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Release 4.375 & 4.376 September 5, 2013 barney

Strange bug with spares invoices. On a small number of dealers, rarely, invoice sales are recording with deposit.  Cannot figure out the trigger or how to replicate this behaviour though I suspect for various reasons, that there are staff running invoices through in an unusual/obscure way which we've never anticipated or tested for.  This version includes additional guards to explicitly prevent recording of deposit on invoice sales.

Update : replicated behaviour. Staff are exiting out of complete screen after selecting invoice and then re-entering it. This is permitting them to key in a deposit amount. Now fixed this loophole.  Strictly speaking it is a legitimate usage pattern and it's usage at this time has no negative consequence (assuming the end user knows what they are doing) but I am deciding to remove it from c9 anyway in order to constrain and simplify system behaviour and because I suspect that in the case of one user at least: they don't know what they are doing and this is causing problems for them.

Release 4.374 September 5, 2013 barney
  • Paperwork changes
    • Include contract of sale for VIC, NSW and QLD
    • Include redesigned Form 3 for NSW
    • Paperwork now prints as pure PDF Files.  Benefits and consequences:
      • Faster printing
      • Ability to save as PDF and open in a PDF viewer
      • Direct printing from c9 only works for some printers. Fallback is to open in acrobat reader and print from there
  • Print deal : include option to supress warning on deal printout about the deal being a work in progress.  For use with finance companies.

Frustrating but steady progress with getting paperwork such as contract of sale to print in c9.

The key technical difficulty is that the technology c9 is built upon has a somewhat mediocre  printing framework. It works fine for reports, but complex detailed forms are problematic.

Previous work so far has resulted in printing that runs  slow, and in the case of Queensland OFT paperwork : excruciatingly slow where each page takes upto 30 seconds to spool.  Another consequence was print outputs were not perfect.

A new strategy has been found which involves c9 creating PDF files and then printing the PDF file.  This introduces a new consequence.  To print PDF you need to install acrobat reader to do the printing for c9 as using the technology c9 relies on to print PDF files results in very slow and inaccurate printing.  C9 will open acrobat and printing is done from there.  For some printers c9 is able to send the PDF file directly to the printer, but this only works with certain printers and only if the printer drivers for that printer are 100% spot on.

The new solution now works; though requires acrobat to be installed.  The next version of c9 includes this facility so paperwork now prints alot faster.

The next version will also include c9's new contract of sale documents. Initially only Victoria will be included, we will roll out all of the other states over the next couple of weeks while we fine tune printing of contract particulars.

Release 4.373 August 29, 2013 barney
  • Add labour : relabel cancel button as close
  • Allow cash till summary report to be previewed, so it can be saved/emailed
  • Weekly planner : allow tech rescheduling from this window
  • Timesheet report : create a printable version of this.  Shows all the techs across the week with job details included in the report
Release 4.372 August 28, 2013 barney

Bugfix with prior release.  On older slower terminals workshop job list would not refresh fully.  Fixed in this version.

Release 4.371 August 27, 2013 barney

This represents our first release after some heavy retooling of how we go about working on the c9 product.   4 months in the making and finally here.  As our new processes settle in and are fine tuned we expect to see this translate into alot of material improvement for the c9 product and how quickly we are able to evolve and enhance the product.

  • Workshop
    • Add labour : under some circumstances the system would flag labour added as discounted.  Now fixed.
    • Print estimate : always print labour line items last
    • Print job card : make customer name bold
  • Units
    • Show deal : show tally of items on a deal to show balance outstanding.  Useful for when deals are used as layby mechanism to show balance outstanding
    • Bugfix with pickup spares on reserve or receipt invoice being put on a deal : would not actually add the parts to the deal. Now fixed
    • Bugfix with pickup spares on reserve or receipt invoice being put on a deal : would not transfer any deposit taken on original reserve/order.  Now fixed
    • Unit quote : you can now generate a quote for a unit that is not on the floor
    • Convert deal to invoice. For finance/account sales make sure deposit collected on the deal is transferred across.
    • Convert deal to invoice : would clobber rebates tracked on original floor unit.  System now more carefully merges rebates recorded on the deal and on the floor unit.
    • Unit invoice : print odo reading if unit is second hand and odo>0
  • Spares
    • Bugfix with reclaimed deposit on prior spares pickup influencing spares invoice on next invoice on that terminal.  Problem is potentially serious, but rare.  Affected users will be notified individually.
    • Receive order : check and warn user if an order of the same invoice number has previously been received
    • Reprint invoice : hotkey F6 to select and filter invoices by customer
    • Import KTM fiche : remove confusing 'import all' option


Release 4.370 August 15, 2013 barney
  • Changes to unit formula calculation to better support SA stamp duty under $3000 by introducing a compact 'case' function which better handles expression of bracketed stamp duty rates.  Can be used to possibly simplify other bracketed stamp duty systems.  See below example formula for SA.

Even more compact Version:

  • Bug fixes with printing deposit on Docket printouts where tax deposit is disabled (now hard coded default in c9 for past few versions). Deposit should be printed below tax invoice total and be factored in when calculating balance; same as how A4 invoices currently print.
  • Tweak with import Honda EPC : permit null year imports which will allow power equipment and marine fiche diagrams to be imported.
  • Print spares order tweaks
    • Memorise checkbox options on a per franchise basis
    • New checkbox option : collate.  When selected if a part appears on order more than once (i.e. 5 for stock, 3 for invoice #xyz), then collate into a single row on the report.  Mirroring how existing export orders behave.
Release 4.369 August 12, 2013 barney

This release contains a number of improvements for quickbooks integration

  • Optionally synchronize freight component of invoice onto synced bills
  • Ability to Optionally set tax code used for stock and freight line items
  • When mapping a new supplier for the first time preset expense/freight/accounts payable and tax codes

Note that c9 nows connects into Quickbooks in a slightly different way so you'll be forced to reauthorise c9 to access quickbooks after upgrading.

Release 4.368 August 5, 2013 barney

Includes database changes. You will need to log out all terminals after downloading the update.

Overhaul how workshop insurance jobs are managed.  Existing process is a bit clumsy.  Specific changes:

  • Insurance company is tracked separately on a workshop job from job/unit owner; whereas previously the owner would be set to the insurance company.
  • Company is set on create job ( or create estimate) and can be changed via modify job
  • Account customers can now be flagged as being insurance companies
  • Invoice printout and account records created for insurance jobs differ slightly
    • Print 'excess' instead of 'deposit'
    • Transaction record on monthly  statement indicates 'excess' instead of 'deposit'

Other tweaks:

  • Added a new configuration switch in setup to control behaviour of min qty re-ordering in some circumstances.  Previously if you set minqty ratio to something the system would also limit qty re-ordered to the qty just invoiced out that triggered the reorder.  For dealers that don't do stock orders as often as they should this can be problematic.  This behaviour is now a separate checkbox option in c9.  Checkbox default upon upgrade is set to logic that existed prior to this change.
  • View/Reprint Spares invoice : allow user to view and modify note attached to the invoice
Release 4.367 July 29, 2013 barney
  • MYOB Synchronize.  Was not working with older version 17 of MYOB. Tweaked information c9 sends so now older version is hopefully happy.
  • Miner : permit query on unit interest rate and end of interest free period
  • New UI design : do not map F10 to miner.  F10 is a commonly used hotkey for continuing in some workflows.  Hitting F10 in a screen which is not hotkeyed for F10 is a common usability issue with the new UI
  • Dead Stock Report : option to organise parts by partnumber (as per previous), stock quantity or stock value.
  • Print spares invoice. Recent changes to force deposits non-taxable had an unintended consequence where 'print not paid' option is enabled in setup (an option only a few dealers use). System would print 'not paid' on invoices because it was not factoring in reclaimed deposit on pickup items.  Fixed by exploiting recently added ability for system to explicitly track whether or not 'cash not collected' as selected. Only print amount yet to be paid if this flag has been set.
  • Payment method surcharges
    • Permit configuration of surcharge % in setup.  This will lock surcharge so operator cannot modify it. Old behaviour of allowing operator change surcharge is still supported and applies if the setup based surcharge is left blank
    • Show total of the payment method + surcharge in surcharge screen.
  • Spare parts invoice : remove wording 'spare parts' from report name and emailed attachments. As spare parts invoices can be invoices for things other than spare parts
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