- Spares -> Deposits. Show layby items so can manage layby payments here
- Workshop
- discounts. Allow line discounting on 'other' items
- other items - allow setting of cost of the other item, for things like sub letting. Shows in profit reports
- other items - allow optional setting of accessory suppliers to help track sub let contributions
- Select accessory supplier : allow adding a new supplier at this time so don't have to open a new screen in order to input a new supplier
- Enforce upper case customer codes
- Receive order : require clerk key 'inventory' permission if difference between parts value keyed in vs sum value of parts differs by more than $1, try and encourage people to receive stock at correct buy price.
- Cash reconciliation, fix a number of errors with the report. Mostly dealing with exotic transactions such as using vouchers to pay off debtor balance.
Bugfix : last update broke manual backup creation facility. (It broke the window frontend to the backups. Window was not behaving properly and as a result backup would not be created)
Requires database changes. You will be forced to log terminals out during upgrade
- Notification overhaul
- Notification message now comes from top right of the screen, so it does not obscure important buttons and content while visible
- SMS/Email notifications previously would sometimes misreport a warning message not delivered if there was lots of messages queued up, i.e. after a bulk email/sms action. Should no longer happen
- Web order notification : pops up less frequently and now can pop up any time, previous behaviour was just when c9 is in point of sale or browse workshop jobs screens
- Invoice received parts : was not picking up line discount % for parts that were wholly ordered. Now fixed.
- Business charts : new chart to show breakdown of clocked hours (paid, warranty, internal, break, idle, etc) over a period of time to see if there are any trends.
- Multi screen users : message and file dialog windows should now appear on the screen c9 is actually on, as opposed to prior behaviour of displaying on the primary monitor only
- Bugfix tweak with importing images for mcleods parts. Switched from FTP to web based data source, but didn't link it in properly so web import did not work. Should now be working
- Import price file : new import method to import pricing from a central repository maintained by c9.
- Import price file from c9, no need to mess with attachments, discount codes etc
- C9 will automatically alert you when there are new price file changes. Single button press to update to latest prices
- No need to chase price file from suppliers anymore. Instead suppliers provide price files to c9 to distribute to dealers
- We will work on increasing list of suppliers available on this service over the coming months
New move part ability to move parts from a given source (franchise, supplier) to any franchise which using a price file and has a matching part number.
The intent here is to help dealers that have incorrectly added suppliers into their franchise list for suppliers that can be an alternative source of parts (i.e. another dealership), meaning some parts for a given manufacturer end up in their system more than once.
How c9 is intended to be used, particularly with recent changes to ordering is that parts are in stock/price file only once. i.e. Honda parts under Honda franchise. But you may buy those parts from Bolton Motorcycles, Freestyle Honda etc who are suppliers. The part occurs once, but it can be ordered from 2 or more different suppliers.
Some users of c9 would put suppliers in as franchises and potentially add parts for a given manufacturer (i.e.honda) into different suppliers,as franchises. i.e. a clutch lever part # under Bolton, a gasket part # under freestyle, and something else under the franchise 'honda'.
This new tool allows you to highlight 'Bolton' franchise, figure out what parts should be mapped to franchises that actually represent the manufacturer (afterall Bolton may be a mix of Honda and KTM parts so a straight move parts function isn't going to work). With final intent of deleting/archive the bolton franchise and reading bolton as a supplier, who happens to be able to supply Honda and KTM parts, (just as freestyle can also supply Honda parts).
To access this, select Spares -> Utilities -> Move part. A new target option is now available:
- Intelligently/manually map to price file based franchises
This opens a window which shows mappings of parts to other price file based franchises, for bulk movement or movement one at a time.
Other changes:
- Bugfix : pickup insurance job would not work correctly if the job customer wasn't an account customer. Now fixed.
- Overhauled underlying technology used to manage terminal settings such as printer preferences and till number. Have one c9 customer in particular with how c9 is setup to deal with their anti-virus that terminal settings are often lost. With other dealers I've had a small number of reports of configuration settings being reset. New system will hopefully eliminate these issues.
- Changes to Email sending to include a sent date. Turns out java does not by default put a date in (!) without explicitly programming it in. Some mail relays will reject undated emails.
- Import Aprilia/Moto Guzzi diagrams was broken due to changes on piaggio website. Should now be working
- Print unit invoice, now shows qty and unit price in the description for spares where qty>1
- Created framework for c9 to actively automatically alert c9 support to errors in reports such as cash reconciliation report
- Unit sale : disallow ad-hoc deposit taking for invoiced sales
- Spares Quotes changes
- Can access quotes via menu system
- Can toggle quotes as processed/unprocessed. Show this status
- Can modify customer order number
- Can access view quote to modify notes and reprint quotes
- Miner
- Ability to join received spares orders to activity
- Ability to report on spares quotes and quote conversion flags. (Converted or open)
- Improve filtering on spares invoices to report on layby type
July 1 2014, Stamp duty on units sold increases by $0.40 per $200 dutyable value. To change this formula in c9 you need to goto
- Setup
- Other Setup Tables
- Unit Cost Math
- Highlight and modify stamp duty
The formula previously would be:
It now need to be changed to this to add 0.40 for every $200
Be sure to use the test function before saving changes to confirm you got the changes right.
- Includes a new business report called reconciliation. Provides reconciliation of cash takings against other business activity.
- A number of fixes for subtle bugs that introduction of the new report exposed. Such as:
- Pickup workshop job, pickup on cash then backout to select pay using customer deposit would write activity records in an inconsistent way
- Point of sale complete :disallow entry of freight or other when reserve or layby. Since in these sale types there are no issued tax invoices, collecting funds for these costs makes no sense
- Point of sale complete: disallow a -ve other value to exceed cost of the invoice, so that -ve cannot be used to offset deposit. Deposit must always be received
- Workshop with global or fixed price discount & a payment instrument that incurs a surcharge, would try to also discount the line item that represents the surcharge.
- Import mcleod images : now uses mcleod website instead of FTP site, think there are many more images on the website
- Stock take : option to apply a miner type query to sheets and stock take entry. So you stocktake by description for example : only stocktake items with the word 'sprocket' in the description
- Point of sale : allow import of stock items based on miner query
- Export dead stock : removed word 'dead' at Honda MPEs request and ensured that full stock list can be exported.
- Point of sale: when you type in a not found part number, c9 will now open find part screen with no filters showing all parts, where previously it would find based on last selected franchise.
- Receive Order : display qtyOnHand, location and type to help better manage inventory during receive process
Requires database changes. You will be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Customers
- View customer main list - show phone numbers
- Print statement include option to intelligently print statement date range to go back to cover older invoices possibly not yet paid consider below, when printing statement for may system can now also print back to April to itemise the outstanding $50, but if april statement is printed then the system will only print for April. C9 now allows you to automatically go back upto <n> additional days for a given statement until point where account balance was last zero. <n> defaults to 90 days.
- April
- Open Balance: 0 Invoice $50
- May
- Open Balance : $50 Invoice $100
- Spares
- Select invoice/Reprint invoice show deposit remaining and order number
- Parts below RRP : option to reprice everything in the list : also allows you to print barcodes for repriced items
- Import price file : option to reprint barcodes for stocked items that have been repriced
- Stock retail price changes are now journalled, reported and require appropriate clerk key permissions
- Extended recently added ability to receive parts for franchise A from supplier B. Receive screen now allows you to select any franchise/accessory supplier to record as the supplier of the parts overall, even though parts will be processed under originally selected franchise/supplier. Intended for finer grained control when the receive order is synced to an accounting system.
- Business:
- Include report from no cash inv listing so can get a printable/exportable list of invoices with no cash collected
- Various fixes to cassons image importing
Requires database changes. You will need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Include support for fixed priced labour options. Select a fixed price labour item and add/modify labour screen is populated accordingly
- Import parts images for Mcleods
- Point of Sale : when you keyin an invalid part open more modern, more flexible/powerful part finder screen instead of older, select franchise first select part process.