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Release 4.534 July 3, 2015 barney
  • Shipping Labels
    • Shipping Label tweaks: print ship to on separate line.   Only print one phone number, preferencing mobile number.  Print Country.
    • Part labels: option to print name of the shop
  • Spares
    • Point of sale: reset back to retail pricing on completion/reset of POS
    • Point of sale : option to disable selection of trade #2.
  • Units
    • paperwork: bugfix with printing shop name on paperwork. Was broken by recent internal system shop name changes
    • paperwork: fixed crash bug when trying to view paperwork on a computer without any configured printers
    • deal on finance: permit entry of deposit in finish deal screen. Also tightened up behaviour of finish deal a little bit (i.e. disallow change of customer in finish deal)
  • Accounts
    • Statements : include name of dealership in statement email , not c9. i.e. will read 'Foo Bar Motorcycles Account Statement', instead of 'C9 Accounts Statements'
Release 4.533 July 1, 2015 barney

Includes database changes you will need to log terminals out during upgrade

Point of sale : ability to configure two different trade discount schemes.  So for example a trade discount scheme may discount Honda parts 15% and Yamaha parts 18%.

To configure per franchise discount.  Add/Edit Franchise.  Markups:


You can modify these trades on a per part basis in View/Change Part


Finally,  Trade discount scheme is changed via pressing Alt + T in point of sale.



Other changes:

  • Some changes to help fix up and re-organise incorrectly numbered + incorrectly located parts
    • F6 view part, move part to a completely new number + franchise
    • POS import, permit stock miner query to express all franchises except franchise X
  • Workshop : tender screen, allow enter on zero to prefill tender with invoice amount. Same as Spares and units
  • Spares
    • tender finish screen: show spares invoice number
    • Show freight to invoice later and factor it in when priting reserve/pickup warning
    • Always show GST $.  Previously would render vague 'Prices include GST' when GST was infact $0, could create confusing tax invoices where all items are actually GST exempt (i.e. medical gear), or when invoice only contains deposit (which is not taxable)
  • System changes
    • Cache franchise information more efficiently
Release 4.532 June 26, 2015 barney

Added some tools to perform manual paypal capture/refunds because it appears as though paypal website doesn't provide such tools when dealing with paypal orders.

Release 4.531 June 26, 2015 barney

Bugfix with browser dealer units.  Show open floorplans was not working and was showing all units, not just open floorplans.


Release 4.530 June 23, 2015 barney

Includes database changes. You will need to log out all terminals during upgrade.

Version 4.529 had a defect in it that affected online backup  synchronization.  Not a serious problem, backups are fine, but system would report backups to be in error.

Caused by recent additions to COGs.  periodic inventory journal records would write time with millisecond precision, i.e. 09:48:13.201,  but online backup can only synchronize with second precision and would backup such records as 09:48:13.  The backup verification process is sensitive enough to detect the variation and reports a backup sync error.  Fixed by rounding these journals to the nearest second. Update will rewrite existing journals rounding to nearest second.

Manual backups also are unable to record time with millisecond precision. So manual backups created will not be a perfect facsimile of the database.

Release 4.529 June 22, 2015 barney

Requires database changes, you need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • General Ledger
    • Included inventory and cost of goods sold (COGs) ledger recording for spare part and unit inventory.
    • Bugfix with original GL insertion of customer deposit records. Was incorrectly initialised as a 'DR' but should be 'CR'
    • Periodic GL verification for key balance codes whose value is generated elsewhere within c9. i.e. inventory like AR and newly added COGs tracking and liabilities such as vouchers and various deposit holdings
  • Credit card surcharging
    • Option to round credit card surcharges differently from other items. i.e. to implement no rounding
    • Surcharges on misc items such as deposit taking now supported, generates a separate tax invoice for the surcharge component
    • Surcharge on unit sale now implemented
    • Surcharge on debtor payment now implemented
  • Spares
    • Removed Forget as an option in Forget/Order/Sell point of sale screen option for ergonomic reasons. (People accidently clicking on forget while processing an import such as creating a workshop parts order list from an estimate).  Forget functionality is still possible by clicking on Esc key
    • Spares Profit report : was not filtering web orders properly, now fixed.  Also report should now run a little bit quicker.
    • Fix colour coding bug with goods supplied before received within the orderbook. Was colour coding some of the columns before the already handled item red when it should not of been
    • Freeform Stocktake : ability to set max/min and location
    • Import price file : set economical order qty appropriately when inheriting packqty from master file
    • Add stocked item : use pack qty from master file
  • Other
    • Tender change, press enter when value is zero system sets tender to amount to tender. So 3 quick enter keys will push past this screen without having to type an amount
    • Change of business name. Internal technology changes to make process of changing name simpler/faster.  Also preserves encryption details such as passwords, credit card details. Previously these details would be lost with a change of business name. Business name change still needs to be coordinated by c9.

Formula for WA which implements the following from this website:

Vehicle licence duty – Vehicle mass less than 4.5 tonne

$           0 – $25,000 2.75% of dutiable value (DV)
$  25,001 – $50,000 [2.75 + (DV - 25,000)] % (rounded to 2 decimal places) of dutiable value
$  50,000 and upwards 6.5% of dutiable value

Formula in C9 is:


Release 4.528 June 5, 2015 barney

Point of sale : show part description after scanning a part and setting qty, so it is obvious early on exactly what has been scanned


  • Regression bug: Recent changes damaged ability to set notification settings during spares point of sale. SMS notification would be forced on default configuration
  • Bugfix with parts on order for invoice with default setting, was not respecting the 'notify any/notify all' default/global configuration setting and was assuming 'notify any'
Release 4.527 June 4, 2015 barney

Updated Suzuki framelisting database supplied by suzuki that xrefs model+year to region used for capturing fiche diagrams to include later offerings (e.g. AN650) and regions that map to 2012+ model bikes as per what Suz Australia publish. Also fixed a couple of bugs with how the list was being interpreted. i.e. was missing out on some models like GT250, GSX-R1000Z, VL1500(B)  and a handful of others (mostly ATVs) due to incorrect decoding of the model designator.

Release 4.526 June 3, 2015 barney
  • Customers
    • New country code feature. Removed country 'British Soverign Base Areas' since it does'nt have a ISO 3 letter code in the list we have.
    • Select account customer, allow super filter of account list
  • Units
    • Bugfix with new/used filter only working on the 'units on the floor' tab in browse dealer units
    • Modify unit, include option to flag job to track unit against dealership prior to unit being sold to customer. Useful for doing last minute fittings and record of jobs where unit was invoiced before workshop PD is initialized.
    • Some screen redesign tweaks to put filter apply button next to the filter
  • Spares
    • Add to existing order would sometimes display a weird message with wording " and ih.invprefix<>'L'",  fixed.
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