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Release 4.386 October 18, 2013 barney
  • Point of sale print options
    • Configure printing reserve/laybys to print to docket. Previously would always default to A4
    • Configure 2 copies to only print two copies if printing to docket printer
  • Workshop line item discounts : print on estimates.  Also tweak printing of discount total line to show discount percentage if relevant. Also increase paper real-estate estimate prints on so it uses same page margins as invoice
  • Tweaks to a few windows with new window resizing code
  • Point of sale : bug with last version : highlight bar on items would remain even though keyboard focus was elsewhere. Result was confusing behaviour

C9 has provided the industry online OEM diagrams and shopping since 2011.  We now have over 20 dealers running OEM shopping websites with OEM parts from over a dozen different manufacturers. C9 is, by a huge margin, the market leader in providing modern technology designed for a modern retail environment in the motorcycle industry.

Recently Suzuki Australia has began to offer their own solution, in conjunction with a 3rd party web site designer Fox Digital Web, giving dealers more choice for online EPC.    A dealer can assess which solution they feel works best for them.  We believe that c9's solution is a better solution for dealers.  Some of the reasons why we believe our offering is best:

  1. Price:  A small setup and training fee ($400) and an ongoing cost of $50 a month
  2. Delivery:  Can be setup very quickly, especially if you just want to include OEM diagrams on an existing website.  The system can be up and running in a few hours
  3. Features:   Diagrams are hotspotted so users can click on the diagram to select items.  Shopping is integrated into the c9 dealer system so orders appear in c9's point of sale instantaneously.  Pricing and available quantity information is integrated and real-time up to date.  Change a price in your DMS and it automatically instantly updates the price on the website.  C9 website also allows you to list accessories, bikes and other website content.
  4. Quality and Relevance:  C9 includes all models available from the dealers EPC resource, including 2013 and at time of writing some 2014 models.  As at time of writing,  Suzuki has a much shorter listing of 2013 models though they are slowly completing the list.
  5. Other Suppliers: Include other diagrams from other suppliers on your website without additional cost



Release 4.385 October 17, 2013 barney

Includes the beginnings of long standing request to allow windows to be resized to take advantage of available screen real-estate.  Most windows with lists in them (i.e. select franchise) can now be resized.  Existing resized windows such as point of sale have been tweaked improved.  Further improvements will happen incrementally over time in the course of normal development, including being able to resize some screen which currently do not resize (i.e. deals) and tweaking some windows which may resize in incorrect ways.

A new version of remote client has been created as part of this release to take advantage of these changes.

Release 4.384 October 10, 2013 barney

More suzuki EPC tweaks.  Previous versions included smarts to try and only import the diagrams relevent to the year+region of the item in question. i.e. if presented with following


System would only import the first one when trying to import 2012 GS500

The solution broke down though in the following case:


It was trying to match 1 and 2 to some specific unit year/region/model particular.  Tweaked logic so that if nothing fits then bring them all in just in case. This will still result in system mostly filtering irrelevant diagrams though it will now moreso err on the side of importing too much rather than not enough.

Release 4.383 October 9, 2013 barney

Includes database changes. You'll be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Import Suzuki EPC
    • You can now fine tune list of bikes imported to fix errors and omissions prevalent in Suzuki's framelisting file
    • System allows you to configure certain regions that are always preferentially imported. i.e. Import E24/P24 if available and ignore all else for a given model+year combo even if there are rules for them
  • View remote EPCs - improved logic to detect when a remote set of units has changed and c9 needs to refresh it's local cache
  • Tweaks
    • Warn user if odo reading is blank on complete job
    • Edit Franchise : added filter options for showing parts online. Options are: A) show everything B) only show items currently in stock. C) do not put this franchise on the web
    • Modify workshop : ask user if they want to append notes to job if they add/change job type on the job
    • View workshop: pending weborder notification now appears here too
    • Unit stock list : option to filter based on new/used flag


Release 4.382 October 2, 2013 barney

Includes database changes. You'll be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Modify Customer : ability to pick/lookup suburb postcode pairing.  Same for franchise/accessory suppliers.

  • Workshop job schedule : significantly improved the ability to organise and prioritize jobs and move jobs up and down.  Previous version allowed you move jobs up and down but there were a few niggles with the way the system worked especially when a new job is added : one would normally intuitively expect a new job to appear at the bottom of the list but this was rarely the case.  Note that part of this upgrade system will reset order of jobs to default : unavoidable consequence of this change.
  • Tweaks
    • Tweaked recently added link remote diagram feature.  Behaviour/requirement to link a local franchise to a remote franchise is unintuitive.  System now pops up a confirmation page that should hopefully simplify
    • Cash till : warn user if the current till number did not record any operations for the day and let user know what till no the report will be based on .  Prior behaviour was confusing in this scenario
    • Miner : part description getting clipped. Fixed
    • Import Husaberg from DealerNet.  Did not detect Aussie bikes correctly also incorrectly reported login error when all units are classified as excluded.
Release 4.380 & 4.381 September 26, 2013 barney

Includes database changes. You'll be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Units on consignment tweaks. If you purchase a unit on consignment, the system will now delay creating a recipient invoice until the unit is subsequently sold.  This allows you to modify the buy price of the consigned unit without having to roll the unit back and re-consign it.  The system now also tracks consignment receipts which can be reprinted just like a unit invoice
  • Spare parts kits
    • You can now define a spare part to be made up of other multiple spare parts to define a kit.
    • Key in the part number in point of sale and system will break kit down into it's component items and add them to the invoice (same workflow as import part but triggered via add part)
    • Kits can be nested : i.e. a kit can be made up of sub kits
    • Kit qty and retail price automatically adjusts to reflect changes in the kits stocked components (note price file changes for unstocked kit items only cascade on import price file)
    • Kit retprice can be fixed using retail held flag. If retail is held system will tweak component retail prices to arrive at the total kit price
    • Kit parts must be an accessory part but they can combine parts from any franchise.
  • Price file price breaks : you can now  set price breaks  to use on individual parts.  For a given part you can specify that price breaks for a different franchise apply to this part only. Intended, commonly expected usage is for ensuring certain items (such as certain accessory groups) are priced at RRP but solution permits greater flexibility with setting non RRP Based classes of pricing in a single franchise.
  • Parts Diagrams : c9 can now seamlessly integrate into parts diagrams published on other dealer websites.  Instead of going to to look up KTM parts for example, you can now look it up within c9 itself. Requires some initial setup in c9 for each make.  Highlighting:

  • Minor tweaks
    • Fixed security issue where remote access password for a number of dealers is inherited from the blank system.  Upgrade will automatically delete password for any dealer like this.  Change ensures further future installs of c9 do not use this default password
    • PCEFTPOS integration : option to print two copies of receipts
    • Units : added a helper dialog for recording unit floorplans to help with calculating things like payout due and interest free based on days. i.e. key in start date and days (150) and c9 will tell you what that date is
Release 4.379 September 24, 2013 barney

Fiche import changes

  • Limit softway crawl to 2 threads.  Cleanly report error if page request fails to yield a diagram. i.e. because of credit limit
  • Allow import of diagrams from other c9 based websites.
Release 4.378 September 16, 2013 barney

Requires database changes. You'll be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Vouchers can now be sold on account. Example : local lions club wanting to issue multiple gift vouchers but pay for them on their account.
  • Suzuki Magician Query changes
    • Recent changes to broke C9 part query. Now fixed
    • Query now consistently returns daily buy price as listed on Suzuki's website.
  • Integration into PC-EFTPOS.  (  Allows c9 to interact with your EFTPOS terminal so that
    • C9 sale does not proceed until EFTPOS Txn has been verified
    • Preset EFTPOS Device with the correct eftpos amount

Once configured, within c9 during any of the point of sale entry points.  If you select payment method that integrates into PC-EFTPOS you will see a screen like this which guides you through EFTPOS process.

EFTPOS records are journaled in c9 database and accessible via Business -> Reports. i.e.

Other features:

  • Handle EFTPOS transactions and refunds
  • Ability to skip/abort integrated processing and fallback to manual EFTPOS processing during Point of Sale if necessary
  • Careful handling of situations where there is an error or power failure during the middle of a EFT transaction.
    • System will automatically recall last EFT Transaction if EFT operation failed halfway through to determine final outcome of the txn
    • System will give you option to allocate completed EFT operations where there was a failure before c9 was able to issue an invoice (i.e. power failure) so you can flag that a prior EFT operation that worked covers an invoice when you attempt to re-create the invoice after power failure.
    • System will allow you to reprint EFTPOS receipts via eft journals tracked in c9
Release 4.377 September 6, 2013 barney

This version includes database changes. You'll need to log all terminals out during upgrade.

  • F12 lookup now queries : your franchise name must match partmart's naming exactly for it to work on a franchise.
  • Changes to underlying print system to better support label printing for Dymo and Zebra printers.
    • Portrait/landscape setting is now memorised on a per label type basis, not globally
    • System now shows and allows you to select paper type for a barcode/label printer.  The paper type is memorized on a perl label type basis. This is especially important for Dymo printers.  On the back of labels printed from a dymo is an indication of the label type. i.e. the below label is of type 99010.  Previously c9 would guess looking for a paper size that best matches the dimensions entered by the user.  Some combinations would cause c9 to pick a paper type with significantly different dimensions yielding unexpected behaviour on print.

    • You can also select a4 or automatic selection (equivalent to previous intelligent selection option). A new option also exists : fix page size to what you keyin for label dimensions.
    • Problem with error reporting on imagable width/height on printers like Zebra should now be fixed. C9 now automatically forces margins to be same size as the paper for label paper types which seems to eliminate this problem.
    • Some printers, i.e. dymo, some right aligned printing is getting clipped.  This is because printer and java disagree on font metrics by a few hundredths of an inch. To cope with this, c9 does adds a bit of 'slack' to clip boundary on right most side of a right/decimal aligned string.  Also use a slightly different mechanism for calculating width of a string and ensure fractional components are rounded up.
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