- Payment methods
- Added two more payment methods. Maximum of 8 in total
- Redesigned select payment method screen to 'vertically' compress depending on number of payment methods configured. If you configure all 8, window will be very tall. if you only configure 3, window will be shorter.
- Bug with add floorplan costs. System would calculate trust receipt value to nearest dollar in this window. If you went to pay out a unit whose trust receipt was not exactly a dollar figure, system would write a curtailment into the system to the nearest value of the TR. Because of this curtailment added during payout will be incorrect, either slightly under or over depending on rounding. Now fixed.
- Spare parts - print 2 copies of invoices. New setup option : only print 2 copies for account invoices only. Other invoice types will only print one copy.
This version includes database changes. You will be forced to log all terminals out as part of upgrade
- Added gift cards
- Tweaks
- Optimized database performance of key business/cash screens and reports: Activity, Cash Till Summary/detail and business audit. All these functions should now complete near instantaneously, whereas before it could take a few seconds.
- Cash till detailed report. Indicate reference type. i.e. 'W' for workshop job. Activity: show reference type.
- Credit spares invoice. Preset freight/other to credit based on original invoice. Only do this if invoice has not already been credited
- Select Workshop job. Disallow double click menu access. This can create some confusing recursive function access behaviour
- Print A4 Spares Reserve. Print words 'Qty Held', as opposed to 'Qty Sup'
- SMS workshop job ready. Cost in message is now less deposit. Previously was full price of the job. Email notification provides more detailed breakdown. Old SMS behaviour can be reverted. Goto setup, notification. Changes appropriate message by replacing {cost} with {fullcost}
- Merge/Split unit. New units were defaulting to GST exempt. Now default to inc GST
- Workshop. Allow modification of spare part description copied from spares department.
- Bugfixes
- Profit summary : was calculating COGS on spares on workshop incorrectly
- Add similar unit. Recent changes fixed one corner case but created a multitude of problems for common cases. Details lost, price and line items lost and GST exempt status. Now fixed.
- Display error. Sell parts to workshop job, on select job it would show last customer you where looking at on a dealer job. Now blanks out customer details.
- Fix descriptive text on unit main menu
- SEll Unit. Annoying behaviour where if you add a unit to sell, each time you select first wizard pane it pops up a select unit window
A long standing feature omission in c9 has now been plugged. The ability to generate and track gift cards.
Gift cards have the following broad features:
- Generate gift cards internally to c9
OR use c9 gift cards to keep track of gift cards you have already issued/printed. i.e. http://www.plastic-cards.com.au/ - Track various information against cards
- Track gift cards and what they were used to purchase
- Security features that make c9 gift cards difficult to counterfeit
- Use gift cards to service any POS function in c9 where payment method is requested
- Use Multiple gift cards on a single purchase. Or mix gift cards + other payment methods. i.e. gift card + cash.
- Track consumption on a gift card and use it many times for multiple purchases upto the original value of the card
Currently working through a large backlog of items. No newsletter yet, over the weekend hopefully. Also working on new version of c9 that includes Gift Card support and fix a number of minor bugs and annoyances reported over past few days. I hope to get back on top of my workload by end of Monday at the latest.
Apple Mac tragics rejoice. C9 now provides a Mac OSX terminal installer.
Goto our downloads page and you can find it there.
C9 is based on java architecture and because of this it is possible to run it on any modern operating system. It has been tested on Windows XP and onwards (99% of what retail bike industry use), Linux (what Barney uses) and now Mac OSX.
The only requirement is that the OS is able to run Java 6 or above. One of the many limitations Mac users are forced to suffer is that Java availability, in the past at least, on Mac is notoriously tardy compared to Windows and Linux. Getting Java 6 onto older Mac OS versions can be something of a task.
- Support. If something does not work under Mac for whatever reason we will not be able to provide level of support to diagnose and fix such problems as what we can provide for Windows users. If you call us with a Mac OSX problem brace yourself for the possibility that we will not be able to fix it at all. For business continuity make sure you have a fallback plan to a windows machine.
- Some things do not work at all
- Receipt printing (it could be made to work, but currently it probably doesn't)
- Barcode printing does not work out of the box. You have to manually install your own 3of9 barcode fonts to overcome this
- Integration with Windows software, Quickbooks, MYOB, and various EPC systems will not work
- Importing Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha diagrams is not possible. (You can view them though, so import them on a windows computer).
- Some things do not work that well
- Fonts, screens and reports. C9 screens and reports are designed to work with standard windows fonts and layout does not dynamically factor in font metrics. Result is that some instances text layout looks ugly and overlaps other controls/text. Best way to deal with this is to copy windows fonts into you Mac font list.
- MacOS changes
- Changes to better emulate MacOS program lifecycle
- Fix slight difference in behaviour with MacOS Escape key in Java
- Barcode printing. For dedicated barcode printers like Zebra, modified printer handling so c9 intelligently tries to select appropriate media and margin settings automatically. Added a global config switch to go back to old behaviour in case c9 makes a balls of it.
- Workshop Weekly planner
- added ability to add generic notes into the planner
- Added ability to open planner at any time while creating a new job
- F12 customer pickup : order created date displayed will be invoice date for reserve orders
- Workshop bug fix : (regression bug) was hiding completed button when it should of been hiding pickup button. Now fixed.
There are many ways to skin a c9 powered website. Various options available to you to help the dealer you are working with differentiate their online web business beyond the basic controls built into c9 itself.
- Tweaks to UI experience with adding a purchase unit.
- If key in a reference that already exists, do not replace make/model/type with details from existing unit if these fields have already been keyed in
- Fix for add similar unit. Was behaving strangely if unit being copied was as described above
- Spares Point of sale complete
- Show an obvious 'f8 show profit' button
- Pressing hotkeys in complete screen would not work immediately. Now fixed
- Job card - print a footer prominently showing unit type and job description. Also print scheduled mechanic
- Workshop. Ability to set scheduled mechanic in new job or in any of the view job tabs. (Previously could only do it in schedule view tabs)
- Reports - print date/time, & report name at very top margin of report.
- Only on reports, not invoices or barcode sheets.
- Does not export on save as CSV
- Prints on upmost margin. So if your printer is unable to print immediately after the first 1/4 inch of a page will not work.
- Can be disabled in setup on a per terminal basis. Enabled by default
- Bug fixes
- on version 4.279 view unit/rebates button logic was accidently deleted. The button no longer does anything when you click on it. Now restored.
- View/change part (F6). Would not fetch/display last order sent/received details properly. Now fixed.
- Website : add one button option to map all second hand units onto website
c9 online websites with fiche diagrams categorize diagrams into different sections. i.e. 'Rear Wheel', 'Wiring Harness' etc. C9 does this by looking at the name of a diagram and matching it against a rule to figure out what category it is.
The rules built into c9 are tuned originally for Honda and KTM early 2011 but little work has happened since then and there is no consistency across suppliers. Result is as of time of writing this, of the 1.2 million diagrams hosted on c9 powered websites, 15% of those diagrams are located in the 'Uncategorized' section on the website.
Managing mapping of diagrams is tedious work, which is why we created tools in c9 so that you can do this task :-). Read on for more
- Workshop UI tweaks
- Select job. Visual changes to make it more obvious what job is currently highlighted
- Complete/Pickup job : display purchase date of the unit. But only if unit was purchased from the dealer
- View/Complete/Pickup: history buttons allow you to quickly access job history for the given customer or unit
- Sell parts from spares to workshop. Display more info about the job, not just this job number in F10 complete
- Website Settings. Configurable email footer was limited to 1k of text which is not alot. Increased to 16k.
- More tweaks to Toro duplicate part behaviour. If you key in a part that is duplicated, c9 will display all part numbers matching the duplicate.