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Release 4.366 July 24, 2013 barney

Bugfix with last release for F12 pickup where system is configured to use price at point of sale on pickup.  Was adding GST to retail twice for items increasing retail by another 10%. Now fixed.

Release 4.365 July 22, 2013 barney
  • Bugfix with F12 customer order pickup.  Was inheriting wrong stock buy prices. If there was more than one part on the order it would apply one of the parts stock buy price to all parts.  Only an issue when viewing part details. Now fixed.
  • Job card : print job items such as parts on the card
  • Clock off : modified work flow a bit to hopefully reduce human error inputs when choosing between clocking off ready for another job or clocking off for end of the day
  • Spare parts pickup : when parts where originally done on receipt basis with a cash deposit collected and when parts are picked up on account customer the transfer of deposit from original receipt to customer account was not being handled correctly. Now fixed.
  • Spares parts order parts for customer. Warn user if they have not selected a customer and not keyed in an order number : i.e. don't create an invoice for ordered parts without any identifying customer information
Release 4.364 July 15, 2013 barney
  • Spare parts pickup. As soon as press F10 perform customer GST exempt and customer account deposit checks. Previously user could F10 past this screen without system asking them whether or not they wanted to use deposit on account.  Now it will ask the question upon initial entry into complete screen.
  • Unit bugs and tweaks
    • Deal : freeform spares items on a deal do not behave correctly.  Cannot be re-accessed or edited via edit spares.
    • Deal: freeform spares costing information is lost and reset to zero when freeform is added onto a deal but not immediately invoiced.
    • Rollback sale : provide option to convert sale into a deal to make fixing errors a little easier.   Normally rolling back retains most information to retry sale with minimal effort but some information needs to be rekeyed. Specifically spare parts added onto a sale.  Selecting rollback sale onto a new deal avoids this double entry.
  • Workshop bugs and tweaks
    • Modify spare part line item. Option to key in line discount as a %.
    • Workshop complete/pickup & modify screen. Show line item discount so user has visual indicator which items have been line discounted
    • Estimate option to set estimate to supplier RRP costings instead of setting to dealer prices and discounting down to supplier RRP
    • Print spares line discount option for spares point of sale now influences how workshop invoices are printed.  Will print line discounts if following conditions are met:
      • spares line option in setup is selected
      • workshop job contains at least one part with a line discount
      • workshop discount scope is set to 'spares only'
  • Other tweaks
    • Spares profit summary : show grand total
Release 4.363 July 8, 2013 barney

Includes database changes. You will be required to log all terminals out during upgrade

Bugfix with crediting back spares invoice which mixes line discounted and group discounted prices.  Under some circumstances group discounted item would incorrectly inherit line discounted discounting.

Clerk report bugfix : do not include spares returned from workshop/sales department back into spares.

GST on spares deposit.  Removed configuration option and forced deposits on spares to be GST exempt. As per GSTR 6/2 and as per other parts of c9. Previously was a configuration option in c9.
GSTR 2006/2 (a GST tax ruling from 2006) indicates that GST is not payable on deposits when taken for the promise of goods being supplied. Only if the deposit is forfeited or when the goods are supplied does the GST then apply.

No cash invoice list has been substantially improved.  Tracking whether or not user explicitly select no cash is now in place instead of second guessing and getting it wrong in some situations (i.e. spares pickup where original deposit covers cost of received spares would appear in old no cash inv list). Also tracks amount of cash that was expected to be paid. The change is not retrospective though. Only transactions created after the upgrade will be properly tracked.  Consequence of upgrading to this version is that no cash inv list is effectively cleared and only new transactions will potentially appear in the list.

Security : new login user security switch to disable access to business.  On upgrade all login users will be automatically added into this group.

Miner: workshop job description would clip to 20 characters. Now fixed

Business charts : new chart to show % of year on year retained units.  Units dealership sold that appeared back in the workshop.

Business analytics : added options for Suzuki Service KPI

Release 4.362 June 7, 2013 barney

Changes to spare parts refunding to better cope with line discounting. Previously line discounting functionality was not added into refunding b refunding under most circumstances would hack out the correct result. There are some situations though that did not work.  Especially refunding an invoice which mixed line discounted and group discounted items.  New change allows view/modification of line discounts on refund and correctly handles refunding of a mix of discounting schemes.

Account portrait statement : print word 'STATEMENT' on the statement.

Release 4.361 May 31, 2013 barney

Bugfixes relating to converting estimate into workshop job

  • Make sure parts are added to job in same order they are on the estimate
  • Subtle bug on import estimate means parts will be added with wrong retail price but will have discount set to compensate.  Consider two parts:  Part a $100. PArt b$20.  Part A would be added correctly. But Part B would be added at $100 less $80 discount.  Now fixed.
Release 4.360 May 15, 2013 barney

Requires database changes. This upgrade will force you to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Line discounting on spares invoices was not calculating GST correctly. Now fixed
  • Layby
    • View layby: show balance remaining
    • Take initial payment on layby : was not being recorded in cash till report
    • Take initial payment on layby : may not of been opening the till.  Should now be working
    • Layby invoice :  print balance outstanding on invoice (a4 and docket)
    • Disallow layby to an account customer
  • Spare parts invoices - printing line item discount. Also print unit price (retail - discount) and unit extension
  • Spare parts : more options to restrict heavy discounting
    • Optional constraint to limit maximum % discount that a clerk is allowed to offer: global and uses stock/price file retail price not modified retail price.
    • Option to not apply test for items with very small margins where no discount has been offered. (i.e. only apply test if there is discount)
  • Account - option to flag an account as requiring detailed invoiced. Will print line item discount + unit figures on spares invoices; even for retail discounting
  • Workshop estimate : option to compliment recent 'discount parts to supplier RRP' button : reset line item discounts back to zero
  • Spare parts on workshop : make it easier to modify retail price parts are sold onto customers for. Previously system would lock onto spares RRP and not allow you to adjust retail price below this; it would instead adjust discount to arrive at final price.  System is now more flexible, you can set either discount or retail to whatever you like irrespective of RRP.
Release 4.359 May 6, 2013 barney


  • Last two versions did not ship with files required for manual backup.  Manual backups were failing, now fixed.
  • View unit would display formula error in some circumstances. Specifically : view a unit on the floor where a formula cost like Stamp Duty was already added to sale cost.  Click view rebate and then close and go back to view unit window would trigger the bug.  Now fixed.  Cause:  formula functions are actually recursive under some circumstances and need to track whether or not they have already been called to avoid prematurely releasing resources required for formula calculation.
Release 4.358 May 2, 2013 barney

Changes to estimates & workshop

  • Print estimate changes
    • Fix line that runs through estimate only header when export to PDF
    • Print parts in order they were added to estimate
    • Print more unit details : Full VIN, Colour, compliance date and Odo
    • Was not printing line discount totals correctly. Fixed
  • Estimate changes - freeform spares items (you should use other/ws parts over freeform. Though some bug fixes anyway)
    • Freeform descriptions and prices where not being carried onto job when converting estimate to job
    • Freeform part number : would restart at **1 each time you added more parts onto an estimate
  • Convert estimate to job
    • Was not preserving discounted value on conversion
  • Estimate
    • Include a button to discount spare parts to their supplier recommended retail (list + GST).
  • Sell parts to job
    • If you modify retail price downwards: c9 will now write the job item at it's original price and add a discount figure for the difference
  • Print job in progress. Remove words "It is for the dealership's personal reference only." : in case dealer wants to show job in pogress printout to the customer.
Release 4.357 April 30, 2013 barney

Unit sales : previously c9 always treated on road costs as being paid by the purchaser.  It is now possible to  flag on road costs as being explicitly paid by the dealership. For example, current Yamaha Scooter deal at the moment where Yamaha provide rebate to cover on road costs.  Dealer pays the on road costs and Yamaha rebate the dealer for the sale.

Arguably, c9 could achieve this already: all you'd do is set final price which reduces the sale cost of the unit.  Although the bottom of the invoice line total is correct and solves the ultimate business need of providing purchasers a discounted sale price ; how this figure comes about is different from the actual business intent.  Now c9 can accurately model either or: discounting the unit sale price or not passing on road costs onto the customer.

C9 behaviour is mostly unchanged by this addition.  When you add on road costs they default to assumption cost is being passed onto customer. when you modify an on road cost you can change this via a new radio button.

Any on road cost that is flagged as being paid by the dealer will be considered as a unit cost for purposes of unit profit reporting.  Normally on road costs are ignored when reporting unit profit on assumption customer pays them; but if they are flagged as being paid by the dealer than they affect the stated cost of the unit.

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