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Importing Toro Price Files April 16, 2012 barney

Toro part lists have a interesting feature that no other supplier we have dealt with in the last 20+ years have.  Toro contains duplicate part numbers which are sensitive to location of dashes. For example:

Part Number Description
100-3017 PIN-ARM, LIFT
325-11 SCREW-HH[.500-13X2.750,GRZ,YZ]
3251-1 SCREW-PPH[10-24 X 3/7 GR 2 YZ]

C9 can now support such setups.  Read on for more details


Release 4.280 April 16, 2012 barney

Bugfix with prior version of c9 : 4.279.  Typing/scanning superceded/barcoded part number into point of sale would fail with part not found. But if you F2 then keying part number it was okay.  Now fixed. Relates to changes made to better support Toro part numbers.

Release 4.279 April 14, 2012 barney

This version includes database changes. You will be forced to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Units + Web
    • Redesigned UI on multiple unit screens (i.e. view/modify unit, add purchase unit) so web publishing details/images are more easily accessed and managed.
    • Added ability to configure web details (text + pictures) at point of purchase/add unit
    • Added check to publish to
    • Added ability to publish to (backoffice support not yet written. Still work in progress)
  • Spares Point of sale : GST component was being rounded on a unit cost price basis. This could cause inaccuracies for selling cheap high volume items. Fixed by calculating GST on line item basis and using higher level of decimal accuracy during GST calculation
  • Web order email notification. Now possible to configure custom email footers via business -> website -> settings.
  • Import Toro price files.   Toro part numbers are sensitive to position of dashes!  e.g. the following part numbers describe two completely different parts: 325-11 and 3251-1!  Modified price file import to cope with this, but at same time preserve c9 behaviour of being able to keyin part number without spaces or dashes remain intact.  On a per franchise basis is a new checkbox 'Parts from this supplier are sensitive to dash location'. If set then new logic on price file import applies. At the moment this switch can only be toggled if franchise name contains 'toro' in its name. If you key in a toro part number that is duplicated, it will return part already on file prior to this upgrade.  To access duplicated part, press f2, you can see both parts in the list.  For anyone that installs a toro franchise after this fix, then keying in a duplicate part number should yield 'part not found'. You will have to press F2 and select the appropriate part. For Toro parts, approx 2% of parts are duplicated.
  • Point of sale. Optimized database operations that handle stripping leading 'P' infront of Polaris parts.
  • Online backup/Sync
    • if database link was down, c9 messenger would eat 100% of CPU trying to constantly reconnect to the database.  Now fixed by switching into 'pause' mode and checking DB every 5 seconds or so
    • Under some circumstances, web orders would not sync from web server to c9 correctly. Now fixed.
    • Tuned online backup so it should backup images in bulk alot faster with much less bandwidth  (i.e. on import catalog).
    • Do not auto-start messenger on login if database is not c9 database. Prior behaviour could potentially cause problems for dealers that periodically restore old databases who use online shopping. Web orders could inadvertently sync to the archived database.
Release 4.278 April 4, 2012 barney
  • Print Unit invoice. Print changeover/deposit more prominently. Config option in setup to switch back to prior format
  • F7 buy/sell bug fix : was not displaying receive invoice number
  • Import .csv/Excel price file.  Improved logic so that empty columns are only 'hidden' if number of columns exceeds 10.  Makes it it easier to deal with certain file types
  • Import harley price file.  Add ability to set daily buy price % markup. Defaults to 10%
  • Include new version of Harley KPI reports under business reports.
  • Cash Till : debit notes incorrectly appearing as cash taken from till (should be cash entered into till)
  • Import catalogs from KTM. Broken, now fixed.
    • Reason: KTM website is encrypted with SSL. Looks like they recently got a new cert issued by a Cert Authority called 'COMODO'; sometime between 26th March 2012 and 4th April.  This cert is not recognized by Java so java refuses to connect to their web server. To fix I disabled Cert Verification for dealernet.  Wire encryption is arguably unnecessary here anyway, for catalogs at least;  as there is no compelling attack vector for MIM interception. Most other suppliers don't bother encrypting catalog access.

Some operations in c9 require more memory than c9 may have available and are very memory hungry.  i.e. importing and processing high resolution Harley catalog diagrams.  Normally, java's default behaviour in terms of memory is more than ample for c9's relatively modest needs.  Though there are exceptions.  You only need to worry about contents on this page is c9 support have explicitly directed you here.

Firstly, to check how much memory c9 allocates. Select From top menu, Terminal and the System Monitor.  A window will appear in bottom left. The second number indicates amount of memory allocated. e.g.  from below ~ 450  MB.  c9 will comfortably run with 50Mb.  Most terminals will have java allocating itself approx 120Mb or 240MB: which is more than what c9 needs for normal day-to-day usage.



To run c9 and specify amount of memory. First make sure java is not running by selecting File - > Exit and Restart java. Then put following on command line. 512m means 512 MB. Substitute this with amount of memory you want to allocate.


cd \c9

java -Xmx512m -jar startup.jar

After restarting. Select system monitor to ensure memory change was applied.


Web Server Changes April 1, 2012 barney

Modified networking architecture of the service responsible for receiving backups, SMS/Email, and back channelling weborders etc to use non-blocking IO.  Previous version was limited in number of simultaneous connections it could handle to only a few hundred whereas new system should be able to handle thousands of simultaneous connections.  Which is not a pressing issue because typically there is only one connection from each shop. But I want to eventually modify c9 so all terminals sign into the web server, and remove the messenger altogether.

More modifications of backup service.  Fixed regression with multiple messengers running.  Fixed bug causing all backup streams nation wide to serialize to a single thread of execution (poor performance and could trigger replication race conditions).

Release 4.277 March 28, 2012 barney
  • Spares Alter Deposit.  Allow alter deposit on reserve parts
  • Freeform reserve parts where not appearing on reserve. Now fixed
  • Web site : web content was constrained 3k - which typically is only a few paragraphs of web content. Increased to 32k
  • KPI reporting : internal technical changes to make it easier/faster for barney to build complex KPI reports. No functional outcomes yet (HD work in progress)
Release 4.276 March 22, 2012 barney

Requires database changes. You will be forced to log all terminals out first.

  • Workshop clocking changes
    • Ability to clock as idle (at work but not on a job) and clock as on break/smoko.
    • Clocking now memorizes job you were last working on so no need to rekey in job number whenever you clock off then clock back on
    • Tweaks to reports to reflect above information
    • Ability to Set staff type. i.e. 2nd year apprentice. To be used by KPI/Anaytics reports : namely/firstly Harley
  • Catalogues.
    • Import PartSmart Catalogs. i.e. Harley Davidson and Buell
    • Increased max size of model name and yearcode to accommodate Harley's epically long model names (from 50 to 80 chars)
    • Bug fix with utilities catalogue utils/manage catalogues. Was not displaying catalogues correctly
    • Make re-generate categories option available
    • New option - browse uncategorised diagrams
    • When modifying fiche diagram, system now writes a rule into rule database mapping name to category. So when you import new catalogs or run re-generate option, this rule will apply to diagrams with similar name
    • Category mapping : include option to 'crowd source' mapping from other dealers.  At the moment software is in place but it is not yet functional.  I need to add some new things to c8 website to enable it.  More on this in a post in a day or two.
  • Tweaks
    • Print date range on statements if statement date range is greater than a single month
    • Website structure. Added ability to set a 'reference' on a menu item. This will be for use with web API, for web programmers that want to reference content pages by a reference string instead  of an ID. Will also look at building it into URLs for easier iframe construction
    • KPI: Added cloud based KPI hook for Harley Davidson. Temporary setup to help progress KPI items on Harley. Will revert in a week or two.
Release 4.275 March 19, 2012 barney

This version includes database changes and will force you to log all terminals out first.

  • Web orders. Include ability to capture CVV.  To enable this on website, please contact Barney.
  • Email notification: include ability to specify different senders. i.e. instead of all emails coming from for example you can have different sender times, i.e. some from sales, some from admin etc.  Currently this is configured on a per terminal basis. i.e. Depends on what terminal is used to perform notification operation.
  • Customers  -  added a notion of a comment. Provides ability to add comments against different customers and track reminder dates on comments for later follow up. Provides basic shared, customer oriented calendar/schedule system to provide simple Customer Relationship Management (CRM).  These differ from existing ability to add notes on a customer because you can have multiple comments, they are dated and ordered in order of creation and you can setup/clear reminder dates on comments.
Release 4.274 March 14, 2012 barney

Includes DB changes. You will be required to log all terminals out as part of upgrade.

  • Catalogs
    • Added support for Polaris
    • Bugfix with PFG/Softway : radio button to select PFG or softway based login was not working
  • Tweaks and bug fixes
    • Part buy/sell - now shows parts ordered where there was no original c9 order. i.e. part received into c9 via orders but was not actually ordered via c9.  Previously these would not be displayed.
    • Part buy/sell - is now accessible via view invoice, view order and view received order.  Makes tracking movement of parts even easier
    • Ad Hoc order : if no supplier was selected and click on OK, system would popup select franchise window; instead of select supplier window
    • Ad Hoc Order: will ask you to add freeform part into stock. Should never do this.
    • Point of Sale, F2 Deposit. If you press F2 and then press F10 immediately it will clear deposit but keep discount rate.  Normally if user does this it is because the clicked on F2 accidently. Fixed by disabling F10 button until they explicitly set discount rate or discount amount to reduce risk of data entry error
    • Refund parts; default discount to be given to not exceed discount on original invoice less discount already refunded.  Can be overwritten later, via F10+F2
    • Order ready notification. Previously email notifications would send email when any parts where ready, whereas SMS notification could be configured so that sms is only sent when all parts are ready. Rationalisation for email being different is that in email message we explain/list what parts are still on order.  But this can cause confusion and lots of annoying emails.  So modified so that email behaviour is exactly the same as SMS behaviour: either wait for all parts or send on any part: configured during original point of sale.
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