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Vic Roads C9 Integration issues August 4, 2015 barney

About a week or two ago Vic roads modified their Online Registration lookup to include mechanisms to ensure that the user of the website is a person, not computer software.

This has broken c9's integration into Vic Roads indefinitely. Unfortunately for c9,  the system Vic Roads implemented is quite thorough and not even worth attempting to try to workaround it.  Way such systems are normally implemented we could of modified c9 to show you a capture box, like this:


And ask you to key in the words into c9 to get the rego details, but not even this is possible.

I have called Vic Roads to explain the issue and see if an alternative is available. Turns out a few other people have been hamstrung by this recent change in what was originally a very useful service from Vic Roads.  They don't have a solution but say they are overhauling the IT systems, implying that they may or may not add focus to web service/ B2B solutions, but there is no definite project, no timeline and at this stage we cannot provide a path forward until Vic Roads provides something.

Online reigstration lookup was immensely useful tool.  Kinda sucks to receive some toys only to have them taken away from you a few months later, but there is little c9 can do further at this time other than wait.  NSW and QLD integration still working at least.

Release 4.543 August 2, 2015 barney

Includes database changes. You will need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Tweaks
    • Point of sale , nag if try to continue a sale with line items of 0 qty required
    • Business Activity, option to filter based on whether line item in report contains full GST or is in any way exempt. Also ability to apply filters to all segments of report (enabled by default because this is more intuitive, disable to revert to old behaviour of this report)
  • Many GL/Activity tweaks and fixes
    • Journal costs and rebates on unit sale under a separate GL posting so alterations to these at a later date are journalled easier/more intuitively
    • Fix GL on spares purchase to refine GL code to ABN input credits
    • Fix GL dating on adjustments to unit line items (like rebates and curtailments) so they are consistent with activity records
    • Fix GL deletion of unit lines not updating the GL
    • Had some GL records where item date did not match posting date, not a functional issue yet but would be later when GL tally optimisations are implemented
    • Had some GL Records recording incorrect date in 1801 in some rare circumstances, now fixed.
    • GL rebates clearing : refreshes periodically
    • GL : missing warranty claim on supplier
    • Activity Report : missing rebates collected
    • Activity Report : missing unit purchases, flagged with a different type code so easy to separate out if required
    • A few other tweaks and fixes here.
Release 4.542 July 19, 2015 barney

This version fixes a fairly significant defect introduced with recent addition of trade discounting schemes.  The system would not under some circumstances memorise individual line item discount previously recorded and would instead default to selling a part that should be discounted at it's normal retail price. The discount can be rekeyed, but the system was failing to recall the previously rekeyed discount.

Affects invoicing out received orders, converting quotes, processing web orders etc.


Release 4.541 July 10, 2015 barney

Last version broke search by phone number. Not sure how this happened, think process I use to 'compile' c9 was somehow damaged. Now working in this update.

Release 4.540 July 9, 2015 barney
  • Workshop
    • changed wording of tax invoice so pickup date is worded as 'tax invoice date'
    • allow printing of a pro-forma invoice : view job, print invoice will print a pro forma invoice, not a full tax invoice if job is still in progress
    • show pickup date in view customer under workshop tab
  • Spares
    • F11 add order part will default part to preferred default order type based on franchise
  • Customers
    • Statement conditions were being generated for wrong period.  Should be created for period just elapsed not next period.
Release 4.539 July 8, 2015 barney

Account statement conditions not working with general ledger activity causing unbalanced journal entry errors.  Changes:

  • Added two new GL codes : AR penalties (income) and AR rewards (expense)
  • Fixed GL handling of statement conditions to use above new GL codes.
  • Ensure statements/penalties are written on separate postings instead of a single journal posting
  • Bugfix with print statement, was not refreshing regenerate statement condition option correctly under some circumstances

Other stuff:

  • Search by phone number, in search entry, handle things like spaces correctly. So '5422 2255' and '54222255' and 03 54222255' yield same result
  • Added hot keys to make print part label more accessible. (F9 from view/change part, then 1 to print a single label)
Release 4.538 July 7, 2015 barney
  • Workshop
    • Bugfix with select job. Would not select highlighted job if you dragged mouse while clicking on job. System would mis-interprete and incorrectly handle the drag/drop operation
  • Accounts
    • Whenever you raise an invoice on an account customer with deposits on hold, system will ask you if you want to use deposit to pay newly raised invoice.  Behaviour can be tuned in main setup screen, deposits tab
  •  Spares
    • Change part franchise/select correct part
      • Check and follow supercessions
      • Warn user if target franchise does not have part on price file
      • Do not update or delete items on price file.  This old logic was incorrect: price file is supposed to represent authoritorive price file from supplier and as such should not be so easily modified by the end user
    • Freeform stocktake
      • Bugfix with updating min/max or location. Would not save if part qty did not change and part was already stocktaken today
      • Allow presetting of location on all items in freeform stocktake to a single location. To aid with stocktake processing via a given location
Release 4.537 July 6, 2015 barney

Send printed order : shrink part line item down one font point size to fit more in. Also allow supplier reorder num to flow onto multiple lines if required

Import Suzuki EPC diagrams, bugfix with certain manually configured model import options would cause import to consistently crash. Hopefully fixed.

Release 4.536 July 6, 2015 barney

Recent changes to fix bug with finance deals recording deposit during finalize deal broke other things (such as using deal deposit on cash sale). Now fixed so all use cases surrounding deals and deposits are working.

Release 4.535 July 4, 2015 barney

Ordering tweaks

  • View order : show supplier reorder number
  • Modify order item : allow user to view/modify supplier reorder number
  • Receive order, modify item : show ratio % between buy and retail. Allow user to tweak ratio or to retain retio/margin.


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