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Search Engine Optimisation November 3, 2012 barney

Trying to get your website to appear near the top of a Google or Bing search is both a black art and to a small extent a zero-sum game, because only 10 websites can occupy the top 10 search results.  You are competing with all other relevant websites who are also trying to lift their search profile.

C9 powered websites now include a number of features to help SEO savvy web designers optimize your site.  The following describes these and how to access them.


Yamaha F12 Inventory Check November 2, 2012 barney

Inventory checking for Yamaha is now possible. The process of configuring it although is slightly complex.

The complexity arises because Yamaha require something known as a 'client side certificate' in order to access their site.  C9 can handle this no worries, the only additional complexity from c9's point of view is you need to give c9 a Certificate file and the password for that file.

The real complexity although is getting the certificate file in the first place.

If Yamaha have provided it in an email, you can try and just add it into c9 as is and you might get lucky.

Otherwise you need to extract the certificate out of Internet Explorer. This process is complex. Read on for more details.


Release 4.327 November 2, 2012 barney
  • Suzuki online fiche import
    • Bugfix : was not importing diagram part quantities. Now fixed.
    • New framelisting included, which includes 2013  GW250
  • F12 check supplier
    • Fixed unusual bug where it was not automatically logging in sometimes (I could fix it via remote access, but change fixes it for good)
    • Include support for Yamaha,  requires some heroic hacking skillz to get setup, more on this in a separate post.
Release 4.326 October 30, 2012 barney

Includes database changes.  You will need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Website SEO tools - web side of things not yet built.  Will include a post that explains these new functions once corresponding webpage changes have been made.
  • Select account by query. Some filters, like last name were not working in the query result screen. Now fixed
  • F2 lookup part : now has a wildcard search option. Runs really slow, but allows you to do fine tune searching when existing description search is not up to the task.
  • Workshop staff report : was incorrectly including quoted/estimate labour. Now fixed
  • Receive spares : print invoice date on receive sheet
  • Import price file bug fixes
    • Deleted stocked item. Was not properly checking 12 month sale history and would delete parts where qtyonhand=maxqty=minqty=0 but had some recent history. Now fixed.
    • New supercession checker gave up on chains longer than 20 parts.  Yamaha have heaps of parts longer than this.  Modified new supercession checker to give up after 100 parts; i.e. the limit of the prior supercession chain tracker.
Website Search Engine Optimization October 26, 2012 barney

We just released first component of a SEO overhaul of C9 powered websites.

The changes are automatic and require no action or maintenance.  We are hoping that  these modifications will lift search visibility of c9 powered websites over coming weeks.

Similar changes for have also been implemented.

A second set of changes will be delivered shortly, which will also incorporate modifications in c9 itself to help sophisticated web site managers squeeze more out of their website.

Note that if you are using an iframe to host c9 content, then it is unlikely you will get any advantage from recent changes.  Broadly, SEO is the responsibility of your 'main' website. so many of the key changes only apply if c9 host your entire website.

Release 4.325 October 23, 2012 barney

Includes database changes. c9 will force you to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Fixes to selling units on finance
    • When using cash customer deposit, system would not consume deposit on cash account. Now fixed
    • Transaction record written against finance company was GST exempt. Now fixed.  Also, GST on account sales was incorrect and not including ORC GST component. Note that this does not represent a bug on business reports.  Only 'GST' on account transaction; which is non-functional, deprecated, and only used in one part of c9, and only for visual on-screen display.  (View Account Transactions)
  • Fiche Diagrams : you can now print and email them in c9
  • Clocking : Couple of tweaks to make failure to clock off overnight easier to deal with
    • If tech is currently flagged as idle or on break do not pop the warning message and do not record any timesheet information for last task of the day they failed to clock off. Just assume that they intended to clock off for the day but clicked on the wrong button
    • For overnight warning message, if tech's current job occurs after 6 pm,  then present default clockoff time to start of the following hour.
Weekend Migration Progress October 21, 2012 barney

Over the weekend we are performing a number of maintenance activities.

  • Upgrade central database for c9 powered websites
  • Setup a second streaming replication backup server

Saturday Night/Sunday morning, service was down for about two hours. From 3 am to 5 am for live server upgrade.

I was hoping to also upgrade the first replication backup server during this time; but the upgrade path requires me to recopy the entire database. Which is going to take 16 hours; so I abandoned trying to do this while websites were down.

Luckily most of copying can occur while websites are still running.  Once copy is completed, I will need to take websites down again for about 15 minutes to establish and test the replication link.  This will happen Sunday night/monday Morning.

Monday I will commission the second replicate server and finalize the migration.  After another planned 15 minute outage late Sunday night, there should be no further planned downtime of c9 services.

Release 4.324 October 19, 2012 barney
  • Suzuki Online EPC : fixes
    • Slight bugfix with recently added resume functionality
    • Made import more resilient to network errors. On network problem the importer will attempt to reconnect upto 4 times. Only upon 4th consecutive failure it will hard fail
    • Bugfix: certain diagram images would cause c9 to crash with a memory error.
  • Workshop repair authoritory - print VIN and Engine number
  • Workshop job card redesigned to make it look visually better. Align boxes etc.
  • Broken Promises : jobs whose promise date is today or earlier are color coded red
  • New Report : Workshop Spares Sales
Release 4.323 October 18, 2012 barney
  • Import fiche : include logic to detect if last import was aborted and allow user to resume the import.  Useful for doing full re-import when import source is unreliable (i.e. internet based import)
  • Spares Point of sale : you can now sell parts to unit deals from within point of sale
  • Order book : option to print order book
  • Order book : option to move a part from Daily->Stock and vice versa


Release 4.322 October 17, 2012 barney
  • Unit deals : option to receive onto floor a unit on order inside the deal itself.  Saves you having to back out and goto purchase.
  • Workshop warranty: keying in money received on warranty would break GST component out incorrectly.  Now fixed. Fix will also retrospectively fix existing records
  • Business activity : option to filter out workshop warranty invoices
  • Unit finance sale : recording on business activity was incorrect. Now fixed.
  • Unit purchase ergonomics.  Keying in reference that already exists would throw your data away and load in details of the duplicate unit.  Most often, you don't want this to happen, instead you want it to generate a new unique ID. Modified so it behaves the latter.
  • Unit sale ergonomics in a deal.  Clicking back on a on-order deal would pop unit select browse.  Now fixed
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