About a week or two ago Vic roads modified their Online Registration lookup to include mechanisms to ensure that the user of the website is a person, not computer software.
This has broken c9's integration into Vic Roads indefinitely. Unfortunately for c9, the system Vic Roads implemented is quite thorough and not even worth attempting to try to workaround it. Way such systems are normally implemented we could of modified c9 to show you a capture box, like this:
And ask you to key in the words into c9 to get the rego details, but not even this is possible.
I have called Vic Roads to explain the issue and see if an alternative is available. Turns out a few other people have been hamstrung by this recent change in what was originally a very useful service from Vic Roads. They don't have a solution but say they are overhauling the IT systems, implying that they may or may not add focus to web service/ B2B solutions, but there is no definite project, no timeline and at this stage we cannot provide a path forward until Vic Roads provides something.
Online reigstration lookup was immensely useful tool. Kinda sucks to receive some toys only to have them taken away from you a few months later, but there is little c9 can do further at this time other than wait. NSW and QLD integration still working at least.