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Release 4.466 November 3, 2014 barney

Bugfix with recent release that improves duplicate names. It would for unique new customers add '<NEW>' to the front of their name. Now fixed so it doesn't do this.

Release 4.465 October 31, 2014 barney

Requires database changes, you need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Workshop
    • Overhaul on how discounting is calculated and tracked in the database. Making it easier for c9 to write reports that accurate report on distribution of a discount on an invoice across invoice line items.  i.e. breakdown of discount on parts/labour etc.  Updated workshop profit report to utilise this
    • Select job : new filter option which allows you to quickly filter active workshop jobs by a certain search string, could be nearly anything : mechanic, order number, unit details, customer details etc.
    • Memorise and default to include/not include labour hours when printing workshop invoice
  • Units : legislative changes to contract of sale requirements for Victoria.  Tidied up contract particulars page as well.
Release 4.464 October 29, 2014 barney
  • Improved intelligence of testing for duplicated customers during add customer. Checking phone numbers, emails and names instead of just checking code. To help prevent adding duplicated customers.  Consolidated behaviour for merging in web order customers with this new logic.
  • Workshop jobs : color code chart/legend
  • Workshop checklists : permit selection and importing of multiple/all items simultaneously
Release 4.463 October 22, 2014 barney
  • Backorder availability : a few visual improvements to indicate status of site update. Also include ability to print the resulting data
  • Dead stock report : option to not consider parts not to be reordered (minqty=0, maxqty=0) as dead stock
Release 4.462 October 21, 2014 barney
  • New order function : allows you to do magician query on multiple parts simultaneously : for all parts on backorder across entire system (via order book) or for a given order (view view order). Used to check availability for backordered items. Especially useful for KTM/Husqvarna dealers to quickly discover if a part that has gone onto backorder can actually be supplied from within Australia from the alternative bin. Useful for stuff which customer needs in a hurry and is potentially carried by another dealer
  • Bugfix with honda inventory test. If you looked up a dodgy part, future inventory tests on that terminal might fail. Should now be more reliable
  • Initial Paypal integration into c9 now complete. Capture web payments via paypal and finalise paypal payment processing from within c9.
Release 4.461 October 16, 2014 barney

Bugfix in version 4.460, work I did to make tabs optionally hidden for select job stuffs up tabs in places where tabs cover multiple lines, such as the main setup screen. Some tabs a missing when the cover multiple lines. Now fixed.

Unit line items : permit non dutyable line items to be based on formula. So things like stamp duty costs can be setup as either on road costs or as non duty invoice items. Whichever suits.

Release 4.460 October 16, 2014 barney
  • Import Generic price file. Support importing CSV files which are semi-colon delimited : i.e. Husky Power Equipment
  • New units report : reports on tax invoice line items what are not spare parts or inherited from pre-delivery jobs
  • Main workshop screen : include option to hide tabs in order to better utilise screen real-estate and not have tabs clogged up with search options never used.  Hiding is memorised on a per terminal basis

Updating java while c9 is running is sometimes problematic.  C9 holds onto files java wants to update, stopping those files from updating causing java to be half-updated, and sometimes broken.

Problem is really java's fault, it should detect that it is trying to install while it is already running and ask you to kill c9 first.

If for example you update to java 8 while c9 is running on java 7, after restart you might see something like this:


To fix this, you need to uninstall java in the control panel. Uninstall all running copies of java.


Then goto and install java fresh.

Release 4.459 October 13, 2014 barney

Another bugfix : recent changes to enforce minqty to be >= ecordqty are actually incorrect as previously the system would round up minqty re-orders instead of rounding down : meaning minqty<ecordqty is functionally meaningful and system needs to allow users to key in such things.

In english:  If ecordqty= 10,  and you key in minqty of 2, the moment your stock goes down below 2 c9 will re-order 10 more.  So having parts where minqty=2 and ecordqty=10 does something and makes sense.

Release 4.458 October 13, 2014 barney


  • GST Report, would misreport year model. Now fixed
  • Export OPEA order: was not memorising export options for 'Alt' export method properly.


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