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Release 4.267 February 16, 2012 barney
  • Profit Summary report. Improved and expanded.
    • More detailed breakdown.  Now separates  Sales and COGS on the report.
    • Workshop : reported labour is invoiced labour.  Previously was booked labour. Also previously was incorrectly including labour on estimates.
    • Workshop : separate out profit on spare parts here
  • Other profit reports
    • Spares profit report; only report on credit note adjustments  which match other invoice types. i.e. if workshop+credit notes are selected, then credit notes reported are only credit notes on workshop jobs (and parentless credit notes).
    • Units profit report: was not handling write backs correctly. Write back should subtract on sale profit an add to subsequent tradein sale. It was doing the former but not the latter
  • Point of sale freeform: increase description size from 20 characters to 60
  • Image manipulation
    • Bug with resizing image window, clicking on size and apply in quick succession damages image size.
    • Set business header logo or invoices. Use image resizing system to make managing/cropping dealer logo/header easier
Online Website changes February 16, 2012 barney

Redesigned the layout of gallery items so that text in a 'cell' cannot overflow into the cell below it.  Generally visually improve the layout of gallery items.  Interesting software development lesson in all of this (about accepted wisdom of not using tables to express html structure), but won't bore you with the details.

Also redesigned checkout process so initial checkout page is hopefully more intuitive.  More suggestions here welcome.

Finally, fixed an annoying IE9 bug relating to browser compatibility.



Release 4.266 February 13, 2012 barney

This version requires database changes and will force you to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Overhaul workshop discounting, tax and profit tracking
    • Workshop spares: track cost price for profit reporting. Defaults to current price for existing items on upgrade. (i.e. no profit on workshop items).
    • Discounting Spares : differentiate between group discounts and line item discounts.  Parts discounted when sold to workshop job are treated as line item discounts.  Parts not yet discounted will be discounted by discount % set on the workshop job; i.e. group discount. This not only provides line item discounting in workshop, it solves a problem in prior version where you could accidently double discount a part.
    • Modify spares pricing; modifying spares pricing adjusts line item discount to indicate spares discount has been awarded.  If price is set above current retail price, then retail price presented on invoice is raised.
    • Spares : More accurate tracking of cost price for profit reporting.
    • Default discount: do not set default discount on workshop job if account uses cost or margin based discounting.  These notions exist in spares only.  To apply them, you need to sell parts from spares to workshop setting appropriate discount
    • Workshop item pricing : allow user to modify pricing to set either ex GST price or inc GST price; at users discretion. e.g. in prior version c9 would usually only track one price; i.e. ex GST for labour.  If you wanted to charge $90 in GST, c9 now internally tracks the line item as $90 inc GST, instead of internally tracking it as $81.82 ex GST and recalculating to GST; which can create some rounding problems.  e.g. $12.70 INC = 11.55 Ex. But converting from 11.55 ex back to inc the result is 12.71.
    • Workshop spares: track whether retail price is inc or ex GST, as per above described behaviour. Note the above behaviour changes do not apply to default staff rates.  Labour line items will track modified pricing, but default staff rates is always ex GST.
  • Business : in activity is an option to 'lock' c9.  Transactions inserts or modifications that occur prior to the current lock date are disallowed.  i.e you cannot delete transaction records or insert new transaction records or make certain changes for items that occur in a prior GST reporting period.
  • Bugfix with database connectivity.  C9 is designed to invisibly reconnect to database on network error. But it should not do this while in the middle of a database transaction; because this violates database integrity. Modified c9 to not do this.  Very rare condition because typically transactions only exist for a fraction of a second and if there are network breaks prior to transaction start the process of establishing a new transaction corrects the disconnect. Yet I know of at least once instance where this has probably happened.
  • Catalog fixes
    • Web based catalogs would not save the last two units. You had to run import 2 more times to get these. Now fixed
    • Recent change broke catalogs that use tif encoded images (i.e. Honda/Yamaha/Suzuki). Imported images would be tiny white images with nothing in them.  Now fixed.
Release 4.265 February 6, 2012 barney

Bugfix : online web order processing could send out emails with 'Bolton Motorcycles' hard coded into the email message. Now fixed.

Release 4.264 February 6, 2012 barney

Adjustment to import softway catalogs (Husqvarna and MV Augusta) :  skip over broken hotlinks. In prior version some parts on diagrams in 2012 Husky range would generate a web page errr and cause import to abort. Modified so it skips over such parts.

Release 4.263 February 2, 2012 barney
  • Bug : c9 would allow you to merge parts on order onto different invoice types. i.e. merge 'pickup later' parts onto a 'receipt' invoice.  This should not be allowed to occur. Modified c9 so it only allows for merging onto invoices of the same type.
  • Point of sale at cost:  provide ability to configure, in setup, what cost price to use for calculating at cost.  Defaults to actual cost (i.e. lastincost for stocked items and daily buy for ordered items), can be changed to 'daily buy' or 'stock buy'.
  • F7 lookup catalog. When selecting franchise, only display franchises that have catalogs
  • Terminal Menu - what is my ip address? Add new menu option : what is the servers ip address?  Needed for Dave/Barney for doing network diagnostics
C9 Powered Website Changes February 1, 2012 barney

C9 powered website now have hotspots on the catalog diagrams.  Web shoppers can now click on diagrams directly to browse and order items. Try it yourself:

Release 4.261 & 4.262 January 31, 2012 barney
  • Tweaks to BRP import
    • Include Can-am ATV as import option
    • Corrected description of Spyder import option
  • Tweak to PFG import : make sure engine displacement is part of model name. i.e. instead of 'CR', it is 'CR 125', 'CR 250', etc
Release 4.260 January 31, 2012 barney
  • Website : left hand menu bar can be setup so that clicking on a menu item will link you to an external website.
  • Point of sale: option to sell parts directly to a unit.  Sale is actually treated as a workshop sale, workshop job is automatically created and then finalized as part of the point of sale process.  Saves having to go through workshop workflow when all you want to do is sell a couple of items to a floor unit.
  • F12 pickup : display earliest creation date for orders involved for a given invoice
  • Catalogs
    • image processing improvements (better image scaling, better/faster clipping).
    • Update Suzuki Aus bike listing.
    • Import from brp website.  Can-am Spyder and Sea-doo Jet-skis
    • Import from softway website, via Paul Feeney.   Husqvarna Motorcycles and MV Augusta.
    • Usability : permit double click on catalog unit listing to drill down to actual diagrams
  • Bug Fixes
    • Receive order: somehow a received part ended up on an active order. Modify F12 receive to check active/printed order as well for parts ready for pickup.
    • MYOB chart of accounts : structure was being inferred based on account numbering system. Modified to reflect the precise structure as managed inside MYOB, without regard for the numbering employed.
  • Internal software changes
    • Switched to latest Clarion 8 IDE.  Carefully audited software, function by function, and am confident in quality of migration
    • Restructured code so that projection from network map to 1:M hierarchy is much smaller, 1/1000 of what it was.  Excessively large map projection was causing older Clarion 5.5 IDE to crash.
Ongoing Networking Gremlins…. January 31, 2012 barney

Problems with sending email via c9.  An ongoing network configuration issue means that some email channelled via c9 cannot reach its destination.  I was hoping that our provider would of fixed the issue by now but they are dragging their feet on this :-(. In meantime be advised that some mail delivered by c9 or email from myself directly will not necessarily get there.

UPDATE: all fixed now.


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