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Release 4.451 September 16, 2014 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • colour code workshop jobs which are completed and paid for with deposit
  • bugfix with rendering related invoices on view invoice
  • Nag user is ecordqty does not match maxqty/minqty
  • do not ask for deposit for account unit sales
  • bugfix with finalise layby, would pop up an alarming developer error message (the message was actually harmless)
  • Sell unit on consignment, put agreed purchase price as deposit on the original owner, make sure reflected in cash reconciliation report
  • new customer flag : customer prefers cash.  For account customers with this flag set, c9 will not nag when you try to do a cash sale to them and when you pickup jobs for them, c9 will default to cash sale.
  • a4 footer. Replace 2 lines of text with a freeform box of text to allow more info to be keyed into the footer
  • workshop checklists : smartened up how checklists are laid out on printouts so they look alot neater
Release 4.450 September 4, 2014 barney

Bugfix with recent changes to SMS/email notification. If system sends two notifications in quick succession it could in some circumstances break the c9 terminal with database errors, requiring c9 on the terminal to be exited to sort out.  Now fixed.

Point of sale ordering involving parts with $0 retail price.  System would not allow you to add deposit. Now fixed. Typically $0 is put in because actual retail price is not yet known.  A deposit is still to be taken as a deposit of the approximate figure.

Spares - > Deposits. Only show invoices where deposit makes sense. i.e. where there is a deposit already or if the invoice involves ordered or set-aside parts.

Consider the scenario : you are not a Honda or Yamaha dealer and you purchase Honda/Yamaha parts from the nearest Honda/Yamaha dealer.

There are two ways to do this in c9. One way is you add the other dealership as a franchise in c9 and add parts as you require. This is the older method of handling this in c9, but a much better method now exists.

The approach recommended is as follows:

  •  Add honda and yamaha as franchises into c9. So franchises track manufacturers. Get prices files as required, e.g. via the 'import from other c9 dealers' option in import price file.
  • Add the the other dealership as a accessory supplier.
  • Configure them so when you order honda or yamaha parts they actually go onto an order directed to the other dealership

This method has a number of advantages:

  • You have full price lists for manufacturers. No need to add parts manually on a as needed basis
  • Orders for Honda and Yamaha are merged together, no need to send 2 orders to the supplier.
  • You can tweak parts individually and source them from elsewhere. Maybe the local shop doesn't have the clutch cover you need? But an interstate dealership has it?

How to configure this

Firstly, goto Spares -> Utilities -> Edit Suppliers. Add your supplier.


Release 4.449 August 28, 2014 barney

Requires database changes. You'll need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Initial work on paypal integration.  Currently non-functional but most of the core infrastructure is now in place. Just need to plumb a couple more things to get it working.
  • Disable default popup order details screen.  It pretty much annoys most everybody, including me. Can be reenabled via setup
  • View workshop job, view spares invoice : view history of deposit tweaks on the selected job  /invoice
  • On a franchise you can now configure default supplier.  Will write up a separate post on why this is a good thing shortly.

C9 includes a facility which allows you to embed fiche data from other c9 dealers.

C9 dealer websites allow you to shop online and search fiche diagrams for dozens of manufacturers.  But instead of having to toggle between your web browser and c9 to view Bolton KTM parts diagrams for example, you can have Bolton KTM diagrams accessed within your c9. It is as though c9 is a specialised, integrated web browser for fiche diagrams.

Setting it up

You require 3 things.

  • Add the franchise into your c9
  • Get a price file for that franchise
  • Link that franchise to another c9 dealer website


Release 4.448 August 19, 2014 barney
  • Added barcode scanner intelligence so that:
    • When you scan a part for the first time it adds one automatically into point of sale
    • When you scan same part, instead of going into edit part mode it will increment qty required by one.  The normal Forget/Order/Sell nag screen will only appear once, when you initially cross the current qty on hand count. From thereon, c9 will assume whatever F/O/S selection you initially picked for that part applies
  • Point of sale import parts from various sources, including selling part kits, if the part is already on the invoice c9 will increment the qty required instead of previous behavior of  entering edit part mode
  • Order book : when adding a part to order,  make sure newly added part is highlighted in the book after the add operation
  • View Fiche Diagrams : memorise filter settings when switching from Point of Sale back to fiche
  • When running c9 in lease expired readonly mode, allow users to record payments and generally modify aged trail balance. (Creating custom invoices is still disallowed. Also taking deposits is disallowed).
  • Unit deals
    • Better handle/cope with managing rebates within a deal to more accurately estimate profit on units to be sold. i.e. pickup rebates on the unit itself but also note rebates added to the deal and merge them together, since there might be rebates specific to the deal.
    • Modify deals sometimes does not pickup unit changes that impact things like cost calculation, because it stores the deal in memory instead of periodically refetching the deal from the database meaning some things may be missed, such as adding rebates/costs on other terminals or via view unit option in the modify deal screen.
  • Workshop : permit entry of qtys >=100 for workshop parts when adding or modifying
  • Spares : old c8 had a strict limit of 255 franchises.  C9 mostly pushed passed this limit but wasn't quite there in a few spots.  Should now be working fully with a new limit of ~ 32000.


A new change to c9 smartens up it's barcode scanner integration so c9 is able to detect when you have used a barcode scanner and it handles part adding in a way that makes sense for barcode scanning as opposed to manually keying in the part number.  C9 will add one onto the invoice straight away. If part was already scanned, it will increment the quantity of that part.

To enable this you need to configure transmission of STX  on your barcode scanner. Your barcode also requires transmission of either ETX or a enter key at end of the barcode scan.  Generally recommend enter key though there are some circumstances where you may prefer ETX. This cover enter key only, which generally barcode scanner will do out of the packaging anyway.

STX = Start transmission (0x0b Hex or Ctrl+B).

See your barcode user manual on how to do this. For example for the barcode scanner with model MJ-4209.  The user guide which you print out contains barcodes to scan to program the barcode scanner. So print this and scan the below codes to enable STX.


This assumes that the barcode scanner will transmit the following:  the STX, then the barcode then Enter key




NSW Stamp Duty August 11, 2014 barney

Following formula for Stamp Duty in New South Wales.

Given Stamp duty is calculated at (please verify if following is correct at time of reading before applying this formula):

  • 3% of the market value up to $45,000
  • 5% on the value over $45,000.

Full formula:


Simplified formula (assumes you never sell bikes above $45k)


Workshop checklists August 11, 2014 barney

C9 now provides checklists for workshop jobs.

How they look on job cards and invoices




Creating a new job card

When creating a job card, c9 will automatically import checklist based on job type. Changing job type in modify job will automatically update/ merge in different checklists


Managing checklists

You can also merge in global checklist groups when you create a new job.


Check list management works on job types, new jobs, complete/pickup jobs. Modify jobs and estimates.

You can add additional checklists specific to the job you are working on as well.

Checking and unchecking options

Modify a check list during complete/pickup job/modify job to indicate whether or not the item is good, bad or not applicable.  This will print a tick or cross next to the checklist item on the invoice.

If you flag a group option as good or bad, then all sub options under it will default to this value.  Saves you having to check everything. On sub options you can check them as well to override. So if all is good except one, flag the parent as good and flag the bad one as not good.


Release 4.447 August 8, 2014 barney

Requires database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Experimental new feature allows you to manage checklists on workshop jobs, including standard checklists for job types.  Will write up a separate post on how to use it shortly
  • Bugfix: Receive order screen would not correctly calculate # of parts received. Was a on-screen display issue only. Did not actually impact receive process
  • Bugfix : recent reworking of notification system had a bug in it which would cause a terminal to not notify sms/email delivery status under some circumstances. Now fixed
  • Unit sale/purchase : nag screen are you sure you want to exit on this screen to avoid accidental window closes


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