Export Dead stock :support Honda Dead Stock file format. Exports directly to a xlsx file ready to import into Honda dealer net, no further processing required.
- Point of sale import from workshop estimate : use prices on workshop estimate, not the latest prices.
- Cash till report : under rare conditions when using modify job option it was possible to save any deposit changes in such a way that those changes would not appear in cash till reporting. (specifically if you modify the deposit and then in the same modify session add additional spare parts to the job). Now fixed
- Add payment. Added stricter checks into c9 to verify a valid customer was selected first
- Below RRP report : cope with subtle rounding issues misreporting items below RRP. To do this only report items whose price is < rrp - $0.05
- Deals : when cancelling a new, unsaved printed deal ask user twice to confirm the rollback.
- Deals: do F12 pickup to add parts to a deal. Force use to invoice parts immediately, otherwise c9 forgets that the parts being added relate to customer pickup.
- Tweaks to recently added below RRP test code
- System was previously comparing retail price against RRP+dealer margin. Now fixed to compare to RRP only.
- Allow list to be sent to the printer
- SMS/Email notification settings
- Workshop booking reminders would only include full name in the message, not contact name if available now fixed.
- Notifications: if contact name is not set try using firstname before falling back to fullname
- Notifications : permit a larger array of placeholders.
Requires database changes. You will need to log all c9 terminals out during upgrade
- A few tweaks to a couple of reports to cope with negative quantities used to refund/replace items
- Customers : option to look at customers whose debtor/depositor balance suggests possible incorrect transaction types recorded on the customer. Provides a single click option to shift balance : i.e. convert deposit into a payment.
- Spare parts : a new window that shows you parts where retail price is below supplier recommended retail based on supplier price file. The window pops up automatically whenever you import a new price file or update stock prices or receive an order and there are any parts whose retail is less than RRP
- Add Unit : provide button to auto-generate a reference number to help with units where there is no vin number (e.g. boat trailers)
- Point of sale complete : would sometimes show a random customer when selling parts to an internal dealership job. Now fixed. (Wasn't a functional bug in terms of how information was recorded into the database, just displayed wrong information on the screen).
This version includes an experimental new feature where on a spares invoice you can refund and sell on the same invoice.
To refund an item you keyin its quantity as a negative value. So on the invoice a negative is the refunded component and a +ve (if any) is the part you are selling instead : i.e. when substituting a return for another product.
Example A4 invoice looks like this:
Bugfix : statements would print with incorrect balance. Was caused by very old c8 data in the database on c8 to c9 converted customers where old archived transactions did not have a date. C9 would not tally these txns when considering statements. Also affected a few other reports such as historical aged trial balance. Fixed by plugging blank dates with a valid date value (the date of the next txn by audit number).
Includes database changes, you will need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Added ability to change order of job line items on invoice
- Default parts discount to 0% for insurance jobs
- Point of Sale Order part : during point of sale allow user to toggle allow backorder flag on the ordered part
- Workshop Timesheet screen : provide color keycode
- Workshop invoice : sometimes would incorrectly print a spurious rego number on the invoice. Now fixed
- F6 view part : added ability to print barcode/shelf labels from this screen
- View Customer : ability to print a customer sheet/card
C9 now includes modifications to more easily fulfill legislative obligations under the Anti SPAM act.
Essentially you are not allowed to send bulk emails or SMS without prior consent of recipients or some sort of well defined mechanism for allowing recipients to opt out of receiving such messages.
For notifications such as workshop service completion and spare parts order : these are considered alerts and are exempt from such considerations.
Bulk SMS notifications sent via miner though are subject to this law. C9 now includes the following changes:
- Recipients to sms messages sent via Miner can now respond to those messages with 'STOP'. This will automatically prevent such users from receiving similar messages again. STOP only applies to miner type SMS messages. Such customers will still continue to receive alerts such as spare parts orders, but they will no longer receive miner based SMS messages when they opt out.
- The SMS you compose must contain words such as 'Reply STOP to Opt-Out' or something similar. C9 will not allow you to send an SMS unless these (or similar words) are included in your SMS message.
Bulk Email is also subject to this law, though there are no changes yet to c9 to help/enforce this. It is up to you to include a such a notification in your bulk emails and take action. C9 customers have a marketing flag which you can toggle in response to requests to opt out of bulk emails (and SMS).
Note that the nature of these recent c9 changes require updates to your c9. Dealers that do not to update c9 will find that SMS notification facilities in their old version of c9 have been heavily throttled back with strict constraints on how many SMS messages they can send a minute. Update c9 to get unthrottled SMS capabilities that provides mechanisms to allow you to more easily comply with anti-SPAM legislation.
- Workshop jobs : jobs can have a visual icon next to them in planner and job view to help you organise and categorise jobs further
- Implementation of some Anti SPAM measures into miner generated SMS messages to allow users to reply with STOP to automatically opt out of miner type SMS messages. More info to come once server side components are completed.
- Workshop jobs : ability to discount labour line items
- Minor tweak to workshop private notes : make detailed note editing word wrap instead of scrolling horizontally
Cash till : allow configuration of what payment methods are to be tallied in cash till report. For example you may not want to tally up direct debit payments. Configured via main setup screen in Payments + Deposits tab.
In cash till report : disabled payment methods are highlighted in red on the left. On the right side grouping, these totals will NOT include tallying from disabled payment method types