Includes database changes, you'll need to log c9 out during upgrade.
- Unit bugfixes
- Recent attempt to fix GST issues surrounding discounting of spares on unit sale made things worse by stuffing up GST on non discounted items. Confident now both non discount and discount scenario are correct
- Discount spares on parts on unit sale via a deal was not calculating correctly, now fixed. Discount applied was 10% more, again GST related defect
- Changes to unit purchase to better clarify behavior with after invoice items. Specifically:
- Show both payout to seller and cost to dealer, these are actually separate figures
- After some consideration I've decided to remove ability to do after cost items paid by customer. Instead, only after invoice paid by dealer are included. What customer pays is really none of the dealerships concern, it is purely for customer to deal with. Allowing either or was quite confusing. This change lock steps payout to full price, but will keep them separate for now anyway.
- Import price file : a very rare bug with import price file could cause price file merge and supercession check to fail. Now fixed, the fix also results in even faster supercession correction. import master file might be a touch quicker too maybe.
- Bug fix with multi store location setup. A bug in c9 could result in workshop view jobs reporting errors after upgrade to this feature under rare circumstances (simultaneous terminals trying both to run backup)