- Email invoice. Email subject said something like 'Foo Motorcycles invoice 123456', even for quotes which is confusing for things like quotes. Subject now explains exactly what is attached: i.e. invoice, quote, reservation.
- Cancel order. If user selects option to put parts onto a new active order then allow cancel order to manipulate customer ordered parts too
- Point of Sale : allow 100% line item discounts
- Point of Sale refund : very rare situation : if you create an invoice with only line discounted items on it and then set a invoice discount $ figure, then the % on line items is no longer accurate as that invoice discount is then added ontop of the line discount parts. Situation is rare in that you shouldn't really be doing it. Previously when you refunded such parts, only the line discount was considered, not the invoice discount. Modified c9 so that if line discount is not representative of the actual discount given because of this scenario, then when crediting back the invoice, ignore the line discount %.
- Point of sale : save as PDF. preset file name as invoice.pdf
- OPEA Export : disallow user to continue until they type in a file name
- View Aged Trial Balance : could not select between debtor, depositor or combined trial balance. Now fixed
- Promised feature in last version, ability to switch tabs and for the list to remain on the previously chosen item, did not always work. Tweaked code further and should be good now
- Start workshop job while in weekly planner
- View customer : view handled parts. List behaved in odd ways at times, e.g. top of the list would scroll indefinitely over repeated records. Now fixed
- Spares/workshop invoices : make discount bold
- View/edit order item. Allow modification of buy price. Disallow changing part number if part is for customer/workshop etc.
- Dead stock report : if the part has no sales history, consider last time the part was ordered and the stock part created date to decide whether or not it is dead. Previously was looking at created date only, but this can be misleading as a stock record with zero 0 can exist for years, if the part is actually just recently ordered in, then it is not actually dead stock (yet).
- Messenger SMTP configuration : allow bigger usernames/passwords
- View/Select Job
- indicate if a booked job is waiting on parts or another dependency
- colour code jobs beyond their promise date differently if they are internal jobs (orange background instead of red)
- Miner : permit filtering of jobs based on promise date
- Reverted lost behaviour in transition from c8 to c9 with lists. When you flip a tab on a list, say from sort by job number to sort by customer, the system will now retain focus on the highlighted job prior to change of tab. Also when resizing a window with a list in it, the resize retains the highlighted item and resizes list entries around it, where previously it would just reset the list back to the top.
- F12 customer pickup : recent changes to ordering system to allow ordering from alternative suppliers had an unintended impact with F12 pickup. System would not sometimes work correctly for parts that had been superseded since they were originally ordered. Now fixed.
Parts Magician / F12 lookup to check parts availability for Husqvarna is now working with Butmac's web service. There is no need to update c9 to get this feature working.
- Import fiche diagrams for Husqvarna
- Workshop clocking : new setup option allows you to disable automatic recording of clocked time onto a job as labour to be invoiced.
- Orders : on key screens provide an option to view supplier details. ( Select order, view order, order book, browse received orders, and view received order all have this option).
Synchronize to accounting platform : tweaked c9 so it is possible to simultaneously sync to multiple platforms, to help with transiting from MYOB to Xero for example. This feature can only be enabled by Barney. Not exposed via a configuration option.
Import Kawasaki Fiche Diagrams : Was crashing when trying to import latest 2014 models. Now fixed
Workshop booking reminders. A new feature allows c9 to send booking reminders via SMS to customers. You can configure:
- how far ahead to send a booking (i.e. notify today bookings for tomorrow, or notify today for bookings in 3 days time).
- Time of day when bookings are sent (defaults to between 10am and 6 pm)
- Whether or not to factor in Saturdays/Sundays into booking notification.
Feature is configured via Serup - notifications. For reminders to be sent messenger service needs to remain running during the time when notifications are scheduled to be sent.
Resulting SMS will be something like this:
Hi ANDREW. A reminder your workshop booking at Test Motorcycles is for Monday
Tweak to email sent to customers on receive parts. Changed wording from
The following parts you ordered are now available for pickup
The following parts you ordered are now ready for pickup/despatch (as previously arranged)
Down the track, a proper despatch method system is planned for spare parts which will allow you to customize SMS/Email messages sent in response to parts availability.
Another change relating to how c9 encrypts passwords and credit cards in the database. Prior encryption which has been in place for over 10 years uses a non-standard cryptographic mechanism. Replaced with a more standardized and stronger cipher. Another motivation behind this change is to allow c9 database run off a mac. Old ciphertexts would not store correctly in postgres on Mac because of character set encoding built into the mac version of postgres, hopefully this is now fixed with new ciphers.
- F12 check stock availability : recent changes to Kawasaki website broke Kawasaki stock check. Now fixed
- Spares : merge parts onto an existing order with additional deposit. The deposit payment method was not being recorded throwing out cash till report.
- Spares return : select invoice by customer only allows you to select an account customer. Now allows you to select either cash or account customer.
- Print receive order
- Useful details for organising received orders are now printed more prominently.
- You can now configure c9 to print related parts on receive sheet, parts related to the original customer order or to the customer themselves but parts not necessarily associated with the parts just received. In main setup screen under orders are options:
- Bugfix with statement. New transaction type "Refunded payment" would appear in wrong column on the report. Now fixed
- Tweak to spares point of sale needed because of recent changes to accounts. When you pickup parts on account where original invoice took a deposit c9 adds a transaction onto the account to move deposit from invoice to the account. Previously it would add it as a 'deposit' transaction. But it is more appropriate to add it as a payment. Changed c9 behaviour to this. Previously didn't really matter but now c9 strictly separates depositor from debtor balances it is more important to ensure most appropriate txn type are employed.
Includes database changes. You'll need to log all terminals out to during update
- bugfix: Recent changes to ordering to allow ordering of parts from alternative suppliers broke behaviour of generate all. Now fixed
- Standard Estimates : screen was running too slow. Added some database indexes to speed things up
- Import spares quote : if original quote was GST exempt the quote would not import correctly. Now fixed