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Release 4.525 June 2, 2015 barney

Includes database changes, you will be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Customers
    • Track country on customers. Country is tracked internally using strict 3 letter country codes, so only actual countries can be added. You can type in either country code or country. i.e. "NZL" or "New Zealand" both resolve to New Zealand.
  • Web orders
    • Track country and promo code in c9. (Note not yet implemented on actual website yet. This is just the c9 side of things, web changes will be done shortly)
  • Spares
    • Store freight tracking number on invoices
    • Track freight to be paid later. On last pickup invoice, freight to pay will automatically populate freight to invoice field
    • Add to existing order, remove restriction on placing reserve parts on a cash/invoice order
    • When you back out of point of sale complete and back in again, system now memorises your intent with respect to deposits instead of re-defaulting it. i.e. keeps it zero, or at order cost or at a set deposit
Release 4.524 May 30, 2015 barney
  • Spares
    • Bugfix with importing Suzuki diagrams, was failing on GW250 2013 trying to import something which lacked an image
    • Bugfix with importing list of parts where the list contains parts to be superceded. After supercession and fixed retail or line discounting information would be lost. e.g. in importing a workshop estimate where parts on estimate have been superceded.  System now retains retail and line discount after supercession is resolved.
    • Import workshop estimate into point of sale, figure discount same as if creating a new job from estimate
    • New franchise option to permit a franchise to support both daily and stock, but default to stock for customer/point of sale order building
  • Workshop
    • Tweak wording on add labour to remove confusion on cost vs retail
    • Bugfix with selecting standard estimate, would return wrong estimate
Uploading Orders to Suzuki May 26, 2015 barney

For Suzuki, exporting is a one step process as the order is emailed to Suzuki from c9.

You need to contact Suzuki first to get permission to use this.

Step 1: export from c9

Spares -> Orders -> Export. Select Suzuki order you want to export.

Select export method 'OPEA'

Key in following:


  • Company ID: SUZ
  • Dealer Code :from Suzuki
  • Dealer Phone : your phone numbeer
  • Select Export settings to 'To Email'
  • Email addr:
  • Set attachment name to Suzuki.snd

Click OK to send order

To upload an order you first need to export it out of c9. Exporting is similar to printing except it is saved as a file on your computer which is then to be uploaded into Yamaha YDC website.

Step 1: export from c9

Spares -> Orders -> Export. Select yamaha order you want to export.

Select export method 'Yamaha'

Key in following:


Dealer Code & User ID: As Provided by Yamaha

Optional details: shipping preferences.

Export Settings:  Setup a folder c:\yamorders\ or something similar.

Now when you click OK c9 will create the above file for you.

Step 2: login to YDC net website

Login to Yamaha Dealer Portal and select YDCNET:

Firstly, select Parts, then Order and Send Order File


Click Browse to select the file exported from C9 in step 1 above. Then select submit.


To upload an order you first need to export it out of c9. Exporting is similar to printing except it is saved as a file on your computer which is then to be uploaded into Honda Dealer.NET website.

Step 1: export from c9

Spares -> Orders -> Export. Select honda order you want to export.

Select export method 'OPEA'

Key in following:


Company ID : Hond

Dealer Code: Your dealer code as provided by Honda MPE

Dealer Phone : phone number for shop

Export Settings:  Setup a folder and file name.  c:\honda\ and honda.snd works fine.

Now when you click OK c9 will create the above file for you.

Step 2: login to honda dealer net website

Get username/password from Honda MPE

Under parts click on "Parts Quick Order" - this will take you to HOOS system.

Step 3: upload order

Click on DMS on the left hand menu, then click Load a DMS File


Click Browse, and navigate to where you saved the OPEA file (i.e. c:\honda) and select it. Honda.snd

From here you can then accept/approve order. Order should now be submitted.


Release 4.523 May 22, 2015 barney

Honda Service Data Report

New release especially for honda service data. C9 has had the honda service report for some time now (Since Nov 2013), but it is in the miner module as a standard query.  This release is to help users that do not have miner enabled in c9, and places the report as a KPI report under 'Business' section of c9.

To access report goto:

  • Business -> Reports -> Analytics/KPI
  • Click Insert
  • Select report type: 'Honda Service KPI figures' and date range
  • Click Generate
  • Figures you need to provide to Honda are there


Some problems with SMS this morning, should now be fixed.

Problem caused possibly by our SMS provider changing security settings on their service and the software c9 uses to communicate with them was unable to cope with those setting changes.  Updated a couple of things on c9's servers and appears to of fixed the problem.

To resend failed messages, goto Customers -> Customers -> Notifications. Select option 'Resend all of todays failed notifications'


Release 4.522 May 20, 2015 barney
  • Messenger lockup bug fixes
    • Messenger would lockup with database errors if two parts magician requests were received near simultaneously
    • Heal from database errors by periodically checking status of database link and reconnecting if necessary
  • Spares
    • Disallow credit note on layby/pickup.  These invoices need to be cancelled via order book, not refunded
    • Profit summary : was not reporting refunded other/credit correctly.
    • Bugfix with newly added merge onto existing order functionality. Changes broke previous behaviour for printing when a merge was detected/accepted by user
  • Orders
    • Automatically create folder if it does not exist for export order
Release 4.521 May 11, 2015 barney

Spare parts complete : new option to merge parts on order onto an existing order.  Provides a mechanism to add further parts. Stocked parts on part list will be transferred into reserve/layby segments when this option is selected, so it is used purely to add things to customers order/pickup list only.


Fixed a serious defect that only occurs under rare intermittent network situations, i.e. where network is okay during some initialisation stages when c9 opens, but then network drops out during later steps in initialization process, but the failure is silent and doesn't cause any obvious problems during loading of c9. Typically talking about a window of failure of a few milliseconds only but if it does trigger system does all sorts of weird stuff like not writing invoices correctly.

Release 4.520 May 8, 2015 barney

Emergency bugfix with last release.  Recent changes to attachments meant that workshop main screen would not work for customers that do not have online backup installed. Would instead show erroneous error message 'Online backup required for attachments', error test was supposed to be added to browse attachments, but was incorrectly added to workshop screen.

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