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Release 4.494 January 23, 2015 barney

Includes database changes, you'll need to log c9 out during upgrade.

  • Unit bugfixes
    • Recent attempt to fix GST issues surrounding discounting of spares on unit sale made things worse by stuffing up GST on non discounted items.  Confident now both non discount and discount scenario are correct
    • Discount spares on parts on unit sale via a deal was not calculating correctly, now fixed. Discount applied was 10% more, again GST related defect
    • Changes to unit purchase to better clarify behavior with after invoice items. Specifically:
      • Show both payout to seller and cost to dealer, these are actually separate figures
      • After some consideration I've decided to remove ability to do after cost items paid by customer. Instead, only after invoice paid by dealer are included.  What customer pays is really none of the dealerships concern, it is purely for customer to deal with.  Allowing either or was quite confusing.  This change lock steps payout to full price, but will keep them separate for now anyway.
  • Import price file : a very rare bug with import price file could cause price file merge and supercession check to fail.  Now fixed, the fix also results in even faster supercession correction.  import master file might be a touch quicker too maybe.
  • Bug fix with multi store location setup.  A bug in c9 could result in workshop view jobs reporting errors after upgrade to this feature under rare circumstances (simultaneous terminals trying both to run backup)
Release 4.493 January 21, 2015 barney
  • Calculation errors with discounting spares added onto unit sales, system was confusing  gst inc retail and gst ex discount when calculating transfer of discount onto unit resulting in odd discount figures which were obvious for heavily discounted items.
  • Bugfix with adding parts onto workshop estimate, was not retaining line discount
  • Tweak how estimate converted to workshop job handles discounting.  Previously it would import part with retail price being discounted price, this could confuse operator into thinking discount was not applied so they would rekey it.  Fixed so on convert estimate the import explicitly brings in retail (at time of order) and line discount.
Release 4.492 January 19, 2015 barney
  • Long standing bugfix with after invoice/on road costs and units purchased.  When indicate cost to be paid by customer, system was incorrectly increasing amount to payout to customer by these costs, not decreasing the payout. (Increasing is correct when selling, but not when purchasing. C9 was not factoring in the type of transaction when doing this calculation).
  • Unit generic costs where not being journalled in c9's new general ledger, added an expense item for generic costs and system now journals these.
Release 4.491 January 15, 2015 barney
  • Integrated Cykel into F12 magician lookup
  • Bugfix with merging parts to order on existing invoice. Should only merge if discount schemes same. i.e. do not merge parts for cost discounted order onto a retail discounted order, (not merge if discount % vary)
Release 4.490 January 15, 2015 barney
  • General Ledger fix : system would not permit sale with tradein where tradein $ > purchase $.   (System was posting payment instrument for changeover twice, causing post to fail)
  • Finish layby, system was not picking up prior provided line discounts for layby sales (but was working for reserve/pickup ones)
Release 4.489 January 13, 2015 barney

Minor minor bugfixes to orderbook search as a result of order priority addition. Collapse orderbook then find would not expand orderbook correctly, nor would findnext work.

Fixed ducati fiche import so it is able to handle recent structural changes to Ducati fiche data source.

Release 4.488 January 12, 2015 barney

Recent addition of prioritised order receive items broke orderbook search functionlity. Now restored.

Release 4.487 January 9, 2015 barney

Requires database changes, you need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Bug fixes
    • Another serious bug, the system will not save the first transaction of the day under some circumstances. Now fixed (daily lease test was messing up database transaction frame, previously it 'worked' but transaction frame handling was incorrect and could result in subtle problems for most transactions, this was fixed, but the 'fix' broke the first transaction of the day)
    • GL journal error: Correct balance from -ve debtor to depositor balance would not work. Now fixed, (debtor txn is written as a payment reversal, not a debit now, which is probably more correct anyway)
    • Paying for invoices using combination of vouchers and other sources (i.e. customer deposits) could result in voucher being overbilled.  Example, workshop job with customer deposit and a voucher. System would not offset customer deposit from the voucher.  Now fixed.
    • Profit summary report, design of the report meant it cannot work when start date was set to Jan 1 2015,  now fixed.
  • New features
    • Receive orders,  system allow allows you to configure receive fulfilment priority on individual order items prior to receiving the item. So you can for example, force parts to be stocked over fulfilling customer parts orders.  Parts can be configured via order book with Very high (+2), high (+1) or low (-1) priority.
    • Workshop : can now flag internal dealership jobs as warranty repair. Such jobs will not appear against unit costings
    • Workshop weekly planner : now can filter based on location
  • System changes
    • Added database level constraint verification of posted GL ledgers, so system no longer relies on GL constraints being enforced in software, it is now also enforced in the database itself


Release 4.486 January 8, 2015 barney

More obscure GL related issues (this will take a version or two more to get solid).

Firstly, handling of GL Records for unit sale on road costs where on road cost is being borne by the dealership was not constructed correctly, now fixed.

Importantly, I found a bug where system was allowing unbalanced postings to be written into the database.  Made necessary corrections and fixes, respectively damaged postings. Damaged postings only occur under rare circumstances, due to incorrect database transaction management.

c9 provides integration support into PayPal as a payment gateway for c9 based websites. Paypal provides key features which are essential for this industry.  The key challenge with webshopping is that in this industry it is not possible to know the final price at point of checkout on the website.  Issues surrounding freight issues and parts interpretation require an order to be vetted before it is billed.  c9's integration into PayPal works similar to a hotel booking,  the amount is only reserved at point of checkout.  Point of sale operations in c9 will communicate with PayPal and finalise final payment amount capture.

 Step 1 : get a verified merchant account with PayPal

To configure PayPal, you need to enable merchant services with PayPal and get your merchant details verified. This process can take a few weeks, contact PayPal to arrange.  Once done, the following steps show you how to get c9 integrated into PayPal.


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