broken when no franchise was selected. Caused by recent inclusion of secondary franchises. Now fixed
  • New job based on estimates: would not pick up default discount from estimate. Now fixed


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