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Release 4.569 (& Release 4.568) September 29, 2015 barney

Bugfix with db upgrade from very old versions of c9. (ie. from 4.369, 200 versions before). Would not upgrade. Now fixed.

Bugfix : could not alter unit type for modify unit of measure. Now fixed.

Release 4.567 September 28, 2015 barney

Bugfix : recent addition of PDF invoice importing broke C9 E-Reference importing for receive spares. Now fixed.

Print qtyonhand on following reports : Spares profit & Spares History

Release 4.566 September 28, 2015 barney

User friendly improvements for Units of Measure.

  • Allow all details on existing unit of measure to be modified
  • On view/change part, show and allow user to modify unit retail price

User friendly improvements for upgrading c9. From now on (not this version but the next), c9 will give users 24 hour grace for applying updates on all terminals. So if you are in the middle of work and open a new terminal and someone else in the shop has checked for updates, your system will not be forced to upgrade. You will have option to delay the application of the upgrade. The option to delay is only given for 24 hours. The following day c9 will unconditionally update.

Bugfix with Invoice PDF importing, would not decode quotes (") in PDF files correctly messing up ability to decode entire PDF. Now Fixed. Also included support for Husky Power equipment invoice importing.


Units of Measure September 27, 2015 barney

C9 now permits selling items in units other than what the supplier provides them.  For example a 208 litre drum of oil can be sold by the litre at partial quantities. i.e. 2.6 litres.

 Details on how it works in c9

C9 always tracks items as they are provided by the supplier.  Pricing/quantities etc are always framed as they are expressed by the supplier. So a Drum of oil in c9 represents a drum, the price is price for the entire drum etc.  To sell a litre,  a fraction of the quantity in c9 is removed. e.g. A full drum at 208 litres minus 3.5 litres leaves a 0.9832 of a drum remaining (C9 tracks actual quantities alot smarter than this, to minimise rounding errors etc, this is just characterising what is going on).

When manipulating things in c9 you in most places in the software need to think in terms of what the supplier provides. Only on the constructed invoice itself do unit of measure conversions apply. So when modifying stock on hand etc, retail price etc, it is always price to sell the supplier unit (i.e. a Drum).

Each stocked item in c9 can be assigned as unit of measure.  Multiple items can share the same unit of measure. Unit of measure can cover things like:

  • Ordinal quantities.  I.e. a pack of 24.
  • Fractional quantities.  i.e. 2.5 litres.
  • Lengths. Lengths allows you to measure a length then sell multiples of this. e.g. measure 2.5M of rope and sell 12 pieces cut to this length
  • Areas : same idea as lengths.

Configuring Units of Measure types

Main screen to drive Unit of Measure config looks like this:


  • Description - Describe the Unit of Measure type
  • Base name - a short description of the unit supplied item. i.e. 'Drum' for a drum of oil. 'Pkt' for a packet etc.
  • Unit Name - The unit name for the unit sold.  i.e. L  for liter, M for meter. etc
  • Point of Sale - Here you indicate what can be sold at point of sale. If you don't to sell drums, just liters, select 'Unit Only'. Select other options if you want user to sell either or.
  • Unit Type -  Whether unit is fractional/volume/area/length etc, as described above
  • Unit quantity - Here you key in no# of units in the supplied item. i.e. 208 for 208 litres in a drum
  • Min Price : - Here you set minimal price for selling one unit.  i.e. $10 for one litre
  • Min Matkup : Here you set markup basis for the part. i.e. markup 20%

Price for a unit is calculated based on min markup or min price.  Say retail price of a a drum is $2500.  C9 will calculate 1/208th of $2500 and asd markup of 20%.  1/208 of $2500 = $12.02.  + 20% = $14.45.   If this is below min price then price is set to min price instead. i.e. if you set min price to $15,  then $15 is used, not $14.45.

Enabling Units of Measure on a stocked item

You need to add an item to stock first. Once added you then click on F6 to view modify part.


Click on UOM to enable a unit of measure on a part.  This will permit part qty to now be fractional.

Say you have 2 unopened barrels and one barrel with 100 L left in it. The way this is coded into c9 is as follows:

  1. Key in 2 in Qty on Hand.
  2. In Qty remain in open/used. Key in 100
  3. C9 will automatically adjust 2.000 in Qty on hand to be 2.4808, to represent 2 and a bit you have on hand.

One handy thing in view/change part is it shows you unit retail price. Here you can modify this to arrive at your desired retail. It back calculates supplier (i.e. drum)  retail to achieve this.


Selling Units of Measure

Key part into point of sale as you would normally.

The system will indicate on quantity screen the UOM you are using and the price and the quanttiy on hand as a function of the UOM selected. If you sleected either, you can change whether you are selling say Litres or Barrels at this point.  On an invocie you can have same part but with different UOMs. i.e. 6x 2m rope + 2x 1.4m rope.


Current limitations/constraints

  • Cannot order units of measure. You will always need to stock order and then sell out
  • Cannot reserve/layby units of measure at this time. (You can quote them).


Release 4.565 September 25, 2015 barney

Bug fixes relating to ongoing regression defects with refunding spares caused by UOM and consolidating invoice/refund

  • Allow -ve freight on point of sale complete for freight refunding
  • Point of Sale tender display : make it visually obvious when displaying result of a refund
  • Point of sale: provide visual clues on what to do in order to refund an item (i.e. -ve qty)
  • Point of sale: when a qty is to be refunded always default restock to qty refunded. User must override all changes here if not being restocked

Other things in play:

  • Added some infrastructure to support upcoming new feature: ability to key in unit details on a web enabled mobile device. (i.e. copy vin details etc from the bike using a tablet or mobile phone). Nothing functional yet. Hopefully in a few weeks.
Reelase 4.564 September 23, 2015 barney

Bug fixes

  • Total on workshop jobs with parts on order with a discount was incorrect ,was double discounting.  System would resolve itself normally when parts arrive so rarely an issue at invoicing time. Now calculates correct price on discounted ordered parts
  • Credit spares back to stock. Was not creating stock record for unstocked items. Partly a regression bug caused by introduction of unit of measure. An exchange invoice could not restock such items either, now fixed.

Includes new PDF parser library to increase support for importing supplier invoices. At time of writing can import GP Wholesale, Cykel, Yamaha/Ficeda and Whites. Send through more PDFs for us to add.

Release 4.561 & 4.562 September 22, 2015 barney

This version includes ability to import electronic invoices into c9 spares receive.

At time of writing only Yamaha, Ficeda & Whites Powersports are working.

Email invoices to barney if you want c9 to be able to import them.  All going well, adding a new invoice will only take an hour or so and should not require any further updates to c9.


Bug fix: offline backup not backing up unit of measure sequences correctly. Minimal impact to offline backups.

4.562 fixes relating to PDF import

  • 4.561 pdf import was a memory hog and would cause c9 to crash on low spec machines. Now fixed to use minimal memory
  • Added support for parsing landscape oriented PDF files.
Release 4.560 September 11, 2015 barney

Includes Database changes you will need to log all terminals out during upgrade.

This release contains a major new feature, units of measure on spare parts. This permits selling items in units that differ from how the supplier provides them.  Examples:

  • Selling individual items from a packet of 12, links from rolls of chain etc.
  • Selling oil from a drum (allows fractional items, so you can sell 1.5L)
  • Selling lengths, i.e. 6 pieces of 1.5m tubing

In view/change part is a Unit of Measure. You can assign UOM onto parts.  There are at present some limitations on UOM selling, all connected to ordering/reserving.

  • You cannot order units.  Parts must still be ordered in full as provided by supplier. You cannot do customer order for 1.5L of oil, but you can order for them an entire drum
  • You cannot reserve or layby units of measure. They can be quoted although

One major consequence of this new feature is removal of spares credit note screen in c9. It has now been merged in with point of sale screen; a credit note is imported with -ve quantities on parts.  Functionality is still there, but now works quite differently.

Other changes and bugfixes

  • Bug with clocking would result in clerkkey records getting messed up and deleted.  (Caused by software bug + network connectivity issues when c9 is reseted in the post clerk key enter clockon/clockoff screen)
  • Dealership details, option to key in shipping address for shop as different from premises.  Printed on customer shipping labels.
  • A1 Accessory Magician query support added
  • Mercury Fiche import : fixed bug where about half models would not import (incorrectly implemented filter that tries to focus on AUS models only)
  • Point of Sale complete.  Extract phone number from order number was overzealous. C9 would extract 0422 206 974 from this "GSXR600 K4 JS2B2206974100143", now fixed to consider characters like JS as breaking the contiguity(?) of the number.



Expected to be finished next week,  ability to

  • Sell units of measure. i.e. Litres / length of chain, links etc.
  • Ability to sell fractions of UOMs.

This will provide alot of new possibilities, including solving long standing issue of tracking workshop drum oil



Release 4.552 August 31, 2015 barney
  • Tweaks
    • Print dealer licence # on spares invoices, to cope with requirement from NSW to print this on everything
  • Bug fixes
    • Import c9 repo price files, system would not allow you to select last option in the list. Now fixed
    • some GL journal postings relating to tweaks to floorplan GST may be incorrectly data. Update will redate such journals.
    • Unit proft report.  Reset on sub total and grand total for rebates and write backs was busted. Now fixed
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