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Release 4.292 May 28, 2012 barney
  • Spares Order Book : more work on building out this new feature. Should be usable now as an alternative mechanism for managing spares orders.  More work is underway, at this stage only small visual/usability enhancements.
  • Change part
    • Re-added change part function : under utilities
    • When you press F2 c9 memorizes previously successfully modified part, and positions browse at that part
  • Add Stocked Parts
    • Default Stk Qty and Max Reorder Qty can now be changed via setup
    • If you add a stocked part with an initial qty greater than zero, c9 will now store a separate stock adjustment record for that initial qty creation
  • EPC diagrams
    • Embedded latest listing of Australian Suzuki models.  Used more reliable method of generating the list than previously.  (Previous list generated from frame listing pdf file).
    • Include option to export EPC meta data as a CSV export file
  • Bug fixes & Tweaks
    • Import parts from Honda EPC into Point of Sale:  it appears as though Honda EPC export partlist file format has changed and c9 cannot cope with newer format. Modified import so it can cope with current format or older format
    • Shared File Copy Tool : bugfix with file selector. Would not open file browser and c9 would lock up requiring you to force exit c9 to continue. Bug introduced with recent addition of image preview on file browse. Now fixed.
    • Dead stock report.  Analyzing sales history was not taking into account when the item was initially added into inventory so it would list stocked items recently added but as yet never sold. Now corrected.
    • Cash Till Report : correct keyboard/tab focus order
Remote access changes May 23, 2012 barney

I just rebuild and installed a new version of c9 remote access java client/applet.  A few minor fixes and tweaks included; such as proper handling of Escape key on Mac OSX clients.

Release 4.291 May 22, 2012 barney

Bugfix : When you f6 a part with intention of modifying qty on hand, under some circumstances the changes are not saved but a record of the adjustment is created.  Now fixed.

Specifically : this will happen if you press f7 while in the f6 screen.  Trying to save the part after this would open error window 'part xxx could not be updated'.  But an adjustment record would of been created.  Problem is two small bugs working in concert.  Both bugs now fixed.

C9 now permits integration into

When the integration is in place, any units you nominate on your floor stock will be synchronized to bikesales.  If you sell or otherwise remove the units from the floor, the listing will be removed off bikesales.

Synchronization happens each night. Listing changes should propagate shortly after 5 am.  C9 will send you an email overnight advising you on synchronization status.


Release 4.290 May 16, 2012 barney

Requires database changes. System will force you to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Workshop
    • Workshop used to have the ability to configure 'merging' of timesheet labour onto a job. i.e. merge on same day, same week, always, never etc.  Since recent changes to add ability to track break and idle time this ability was lost and c9 did not respect the configuration setting and always merged labour. Now fixed.
    • Print workshop invoices. Option to merge all labour into a single line item. Option is in setup.
    • Pickup job.  Recall date displayed is nothing like recall data initially entered into complete screen. Now fixed.
  • Units - add note field on view/modify unit
  • Import OPEA price file - include option to set a base markup if discount % on import is zero. (Franchise markups apply ontop of this)
  • Orderbook - add collapse/expand and added filters for finished parts vs finished orders

On of the most difficult parts of a dealer business operation, and thus the c9 product, to conceptualize and operate is spare parts ordering.  It is also the area where some customers use improperly or even fall back to using manual processes outside of c9.

We are now experimenting with a new visual design approach with the intent of making ordering simpler and more intuitive.  The result of which is now partially implemented in c9.

What we are trying now is to model spare parts like a more classic order book. Where all parts on order are listed and managed from.  The electronic book will convey all the advantages of computerization : rapid searching, filtering and reorganization of the information; yet it will present all information in a single location, just like a paper order book. Hopefully, the best of both worlds.

This is a work in progress and incomplete.  Early results have been shipped to canvass early feedback and suggestions.

Following is main screen shot with key elements highlighted.

Release 4.289 May 15, 2012 barney
  • Orders - added new window called 'order book'.  Experimental new design for order handling trying to find ways to visualise spares ordering system to make it easier to use and manage. Current implementation is incomplete and read only; pending customer feedback. Please take a look and let us know what you think.
  • Bug fixes / Tweaks
    • POS refund. Could not modify amount of freight refunded
    • Fixed printing detail list of txns on business activity report.  Last version damaged this function.
    • Job pickup. Do not open till if warranty repair
Release 4.288 May 11, 2012 barney
  • Tweaks and Ergonomics
    • Tab order : fixed on cash till report and spares refund
    • Business Activity
      • Separate refunds into cash and account refunds
      • Spares refunds : system was miscalculating GST on refunded parts that were not restocked
      • Running report then changing date range would cause error to popup. Now fixed
      • Calculation of inc sales and ex sales on report improved.
    • Spares Ordering
      • Display part + description on add/modify window
      • Refresh line total correctly on adding part
      • Display total parts received
    • Job card : print unit custom fields
    • Job pickup/invoice/warranty
      • Tidy up footer for warranty jobs
      • Print unit custom fields
  • Bugfixes
    • Cancel/delete voucher would fail with error message and exit window. Now fixed
    • Business - trying to change payment method on activity item would crash c9. Regression bug introduced when 2 more instrument slots were added in recent version.
Release 4.287 May 10, 2012 barney

This version includes database changes. You will be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Orders
    • Added notion of being able to flag suppliers that allow shipping direct to customer (i.e. Polaris and Toro) and flag customers for whom shipping directly to makes sense.  When these two conditions intersect on any parts on order, when order is printed user is given option to split out the order (if there are a mix of shipping destinations for parts in current active order), and when shipping destination is to a customer, the alternative shipping address is prominently displayed on the printout.
    • Bug : if you were to order a part and print an active order on different terminals at the same time, there was a slight risk the part would go onto the order being printed but would not appear on actual printout. Result is part never gets ordered.  Now fixed.
  • Quotes. Quotes now track whether or not they have been converted into something else (another quote, an invoice). If a quote has been converted then by default, F7 import will not show these. But there is a checkbox which shows all quotes, open quotes and converted quotes.
  • Workshop warranty : screen was not displaying paid amount from supplier for paid supplier warranty jobs
Release 4.286 May 9, 2012 barney

Includes database changes. You will need to log all terminals out during upgrade process

  • Workshop - added more sophistication to warranties
    • 2 different types of warranty jobs
      • (existing) dealer warranty. Cost of job is born by dealer
      • (new) Supplier warranty where supplier will pay for some/all of the work
    • Supplier warranties track whether or not supplier has paid for job
    • Supplier warranties track how much supplier agreed to pay
    • Ability to run reports that show unpaid supplier jobs.
    • Ability to run reports to analyze difference between cost of work and what you were paid by supplier
    • Ability to bounce jobs around. From paid to not paid, from dealer to supplier and back
  • Business -> Deposits held report. Show breakdown of account deposits held. Including reference description on individual deposits made.  Existing summary of account balance is still visible, but breakdown is also provided.
  • Bugix: Sync to MYOB or Quickbooks. Under some rare circumstances based on user actions it was possible to sync changes to accounting package but for c9 not to record updates made into c9. (If you started configuring a sync, then cancelled it, and then started the sync again and then exited c9 immediately. It would appear to work but the database updates would not actually be saved)
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