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Release 4.335 & 4.336 November 29, 2012 barney

Requires database changes. You will be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Do not allow creation of  dealer estimate
  • Supplier specific instructions on order sheet.  Instructions are set via utilities -> edit franchise/edit supplier
  • Secure minimum margin on parts.
    • If margin on any single part, after factoring discounting is below a preset %, an authorising clerk key is required.
    • Only applies on spares sales.
    • Does not apply to freeform items
    • Test will apply for parts on order.
    • Configure on edit staff. New check box.
  • Print customer address labels via miner
  • Phonebook - allow search by phone number
  • Phonebook - visual fixes and tweaks
  • Staff - allow zero labour rate
  • Customer search by phone, allow search to match with or without state prefix for customers in same state as dealership. For example, in Victoria, a phone number '03 9123 4567' will be indexed as both '0391234567' and '91234567'.  Previously, c9 would only index the shortened version
  • Orders
    • Print/Export order requires a clerk key on initial execution. It also records date print/export occurred
    • View order : display information captured above
    • Receive order : get clerk key, print clerk on receive sheet. Display clerk in browse received orders
  • UI behaviours lost in conversion from c8 to c9
    • Old c8 would allow an empty list of have keyboard focus.  C9 considers such controls unfocusable.  Tweaked to recapture old c8 behaviour.
    • Tab traversal via Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab now working, just like old c8.
  • Print customer phone on spares invoice
  • Spell checker, take whether word is fully upper cased, or first letter capitalised when making spelling suggestions
  • Bug fixes
    • Promise report contained a subtle bug: running it would in some circumstances prime the instance of c9 for later failure, i.e. selling parts to a job.  Now fixed.
    • Changes made to miner a couple of months ago broke remote access. You could not view miner query results via remote access. Now fixed.
    • Closed floorplan report : was incorrectly including partially curtailed units.  Fixed.
    • Unit deal.  If you manipulate deposit and then invoice parts on a deal in the same 'modify deal' session. The details of the deposit changes will be forgotten; as though you never keyed them in.  Now fixed.
    • Spares: Freeform items on order need to have unique identifiers so that printing and receiving can discriminate separate freeform items as indeed being separate.  There is a situation where this fails and freeform items are combined on printing and receiving order: when merging onto an existing invoice.  Now fixed.
    • Spares: when offering to merge order onto existing invoice, make sure invoice is locked first, so that another terminal is not simultaneously invoicing received parts for same invoice.
    • Workshop: sell spares via workshop. Was not asking for a clerk key. Now fixed.
Mining for orders November 28, 2012 barney

Miner now allows you to query ordering and reserved parts.

In miner are 3 key entities:

  • Orders.  : this represent orders generated in c9. e.g. Daily and Stock orders.  Also covers quick orders, reserved orders etc.
  • Ordered Items: the items on order. i.e. the part numbers.
  • Received orders.  This represent parts when they are received.  C9 treats orders and received orders separately, as a received order may contain items from multiple raised orders for example.

In miner are a couple of reports to get things started. Click on Load standard query. Two reports of interest:


Customers who haven't picked up their ordered/reserved parts yet List all customers and parts that have been received but customer hasn't picked up yet. Defaults to parts received over 7 days ago but you can change this. Useful for sending automatic SMS/email reminders. Note if a customer appears more than once, when you goto bulk SMS/email it will only send them one message (unless you include the partnumber in the message itself; c9 will not send duplicate messages so if the reminder looks the same it will only send it once)
Workshop - spare parts on order Show all parts service department are waiting on, show job details too
Release 4.334 November 27, 2012 barney
  • Point of sale: setup option which disables newly added behaviour that checks if a selected part is already on order
  • Miner
    • Units : query notes
    • Ability to query orders.  Will upload some example miner queries soon
    • Complex bug relating to running a query where a entity has more than one child entity which is set to 'Select non or all records' or 'Select all records'.  Output was incorrect, particularly when dealing with 1:1 and M:1 relationships. Code here is incredibly complicated, must of had blue lightning shooting out of my fingers when I originally wrote this.
Release 4.333 November 26, 2012 barney
  • Workshop : job card/invoice/progress prints.  Make sure model year is printed.
  • Bugfix:  Point of sale pickup parts with deposit. Under some rare situations c9 will recommend a deposit reclaim of 0, when it should be some number >0.  Specifically : if there are parts on back order and parts have been discounted.  C9 was not factoring discounting into deposit reclaim calculation correctly and for situations where the order was not being fully supplied (i.e. parts on back order) it would incorrectly recommend a deposit reclaim of 0 as a result.
  • Select any part:  allow user to add a part into stock at this point
  • Add part into stock:  previously if part added was not on master file (price file franchises), the part number was long c9 would trim the part number until it found a shorter part number.  The idea is that if you barcode scan a part number some part numbers, e.g. Suzuki will have trailing '0's on the end.  But sometimes user wishes to legitimately add a part which is not yet on price file.  Tweaked c9 so if c9 does shorten part and find a match on price file it first asks the user whether they want to add the short part number or the original number they keyed in.
  • Website : page title was limited to 80 char entry box. Increased to 250.
  • Spare parts and deposits : if you fiddle deposit up and down and go and reprint the spares invoice, the reprint will be nonsensical because it would add, not subtract deposit refunds to the payment methods and would not adjust tendered.  Now fixed.
  • Spare parts order merge:  merge deposit was not merging onto tendered, meaning reprints of the invoice were also nonsensical.  Now fixed.
Release 4.332 November 21, 2012 barney
  • Major overhaul of Kawasaki fiche diagram importer
    • Bugfix : was locking up while trying to import KVF650 4x4 (2013).   Cause : dodgy image file on Kawasaki causing c9 to enter an infinite loop
    • Bugfix : hotspots on 2013 diagrams incorrect
    • Recoded importer to use same technology approach used by all other importers. More reliable, faster and easier for me to maintain
    • Images are now rescaled and re-sampled. Important for 2013 as 2013 images onsite are very high resolution
  • Orderbook tweaks
    • Display details on workshop/unit/deal spares order. Including actual customer involved in the service/sales department
    • Allow access to view job from orderbook
    • Bugfix : following filter condition created incorrect output : sort by supplier, filter by specific customer.
  • Ctrl+T Manually open till, now appears in business activity reports as a non-volatile entry (cannot be modified or deleted).
  • Point of sale : if you key in a part that is currently on order, c9 will report this to you and give you the option to switch to receive order mode; displaying a shortlist of customers that have that particular part on order.  A large % of shops are not managing their spare parts ordering effectively, and routinely forcibly sell out parts when they should be using customer pickup.  It is hoped that this tweak in behaviour will help curb such usage patterns.
  • Workshop : ability to set fixed $ discount as opposed to % based.
Release 4.331 November 21, 2012 barney

This release includes initial, draft versions of some unit sale regulatory paperwork for NSW and QLD.

Release 4.330 November 16, 2012 barney

Includes database changes. You will be forced to log c9 out during upgrade

  • Customers : ability to set a visual icon.  Allows to visually flag troublesome or extra nice customers. Icon is visible in most customer browse/select screens
  • Point of sale : disable deposit reclaim if there is no deposit to reclaim
  • Workshop spares report : had sale and cost back-to-front. Now fixed.
  • workshop jobs encode an 'effort' value. Effort is displayed and tallied in weekly calender so you can get a feel for day to day workload.
  • select job - display start date
  • Import BRP Side by Side fiche diagrams
  • Receive order : under normal circumstances when you have a mix of parts on order for stock and customer, c9 will reallocate parts to preferentially fulfill customer orders first.  Under a very rare combination of events this will not happen and parts will goto filling a stock item when there is a waiting customer. Now fixed.
  • Honda Warranty export.  Although Honda can mass produce a 300km/h street motorcycle, the difference in interpreting date formats '1/11/2012' and '01/11/2012', poses a very challenging software engineering problem; or at least Honda didn't volunteer to fix this at the server side.   C9 now encodes dates with leading zeros on date and month.
Release 4.329 November 12, 2012 barney
  • Inventory check
    • Yamaha - support either client certificate or hardware VPN access methods
    • Eurotread - allow longer user names on login.
  • Fixed triumph fiche importer.  Stopped working because of a number of changes triumph made on their site
  • Export Honda Warranty
    • export format was incorrect. Now fixed.
    • Added two new fields requested by Honda:  Gender and DOB
  • Bugfix : under some rare circumstances adding cost onto a unit will erroneously record cost onto cash till report.  Depends on what terminal was doing just prior to the add cost, e.g. reprinting an invoice will trigger this bug.  Now fixed.
  • Bugfix : sometimes downloading new version of c9 to terminal can fail (local network error) and leave temporary files in \c9 folder. Under some rare conditions attempts to restart c9 will not succeed until these temporary files are deleted.  Now fixed.
Ant West’s new track mobile app November 9, 2012 barney

Anthony West and Data Racing have released a new mobile app for track day telemetry.

Web page is here:

More and more, IT technology is becoming cheaper, more pervasive, and more powerful.

My keen interest as a programmer is how more and more technology segments are becoming 'commoditised' over time.  Previous specialist technology solutions that were once incredibly expensive are becoming cheaper and more accessible.  Desktop computers are so cheap now that they are throw away, the cost to replace is usually cheaper than the cost to repair.

Update: It is not obvious on website how you get the app.  The site seems to suggest this is still a work in progress and not ready yet.  Still a cool tech idea, if it is indeed a real piece of software under development and near completion, and not just vapourware.

Release 4.328 November 5, 2012 barney
  • New F12 check availability: now supports Eurotread and Link International
  • BMW Fiche import : was importing low resolution images for certain diagrams and wasn't getting hotspots right on those diagrams, typically photographed items.  Now fixed.
  • Miner query results : display row count.
  • Browse account. Could not filter on name bits : i.e. last name/first name, etc.
  • View Account Transactions  : would allow you to jump to corresponding spares/workshop/unit sale but because anyone can keyin a reference number this could cause jumping to non-existant/invalid sale or a sale performed by a completely different customer. Modified and put some rudimentary checks in place.
  • Print Statements : as per above. Only print invoices for which rudimentary validity and ownership tests satisfy.
  • Quick Books Integration - allow user to select from either Cost of Goods Sold or Expenses chart of accounts. (Previously would only display Expenses)
  • Purchase unit : Recent changes made have confused alot of users.   Made some tweaks to help with this : when adding a new unit to purchase automatically pop select unit browse window. From here user can either a) select unit, b) key in it's vin, c) Click add unit to add a new one or d) press Escape and key in new unit details
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