- Unit sales, system now allows you to set recall date for first service after sale of unit. For new units this defaults to # of months after sale configured in setup (defaults to one month). For used units, uses same algorithm for calculating recall date as when doing a workshop complete.
- Fix bug with select spares invoice for deposit by customer.
- Added ability to store non-images on jobs and units, i.e. PDF files
- Spares order receive: memorize order parts are added onto receive list so when toggling sort by part number order off, it will revert to actual order parts were added onto the invoice
- Added ability to store images/attachments on customers. e.g. photos of drivers licence etc.
- Pickup internal dealership job, do not show tendering/owing screen. Makes no sense in this context
- Sell unit : change wording from 'transfer to dealership' to 'transfer to customer'
- Update c9 on terminal, provide visual feedback on download progress from database to terminal, for situations where network link is slow (i.e. crappy wifi link or across a WAN/VPN)
- Website unit images, permit 800x600
C9 allows you to define a part number that is composed of multiple other parts. As a kit. To do this:
1. Goto spares -> Add part.
2. Create your 'kit' part under the accessories franchise. Make sure qty, maxqty,minqty are all 0.
Note: the kit part must be accessories, but it can be composed of parts from other franchises. You may have a kit composed entirely of KTM parts, but the kit part must still be an accessory part
3. After adding part, go into point of sale, key in the part and highlight it and press F6 to view/modify.
4. You should see below. Press edit kit components to tweak the components.
Tweaks to minqty re-ordering. Under some circumstances system would not work intuitively. Most dealers configure c9 so that min qty re-ordering is such that # of parts on daily order never exceeds minqty setting. So if you min =3, system will never put more than 3 parts on daily order. But there is one situation where this breaks down. Consider:
- Part. QtyOnHand=3. MinQty=3.
- Sell part. QtyOnHand=2. MinQty=3. QtyOnOrder=1
- Return part. QtyOnHand=3. MinQty=3. QtyOnOrder=1
- Sell part. QtyOnHand=2. MinQty=3. QtyOnOrder=2
C9 behaves this way because QtyOnOrder is still less than MinQty, but c9 does not factor in qty on hand, we now have situation where QtyOnHand+QtyOnOrder is greater than MinQty.
Because MinQty is supposed to represent emergency ordering, this could be considered okay, better to over-order than under order. Though a large number of c9 dealers do not use MinQty in this capacity and instead rely on it for normal re-ordering doing limited, if any, stock ordering. For such users the above behavior is not ideal. C9 now includes a new setup option (defaulted to true if minqty multiplier is non zero, on assumption most users would prefer it if they have such a multiplier in place) to constrain this:
Miner: this release includes reorganising how Advanced queries work so advanced queries can link to customer records, for purposes of doing mailouts etc based on advanced query results.
Recent filter changes on workshop broke filtering on all tabs but sort by job no tab. Filter now working again on all tabs
Added Drag and Drop support for lists and trees. Implemented drag and drop management on following structures so far:
- Structured Lists (trees)
- Workshop checklists
- Website structure
- Standard unit costs
- standard jobs
- Basic lists
- Job scheduling (weekly planner)
- Job scheduling (workshop)
- job items (modify/complete job)
- website items
- unit costs
Generate stock order : option to disallow backordering
(v4.517: v4.516 contained a defect with dnd functionality on tree based lists that only occurred when testing against older versions of postgreSQL. Anti recursion SQL test was broken on 8.4 versions of database meaning dnd functionality didn't work for tree structures.).
- Bugfix with spares on workshop estimates being written as GST exempt. Now fixed.
- New job : option via setup screen to define default # of job card and repair authority copies to print
- Gift card: option via setup to print insecure/reprintable gift cards
- Setup : loads and saves faster
- Select job
- Hotkey filter option
- When filtering sometimes system would 'select' wrong record to edit. Should now be fixed.
More bug fixes
- -ve on spares point of sale, discount to refund would not round correctly under some circumstances
- Costprice on received orders / reserved parts : if you pressed F6 to view part to be picked up, system would revert buy price to record as daily buy price, not actual cost price recorded on original receive, but only if you press F6. Now fixed so it always saves actual order receive price irrespective of what is on price/stock file.
- Tweaks/Bugfixes with spares
- -ve qty on invoice, would not allow you to key in a lower figure for restocking.
- credit note involving discount : would not calculate discount correctly under some circumstances resulting in GL journal item error disallowing the credit note
- Discount per line calculation, under some circumstances would be a little bit out, typically by 0.0001 ~ 0.0009 cents depending on # of parts on invoice
- Website config : got min/max value on freight options back to front. Now fixed
- Include support for importing hard parts data/images for Husqvarna
- Added email throttle setting for emailing via dealerships mail server, to cope with mail servers that disallow sending email too quickly.
- Access email/messenger config from within c9
Parts Magician: Reworked parts magician integration to try and find more matches.
- Parts magician reply configuration is now done via edit franchise. In here is an option to enable reply on existing configured magician category for a franchise, option is default to on.
- Send all queries to all c9 dealers
For the past week c9's web servers have been on a blacklist maintained by Microsoft meaning it is not possible to send email to @hotmail.com, @live.com, @outlook.com etc and the dickheads at Microsoft are unable to provide me a process that actually works to have this blacklist reviewed and lifted. As much as it would be nice to write off anyone with a hotmail address as not worth bothering communicating with, given it makes up over 20% of emails tracked within most c9 databases, so something needs to be done.
We can solve this problem easily by moving outbound email traffic and a different server, but it is painful and costly for us to do it, so we will only do it with some reasonable level of confidence that this is unlikely to happen again.
To this we are implementing a policy of not relaying emails from c9 generated via miner queries. Transactional email such as emailed statements/invoices etc will work fine, but we will no longer accept or deliver email from miner on behalf of the dealerships.
To deliver such email from now on, you need to configure your c9 to connect to your own mail server. Instructions on how to do this are here: Configure c9 to use your mail server. Be mindful that if you send stacks of spammy marketing stuff, your ISP may get a bit upset with you when *they* get blacklisted by microsoft and others. Remember: SPAM responsibly.
This version of c9 includes changes necessary to implement this policy. Note that older versions of c9 will no longer deliver *any* email. C9's servers will refuse to deliver email from out of date versions of c9. You must upgrade in order to get any email sent via c9 to work. Only non-miner email will work after the upgrade.
Other changes:
- Workshop: option to do a simultaneous invoice print/invoice email
- Spares: show customer phone on complete screen
Mail server configuration is accessed via messenger service for c9 which is a system tray service.
It will run on one computer in the shop only. Locate the computer, find the c9 icon in bottom right, press right mouse button on the icon and select Restore.
Then click on settings in messenger to access email settings. As to what to key in, your email provider will be able to supply this information.