This version includes database changes and will force you to log all terminals out first
- Spare parts types and groups now permit configuration of a discount. When selling such parts c9 defaults line discount to this value. Means you can run a limited special discount on items such as 10% off all boots.
- Line item discount in point of sale is now memorized after pressing F6 to view/change stocked item
- Suzuki Price files : c9 can now import the .ZIP file distributed by Suzuki directly.
- Workshop clocking report. Multiple visual fixes. Mainly displaying incorrect unit for techs who are idle or on break.
- Leasing - c9 now contains an ability to run c9 in 'readonly' mode. For dealerships that have closed business but need to retain ability to run reports for accounting purposes etc. Read only mode does not require ongoing licencing but you do not have the ability to raise new invoices in this mode.
- Point of Sale. Display Grand total (GT) as well as stock and order total. Option, configured via setup to display profit margin (M:). If margin of invoice (not factoring in invoice discount) is <cost+17%, (17% is configurable via setup), display text in red.
- Docket invoice : print customer code
- Cancel active order item. Flag item as cancelled for customer/workshop order items as opposed to physically deleting the item from the database, so that there is a record of the fact that a part was originally ordered. (Is okay to physically delete when it is for stocking, because a record of cancellation serves no purpose in this instance).
- Order book : add ability to generate stock order from the book. Other minor visual tweaks
- Bug Fixes
- If you go through a POS sale, select a payment instrument, then back out at the last minute in order to redo the sale to indicate to use customer deposit to pay for invoice, payment method previously selected is recorded on the invoice throwing out cash till. Now fixed.
- Sell unit. It was possible to flag a sale as an account sale and change to cash customer. Now modified so transaction type automatically flips over to cash transaction.