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Release 4.395 November 7, 2013 barney
  • Import KTM Fiche : another attempt to get importing of Dukes working.  Also automatically filter out X-Bow.


  • Workshop - ability to define special type of workshop job for tracking sale of parts to the workshop as an overall department. Slightly experimental idea.  At the moment it is bare bones, if it flies will develop further with supporting reports etc.

To setup goto Setup -> Other Settings -> Internal Workshop Jobs

Create a job in the list , like this:

Now in spares, point of sale. When you F10 a job and select workshop,  internal jobs will be visible at the top of the select job list.  Internal jobs are only visible when you go to them via Point of Sale Complete.  In normal workshop mode, they are invisible.

Release 4.394 November 7, 2013 barney
  • Messenger changes
    • Outbound Email can now connect to TLS mail relays
    • Internal tweak to how messenger settings are handled : brings things a step closer to moving management of messenger configuration into main c9 config
  • Import KTM diagrams : attempt to fix import of missing Duke diagrams (attempt failed. See next release).
Release 4.393 November 7, 2013 barney

Includes database changes. You will need to log all terminals out during upgrade

C9 now allows you to configure a 3rd type of order on a per franchise basis to compliment Daily and Stock orders.

e.g. for KTM the 3rd type may be 'Road', for stuff that would be expensive to send overnight

e.g. for Suzuki Emergency Orders.

The 3rd order type is designated 'A', or 'Alternative', or on some screens it indicates the name you assigned the order type.

To configure in c9 goto add/edit franchise and modify the franchise.

Other changes:

  • Add hoc order : ability to F2 lookup part number
  • Modify unit screen resizing tweaked so it behaves better
Release 4.392 November 4, 2013 barney

Tweak to part number fuzzy matching logic to allow you to configure a rule that says if part number does not match, try dropping first <n> characters off the scanned part number and try again.

This is useful for dealers migrating away from systems which encode supplier in first three digits. i.e. like Biscount.  With this c9 can scan supplier barcodes and biscount printed barcodes either of which may be physically attached to stock during transition period.

Release 4.391 November 2, 2013 barney

Includes fixes to Ducati fiche import introduced in prior version.  Previously c9 would only import diagrams in the 'frame' group missing about 3/4ths of the diagrams.

Mornington Motorcycles are first dealer in Australia to have web shopping for Ducati OEM diagrams on their website.

Release 4.390 October 29, 2013 barney
  • Import fiche diagrams for Ducati
  • Tweaked c9 fiche diagram import
  • Print preview : option to print+email in one go
  • Reprint spares invoice : show and filter by order number. i.e. find invoices where phone number has been keyed into the order number instead of a customer record being created
  • Browse/View jobs : show cancelled jobs
  • Receive order : a 3rd option "still on order" to compliment existing two options "on backorder" and "cannot be supplied".  Behaves exactly same as "still on backorder", just does not throw the backorder flag.  Provides better/fine grained control of status of an item, whether or not it is on backorder or still expected to be supplied from a nearby warehouse.
  • Added proscribed Contract of Sale for WA
Parts Magician Changes October 26, 2013 barney

Parts Magician queries can now provide info for stock availability for dealers who are offline.

So when you send a parts magician request, other dealers do not need to be online in order for that request to be instantly answered.

The system only works for c9 dealers that use c9's online backup service.

The best of both worlds : the accuracy/relevancy of realtime enquiries combined with the availability of a 24x7 database

Release 4.389 October 24, 2013 barney
  • Added ability to select customer by a unit. i.e. such as rego number or vin or filter down on unit type
  • Lookup parts in various lists. Previously results were sensitive to dashes and spaces and you had to key in part without them. Now fixed.  (select part,  edit price file, delete part, add parts to barcode print, + 20 or so other windows in c9 dealing with part numbers).
  • Unit sale invoice at high detail : print line items with GST (so is consistent with spares and workshop)
  • Spares import quote : ask user whether they want to use quoted prices or current prices
Release 4.388 October 23, 2013 barney
  • Open/Save files. At various points were c9 needs to open/save files c9 now memorizes where you last opened/saved a file for a given type of operation and defaults to that next time you perform that operation. i.e. if you imported a OPEA price file for Yamaha from c:\yamaha\ it will memorize that for next time you import a yamaha price file. It will track the path used to export a miner report differently, or the location where Honda Fiche database files are stored for example. There are about 20 different types of path c9 will now separately track.  Tracking is per terminal only, so different terminals may store price files in different paths for example.
  • Dead stock export
    • Overhauled export so you can better tune what parts to export. i.e. All, or only parts where min/max=0 or parts which have not moved for a while
    • Allow export of one franchise or all franchises
    • Export stock file for part mart
  • Modify workshop job : when user changes any of the 3 job type categories intelligently regenerated the job description and notes
  • Spares Point of Sale : when switching to another section in c9 using new UI Design, memorize parts in point of sale and restore part list when point of sale option is selected again
Release 4.387 October 18, 2013 barney

Recent screen resizing code broke a couple of critical windows in c9.  Notably database manager and manual backup windows. Now fixed.

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