Monza price files now distributed by c9 directly. Note that c9 distributed price files for Monza will have all items set with GST, including knee braces. If you wish to sell knee braces tax exempt, you will need to import price files from Monza directly. On advise from our own accountants, we will not distribute such items as tax exempt.
To import c9 distributed monza price file, goto Spares -> Utilities -> Import price file. Select your Monza franchise. Select option 'C9 Central Repository price files' and select Monza.
Yamaha have a major price change that comes into effect from 29th of August (this coming Saturday). C9 will nag you on Saturday morning to fetch latest price file. Over 95% of parts have been repriced as far as I can tell. If you are not receiving Yamaha price files from c9 repo yet, here is a page that explains all.